27 coaches online • Server time: 13:17
Against Nurgle's Pukes:
Your Thrower starts a Foul Action.
Dodge Roll [ 5 ]
Your Thrower dodges successfully.
Succeeded on a roll of 4+ (AG 2 + 1 Dodge + Roll > 6).
Go For It Roll [ 4 ]
Your Thrower goes for it!
Succeeded on a roll of 2+ (Roll > 2).
Your Thrower fouls Huey:
Armour Roll [ 6 ][ 3 ]
Rolled Total of 9 + 1 Offensive Assist = 10
The armour of Huey has been broken.
Injury Roll [ 5 ][ 3 ]
Rolled Total of 8
Huey has been knocked out.
The referee didn't spot the foul.