Krikack was brought back from the lands of Khemri by a fan favorite scroll that the Buccaneers got in the KickStarter project.
Krikack is now the Greatest Player for HUMANITY of all time...cracked the 600SPP barrier in his 245th match
Krikack has been KILLED 10 times in his long carrer but his best BFF Johnny the legendary Apoth is always ready with his apoth healers kit in the dug out.
Krikack is the most low down dirty fouling Ogre in the history of humanity. He has a nasty mean streak running through him.
the dark quest has been completed. The spell cast. Krikack part Duex is no more. His body was consumed by the dark powers of an Amethyst wizard to bring back Krikack Bone Tooth from the grave.....Now Krikack the Revenant has been born and he will bring pain and suffering to all that he faces
From this point forward Krikack part Duex will be known as Krikack, Avatar of Destruction.
Follow the tale of Krikack: Avatar of Destruction
Only Human Ogre to ever perform a LARSON!!!
The first installment was a smashing hit...
Lets see if the much anticipated sequel can top it.
The story continues.....
A lone Ogre went on a pilgramig to the burial grounds of Krikack. When he was possessed by the tormented spirit of Krikack. Now that Krikacks spirit has found a body suitable for his emmense power he has rejoined the Buccaneers to finish what he started.....Win a major and run over every silly fool who tries to get in his way.
Now Krikack Part Duex is a possessed juggernaught of destruction hell bent on reaching Legendary and raising Krikack Bone Tooth from the grave to rejoin the Buccaneers. Most likely by the ruinious powers of chaos or some such...Krikack Part Duex is just to boneheaded to figure it out.
3 Games in and he is rolling...3 TDS and unstobable once he gets the rock in his hands....a good start.
Game #11 and he has 8 bone heads in the game. 3 in a row at one point..just stood there looking in the stands with a blank look on his ugly mug.
After game #3 he has slown up and is now fishing for SPP and cant find any.
Close calls for Krikack
Game #6 took a nasty shot to the Nads for a SI-MNG.
Game #19 Took a 6 man DP shot with no apoth for MNG
Game #35: Another underhanded DP with 4 man assist fails to break armor with no apoth back up.
Game #42: SI-MNG on a low down dirty foul
Game #51: A auto break AV low down foul that bounces off his iron shod jock strap for a stun.
Game #55: Antoher auto break AV low down DP foul that glances off his noggin for a KO
Game #71: Was KILLED!!! but the apoth was johnny on the spot.
Game #72: Took a 5 man DP shot to the nads for a KO with no apoth backup.
Game #76: Takes a 2 assist foul, not dirty....Bounces off his iron shod Jock Strap....But that is how the first Krikack bit the dust.
Game #78 and he takes 2 DP fouls with 7 Assist!!!!! But the iron shod DP boot's just glances off his warpstone infused jock strap.
Game #82: The run to legend allmost comes up short when he takes a 7 man DP foul with no apoth back up, but the shot hit is head and just bounced off.
Game #99: KILLED!!!!! but the apoth was johnny on the spot...He pro rerolled into a double skull and allmost paid for it with his life. Took a 5 man DP foul!
Game #101: Took a really low down goblin dp foul....bounced right off.
Game #102: Took a DP foul in a massive scrum against the foes of chaos....denied!
Game#109: Took a turn 16 5 man non dirty foul but it glanced off his iron shod jock strap. With no apoth back up.
Game #110: Charged on a Multi block but miscalculated the ST of that Dragon smashed in the face and took a BH with out Apoth backup...what a rookie move that was.
Game#112: Took on a coven of Vampires...surrounded by 4 of them they finally took down Krikack and sent in the dirty boot for a SI-mng with no apoth back up.
<b>Missed games due to Niggle: 2</b>
Game #19 and Krikack skills up to 31+ SPP after a stellar 2 CAS game and upgrades his ST... This is starting to become scary.
Game #25 and Krikack catches a long pass and starts his stride to streak in for the TD!!!! but then proceeds to bone head 3 times in a row and the half runs out of time.
Game #27: Krikack takes it to coach synn and the dead bunnies...gets 2 CAS after he was BH and the Bucs send in the early apoth to save him... That was all it took for the possessed spirit of Krikack to roar with rage and decimate the bunnies....skills up to 51+ and gets BLOCK!!!! look out now!! Krikack is on a roll and head hunting from the grave through his tormented possessed body.
Game #28-41: Krikack is just rolling along fishing for CAS and pleading for the Rock to get some more TD's. It has been a tough stretch for Krikack as he cant seem to get back to back games going and seems to be hot and cold right now.
Buccaneers need Krikack to summon the spirit once again as they get ready for the Lustrian...That was the original Krikacks coming out party...lets hope it goes the same for part Duex!
DENIED!!! Krikack spends the first 5 turns of the Lustrian in Bonehead and could get nothing done tongiht...Bucs go down in a hard fought 2-1 loss.
Game #43 And Krikack gets two CAS to skill up to <b>76+</b> Fails his aging for a -MA, The power of Krikacks tormented spirit is weighing heavily on his possessed body. He is slowing up as the burden gets larger.
Game #46 and Krikacks avatar of destruction makes it to half way to Legend. The power of of his possesssed body grows every game. Until he will be reborn!!!
Game #47 Buccaneers take on the Extraordinary Brotherhood in a titanic throw down. Krikack goes toe-to-toe with the Brotherhood and gets a CAS. Holds his own all night, not one bonehead, and takes on the Legend Forester Howler all night. Both players trade blows all night but neither could land a "good" blow. Maybe a preview of a future legend show down?
Krikack leads the Buccaneers into the FC and his date with destiny! The tormented spirit of Krikack yearns to become mortal again. Can Krikack part duex lead the Buccaneers to victory and the coveted Fumbbl Cup Championship and the coveted Healing Scroll for Krikacks glorious return to the Fumbbl pitch.
Well Krikack did all he could in the FC but his talents or effort was lacking. Bucs go down in flames and the tormented body of Krikack pulsates with thoughts of revenge and death. The humiliation at the loss has sent Krikack over the top.
8 Games post FC and Krikack cant find a CAS!! his rage has made him flail around like a punch drunk sailor.
Game #63 and Kirkack was en fuego!!! got 3 CAS.... went in on a nice blitz multi block and got a SI-N and a SI-N!!! his first double CAS block!!
Game #69 and Krikack performs a heroic feat...a Larson!!!! he was all over the field and performed at maximum power. <b>Skills up to 126+ and fails his ageing roll for another -MA...the tormented powers of the possessed Krikack are rippling through his body now..the day of reckoning is allmost upon us...will part Duex perform his sacred task and ressurect Krikack from his tomb? or will the weight of this titanic inner struggle be to much for part duex and he is taken down on the pitch so close to the end.</b>
Game #76 & 77 sees Krikack Part Duex laying into lowly linos and racking up the CAS, gets a TD and earns an MVP...The power of Krikack Bone Tooth grows as the time for his ressurection is approaching.
Game #87 and the opposing coach points out the bad grammar in Krikacks last name. Claims it is misspelled French! Well Krikack having no idea what French is he takes this as a personeal insult at his intelligence and his mom so he takes it out on one of the offending coaches players and Kills him! He can spell part 2 how ever he freaking wants to...point out the bad French again and you get the horn so to speak.
Game #92: LEGEND!!!! Lightning ripes through the skies........... In the process of the dark ritual Krikack picks up a niggle as the power was to great for his mortal body to contain. Picked up Pro as his last skill, his malevolent powers allow him to bend fate to rend and tear players apart.
Game#:93-102: Krikack is really eating up the SPP like pac man at this point.He is finding CAS victims every were and picked up some MVP's....Went over 1,000 blocks in game #102
Game #114-115: Krikack just goes off!! delivers 5 CAS in two games and has 31 Blocks. He seems to be gettng stronger and more brutal as time passes.
The Avatar of Destruction is roaming...he is on a quest to hurt, SI and if you really make him mad KILL your pixels...he is one pissed off Ogre.
********************* This is when Krikack was brought back with the fan favortite scroll. ***************
Game #127 Krikacks first match after he was brought back from the KPL and retirment. First block....SI-MNG on a low down zombie...welcome back big guy.
Game #139: Krikack is enfuego since his return, racking up 49 SPP since his return.
gAME #141: Krikack takes on an entire team of Orcs and staves them off for the entire match until T15...when they finally get him on the ground and send in the boot. SI-MA, apothed to SI-AG.
Game #145: CD scumm get laid out..4 CAS and a KO who never returned from T4. Gets the big block at the end of the game and BH's the bull, steals the ball and seals the victory.
Game #158: Krikack has been back for 31 matches and has aquired 97 SPP. He is a monster on the loose and ripping heads off right now.
Game #160: Krikack is KILLED!!!!! but the dark powers save him. Krikack feels indebted to the Dark Powers so he no longer wears the traditional shoulder pads of Ogre kind. He now goes bare chested and has a massive tattoo of a ancient power on his back, it pulses with dark energy. Apoth FAIL for -AV
Game #161: Gets a chainsaw stuffed up his butt and sends him packing on a turn 1 foul. It was just ugly watching the big lug limp off the field. The AV break roll was a 13 so the -AV did not matter. But for some reason those orcs did not bring the KY.
Game #163: Krikack blows through a client bug when he fails bonehead on a INT but uses PRO to reach his big hand up in the sky and INT the ball.
Game #166: Gets his first multi CAS on Multi block...goes for a RIP and was a glorious moment.
Game #173..1000 match for the Buccaneers. Krikack takes on the Hellbound and rips them to shreds. 4 CAS and totally dominates. DeMaio is sent to the BH box by Krikack and after the match he is retired in shame and sucked back into the void.
Game #182 and Krikack is KILLED!!! on a low down non DP with 1 assist foul. But the dark forces once again coalaece around Krikack and stave off the killing blow.
Game #183 and Krikack is BH, apoth back. Takes a SI-ST and the Apoth sends him back out. He then takes a 8 man DP dog pile shot for a SI-MNG. Newscasters where all over his butt in this match.
Game #184 and Krikack is KILLED!! by a bomb. Lands between his legs and he just stares at it. Has no clue what to do and then KABOOOOMMMMM!!!!!!! Apoth rushes in and saves Krikack from the killing blow...but ALAS! the gromrill jock strap of power has been cracked and bent. How much longer can Krikack survive now that his magical jock strap of power has been destroyed?
game #186 Krikack goes off on the Boys in the Hood for 2 SI and a RIP. They were cat calling him all game about the -STATS he has taken. He showed a really good burst of speed and range on that RIP. No comment from the Boys on that one.
Game #191 and Krikack take a SI-AV, Apoth into MNG. The big lug is laying down on the midline after a opening turn PO and then another one of those strange black things with a buring rope lands right on his gut. KABOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!! Krikack comes to in the middle of a crate with bandages all around his gut and face...what happened? Krikack is developing a serious phobia against bombs.
Game #199: And Krikack is sent to the RIP bin on a DP/SG 5 man assist foul...But his new Jock Strap of Ultimate power is enough to stave off the killing blow for a BH.
Game #201: Krikack gets blown up once again by a bomb. Sent to the the KO box and he fails 4 straight KO rolls. Just curls up into the fetal position and refuse to play.
Game #204: Krikack is KILLED in the FUMBBL Cup by a low down CPOMB beastman. But the apoth was Johnny on the spot and brought him back.
Game #208: Krikack beats the living tar out of some poor fools and takes the #1 ALL TIME TOP CAS player for humanity.
Game #217: Krikack goes off with 3 CAS (2 for RIP with regen fail) and gets the MVP. Goes over 500 SPP. Only second player in the history of humanity to do that.
Game #220: Goes over 200 CAS for his career. Only Human player to even record that many CAS.
Game #223: KILLED by the dreaded CPOMB!!!!! But the legendary Apoth rushes in to the rescue.
Game #230: KILLED by the low down DP boot!!!! The Great Maw punishes Krikack and strips him of his AV. Krikack now runs around with the faith in the Maw to deflect any blows. His skin is iron hard now and he has green glowing tattoos of the Maw to protect him.
Game #231: Krikack is going off, laying out the PO and racking up some CAS. And then a stupid rookie Lino in a TZ non the less. Lays out a limp ass boot on the foul. CRACK!!!!!!!!! Krikack is sent ot the BH hurt box with an ice pack on his nuts.
Game #244: Krikack is KILLED!!!! on the opening block of the match, by a SNOTLING!!!!!
The Snotling woodshed encounter
Game #245: BREAKS THE 600 SPP BARRIER to become the greatest of ALL TIME human player. Finishes the match off in style with a T16 INT to save the tie.
Game #251 Krikack wades into the skaven vermin and racks up 2 SI and 2 RIPS!!! A lowly rookie Gutter who jumped in front of him and a
Rat Ogre...tracked him down and laid out the Pile On Blitz for the RIP!!
Game #258 KRIKACK is KILLED!!! on a 7 man assist DP shot to the nads BUT once again Johnny was on the spot and pulled the big lug out of the grasp of the Maw.
Game 260: Krikack blows off the LOS to start the match, multi-block..SI-AV and SI-MNG...DOUBLE CAS MULTIBLOCK!!!!!!
Match #262 and Krikack takes the CPOMB full on and is laid out cold. Takes a SI-N but Johnny runs out and saves the day.
Match #264 and Krikack's run of greatness comes to and end with a nasty DP shot to the head against he Hellbound Charioteers. Johnny runs out to save the big guy but alas...Rip, APOTH fail, RIP ensues.