rookie wood elf lineman who played only five games for the legendary coached by
Rijssiej. He was fired after being seriously injured by a halfling...
Achievements as Rotter at Nurgle's service:
Mnemonix threw the first block on the line of scrimmage against "Fallerets3" and badly hurt human lineman "Exposició!", opening a
rough first tournament match for the team that ended with a victory! He was punished later on by a human blitzer who managed to break the former wood elf's neck in a brawl between three humans, four rotters and the beast. His ambitions have surely changed towards hurting things, maybe he's even looking for a particular halfling...
In the team's 10th game (his 8th), right after he had learned Mighty Blow, he broke a super star Pestigor's neck (-ag) without his opponent being able to regenerate.
1st level up (game 8): Mighty Blow (chosen by coach Rabe)
New scars:
1st game:
Pinched nerve (NI) caused by Slann lineman Harry Pox in the game's 2nd turn.
2nd game:
Broken Neck (-AG) caused by human blitzer "L'Antiga!" in the game's 2nd turn of the 2nd half.