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Thick Skull
+MA (30k)
+ST (50k)
Dodge (30k)
Guard (20k)
Eoin is as hard as the iron whose name he bears. He is big (for a Dwarf) and strong and fast.
Eoin is a fanatical trainer. He loves the gym and scoffs at those purely lifting 'elf-weights'. His programme has Mondays and Fridays for arms and chest, Tuesdays and Thursdays for legs and back. Wednesdays he tries to relax with some flexibility and core strength work before an intense cardio session focussed on short sprint and rapid recovery training.
When the weekends come he reaps the rewards for this discipline. He is as quick as a Blitzer; strong enough to wrestle a Black Orc into submission. His tackling skills can keep an Elf from fleeing and when he does land a blow he hits like an Ogre.