54 coaches online • Server time: 20:36
Block (20k)
Dirty Player (20k)
Wrestle (20k)
<b>Confirmed Kills:</b> 3
Game #51: Killed Erik the Lost a Rookie Norse Blitzer from Ursfjordings with a foul.
Game #60: Killed the Troll, Moss Man 2.0 from the Chaos team, MotB with a foul. Regen failed.
Game #64: Unable to injure anyone with dirty player.
Game #70: Three fouls but only able to Stun even with plenty of assists. Finally thrown out of the game for his incompetence.
Game #72: Killed Muskel, a rookie Longbeard from Double Layer with a foul. Thrown out of the game for it.
Game #82: Committed four fouls in the game and badly hurt a Black Orc from the Orc team, Reavers Go Box, before he was thrown out by the Ref.
Game #88: Two fouls on a CPOMB Nurgle Warrior. One stun and the other an epic failure where he was caught by the Ref (1,1) and thrown out of the game. Put his team in a bad position and allowed the other team an easy touchdown.