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<table border="solid" bordercolor="black" RULES=NONE FRAME=border bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td align="center" bgcolor="#003300"><font color="FF9900"><!--
-->Phosphate is a major nutrient.
It is taken as H2PO3(-) or HPO3(2-) anions, the form varies with soil pH.
The 6th most common element in plant by mass. Has major functions in cell energy metabolism and nucleic acids.
Commercial nutrient number one.
The biggest issue in managing phosphate concentration in soil solution is its strong affinity to absorb into iron and aluminium oxidesand hydroxides. Changing the buffered phosphate concentration in soil solution takes a lot of phosphate added to soil by fertilisation over many years.
Agricultural soils contain huge amounts of phosphate unavailabe to plant life but if moved by erosion into bigger pools of water the soil particles saturated with phosphate will release the huge amounts P they possess into water bodies and cause eutrophia.
The Baltic Sea is an example of too much phosphate in wrong place.<!--