44 coaches online • Server time: 16:57
Dirty Player (20k)
Two Heads (20k)
<b>Fouling Casualties:</b> 6
Game #82: Really sucked this game. Two fouls with enough assists but can't do injury.
Game #91: Committed one foul that resulted in a stun then proceeded to sleep in the KO box from midway through the first half to the end of the match.
Game #93: Almost killed Grug Beest, a Flesh Golem from Prey for Death with his first and only foul of the game, but it Regenerated.
Game #95: Played like total garbage. One foul stun and out.
Game #96: Once again played like garbage. One dodge out for the touchdown but fell and seriously injured himself (MNG). Cost us the win.
Game #100: Thrown out on his second foul without the Eye on him. Useless again.
Game #110: Fumbbl Cup IX Round 3. "Hoof Stomped" and seriously injured (-MA) an Elf Catcher, Jason the hammer. Thrown out on his very first foul.
Game #111: Fumbbl Cup IX Round 4. Seriously injured (MNG) by a foul from Skull Crushas but he was Apo'ed. "Hoof Stomped" and badly hurt a Black Orc but was thrown out by the Ref on his very first foul again.
Game #112: Four fouls and only stunning players at the most. At least he didn't get kicked out.
Game #113: WoC II: Champion Of Khorne. Two fouls and two serious injuries caused on the Ogres of Turpajaiset. Was badly hurt after his second foul.
Game #115: First foul of the game and badly hurt a Thrall. He was thrown out of the game for it.
Game #117: Almost killed a CPOMB Chaos Dwarf but their Apo worked like a champ.
Game #119: One foul and thrown out of the game.