Joined the team for game 69. Left the team after game 101 to head off to his new job at the Altdorf Museum.

"Quarterback" (Made 5 completions in one match.)
Also achieved by Nogli.
Top 10 entries before leaving the team
(last updated 2012-04-21)
#2 Active Dwarven Top Passer
#2 All-Time Dwarven Top Passer
(#1 from 2012-03-10 until 2012-04-15)
#2 Active Highest Passing Dwarf
#7 All-Time Highest Passing Dwarf
#2 Active Highest Passing Dwarven Runner
#4 All-Time Highest Passing Dwarven Runner
1st Level Up:
Pass (game 3)
2nd Level Up:
Accurate (game 7)
3rd Level Up:
Wrestle (game 13)
4th Level Up:
Tackle (game 18 | estimated: 17)
5th Level Up:
Strip Ball (game 25 | estimated: game 27)
6th Level Up: game 58 (estimated)
Old Scars
Game 25: Aegil got his neck broken (-AG) by the brutal elves of
High and Mighty Blow. In the same game, he achieved the "Quarterback" badge, Skilled at 76 SPP and became dwarven all-time top passer (
Game 32: Aegil got his collar bone smashed (-ST) by
Passing Attack's
* * *
Did you know? Before Aegil joined the Agility Monsters, he was a treasure hunter, exploring forlorn sites and ancient crypts. Once he stumbled upon some
bones in a building that he identified as an ancient Blood Bowl arena. Though the bones were old, the dust seemed to not have settled
for long and he even discovered a perfectly okay ball between the humanoid remains! His inherent nosiness urged him to find out more, and after he had stored away his discovery in a bunch of boxes, he went on a new mission: exploring the bloodbowl field! The first dwarven teams he stumbled upon had a rather rough, straight-forward style of play that didn't fit the vision he had received when investigating the bones and the old field. Finally he spectated the Agility Monsters when they played in the 5th Lustrian Challenge and decided
they would be the right match. Fast, agile and cunning as he is, talent scout Groin quickly decided he'd make a decent new runner for the team.