If Ctrl+Alt+Del is the king of shitty gaming webcomics, then VG Cats is the scheming vizier with a sinister goatee, plotting to take the throne as all the pieces fall into place. It is trying, oh how it is trying, to be the worst fucking game-related webcomic in recorded history. It's aiming for that dubious title like the World fuckin' Series. Walk with me, reader, through the timeline of history as we uncover the twisted path that VG Cats has walked, the slow descent into the very sewers of the Internet and beyond.
So, why is it bad? Why, why, why. That's all you bitches ever want to know. I dream of a day when you accept my word as gospel. But all right, I'll indulge you one more time and explain in loving detail the crimes of VG Cats.
As evidence by the latest strip, Scott Ramsoomair is guilty of quite a few webcomic sins. Notice the cut-and-paste - you can tell it's trying to out-CAD CAD, can't you? You see, much as a maintained camera angle might be easy to do, it's boring. Throw in some closeups, change angle - a few small things like this will have people looking at your webcomic in a new light! There'll be dancing in the streets, ticker-tape parades, joy bestowed to all mankind! Except if your webcomic is VG Cats none of that will happen, because it'll still be VG Cats.