Original team member
First Catcher
Member of the Wheel of Chaos VIII winning squad
Game 7: Smashed a rookie halfling's hip and learned how to Tackle opponents properly through it.
Game 11: Smashed a rookie linerat's ankle and was awarded MVP for his relentless, albeit unsuccessful efforts to stop the Skaven from scoring.
Game 12: Mighty Blow
Game 19: Took out killer wolf
Natty Ice in turn 3 of the game with no chance for him to regenerate, only one turn after knocking out the other wolf so hard he couldn't return for the rest of the game. Later he also knocked out wight
Huff n Puff Cantblowmedown - he basically took care of the opposed strong players almost by himself.
Game 24: Smashed a Beastman's collar bone (-st) on turn one of the game.
Game 26: Was awarded the extra MVP award as a prize fir his team's win of Wheel of Chaos VIII (2517).
Game 34: Missed due to a gouged eye.