+AG (40k)
+AG (40k)
Block (20k)
Leap (30k)
Pass (30k)
Sure Hands (20k)
Having bought a stupendously magical and very heavy suit of Chaos Armour at a local flea market, Anduin Leaflitter Featherbranch, formerly of the the shady glades of Lothlorian, tookup Blood Bowl to earn some hard cash.
Desguised as a mighty follower of the fell powers he signed on with chaos team "Claw FTW!" as a frontline man simply because it pays more.
He impressed with his ball handling abilities in the try-outs and was offered several lucrative contracts, including one from the Chaos All-Stars that included an 'all you can eat' halfling buffet before and after every game.
Being a vegetarian is harder to fake than wearing a suit of magical armour on a field rammed with psychopaths, so he declined and took up with the "Claw" lads.
Having signed on the dotted line as "Alf", so as not to lie, he decided to fake his abilities for a while to disguise his pointy eared ancestery.
Gradually, during the opening few games and training sessions he has allowed himself to drop the ball less and less and if asked, says he thinks he has magical gloves as gifts of the gods."Claw" fans and coaching staff nod sagely at this- 'That explains it' they say, nodding their heads in approval,'well known fact that the gods want us to win'
In pre-season he won the Spike! magazine "Most promising Rookie to watch out for during the actual season to see how he does and other stuff" award and the "Claw" fans are very excited to see how he does.
He is currently working on his punching technique in order to prolongue his career.
"Alf" also has a few suspicions about the Warrior calling himself "Crabby" (due to his massive orange armoured gauntlets).This player, just like "Alf", never gets changed in the locker room, dosn't go to team meals at "The Slaughterhouse" and last week, threw a pass half the length of the field.
Another one to watch maybe..............
Game 49......he threw a full length longbomb after some outrageous dodging to earn the Claw a late draw vs an Orc team in the Allstars tournament 2015....neither team used any of their 4 apo's even though there were some massive beasts on the field.After the game Lord Borak, who'd had a steady game in the midfield for Claw, declared that Alf must be favoured by one god or another..........enigmatic as always.
Game 67......Alf was killed by a werewolf but reassembled by the doc....