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Nurgle's Rot
Do not mourn or pity Karsten Johansen, dear Blood Bowl fans! Despite of what the sigmarites and other imperical agiators may claim, The Great Father's Children loves their father and one another as intensely as the Great Father loves them all, and although Karsten was the first of the Father's Favorite to die, he did not die in vain, as a new Child entered the flock in the very same match! There is no greater joy for Karsten than having contributed to spreading the Great Father's love, and there is no doubt in my mind, that Karsten would have willingly made this great sacrifice, even if he had seen the chainsaw coming at him!
<i>Part of a match-commentary by the always impartial Stunty Leeg Commentator, Halfdan 'The Vile Pus-eye' Rasmussen.</i>