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Did you know? Up until now, 1510320 players have died on the pitch.
Right Stuff
Block (30k)
Diving Tackle (20k)
Side Step (20k)
In the year of 555 a great Chaos God of Vengeance and Hate descended upon the old world to instill his fury in the body of a great champion of chaos, Porgoth the Destroyer. This mighty and feared chaos warrior was to become the Avatar of the nameless God and through him His divine wrath would spread across the old world. However as a result of some miscommunication from His lesser demons (the secretary was new) and a small logistical error the power and fury was instead instilled in the body of a small goblin named Poogy. Poogy was ten years old at the time the whole thing had a seriously worrying effect on his grades at school.
Immediately after the famed match against Khemri, where the Wrath wrought terrible destruction upon their enemies Poogy was given the gift of the "block", and was determined not to let it go to waste. Up to that time Poogy had scored no casualties on the field but the next match was to take place against wood elves, and he knew if he ever had a chance to hurt anyone ever, that time was nigh. Unfortunately for the team the reputedly soft and squishy elves turned out to be anything but, and the goblins' originally belligerent plans were somewhat foiled. A chance did come however, when the wood elves thought they would do the star wardancer's young 9 year old brother a favour and let him come on the field and they would all pretend he was the best player ever to try to help him out with his shyness and kind of bring him out of his shell a bit. Poogy saw through their clever ruse however, identifying that his team's success or failure hung on exactly how permanently he could maul this unlikely, but surely magnificent star player. He didn't know much about him other than that apparently his name was: 'This is my young brother take it easy on him okay?'.
Taking him out was sure to be a dangerous task, but one that he could not and would not shirk from. His testicular assault part way through the next drive was blindingly effective, crushingly effective one might say. His victim died within seconds, (most likely for the better) and Poogy thrust his two grisly and somewhat squooshy trophies high, instilling something not so very far from fear, and certainly extreme discomfort in his foes, and causing lots of those short intakes of breath through clenched teeth that people reflexively seem to do.