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"Does the Force look like a bitch?!"
?Mace Windu
Mace Windu (auch bekannt als Zeus Windu, Shaft Windu oder Mace Windy Doodoo) ist der übelste Bro der Galaxis. Er war sein ganzes Leben lang Rapper und war immer in einer Gang. Er entwickelte zwei neue Rapstils: Den Ewokrap und den EwokGangsterRap.
Zudem ist er irgendwie auch der beste Lichtschwertkämpfer der Galaxis. Und er hatte viele sinnvolle Zitate
"I have had it with these muthafraking sarlacc on this muthafraking starship!"
?Mace Windu
"Basic motherfraker, do you speak it?"
?Mace Windu
"We're gonna be like three little snow-kings. What's the snow-king like, Yolanda?
?Mace Windu and Yolanda
"Fuck it."
?Mace Windu almost every minute.
? Mace Windu whenever he won a lightsaber, blaster, or Yu-Gi-Oh duel
"What the heck?!?!?!"
?Mace, seeing Padmé and Anakin doing it
"What the fuck, Anakin? You cut my arm off!
"That was intended..."
I'm gonna motherfuck your woman when I get back as a ghost! (Bzzzt)"
?Mace Windu, master of threats
"Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfraking droids in this motherfraking war!"
?Mace Windu, sometime during the war — not confirmed, but it would have been motherfraking cool if he did!