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Block (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Huge, Green, and by far the strongest Orc on the team, Snagrog Deadeye is the self proclaimed Boss of the Head Krushaz. With a savage demeanor which makes even his fellow Black Orcs quell in fear, Snagrog is indeed a sight to behold on the field. He considers himself and his Black Orc companions the team's elite and the most important members. While this statement is up for debate, no one has dared questioned him...or at least none we know of.
While Orcs are known for fighting, Snagrog literally breathes for it. Be it off pitch signing autographs or on pitch in the center field, he cannot help but swing a punch at someone. Its simply a matter of how long he can restrain himself. While on the Blood Bowl Pitch, he completely lets himself go. Alongside his three fellow blockers, it is a common sight to see Snagrog and his fellow Black Orcs amongst the thickest of the fighting and smashing heads.
As a Black Orc, Snagrog takes the sport of Blood Bowl very seriously and is ruthless when it comes to the team's play on field. His fellow Black Orcs follow his commands to the letter but to his dismay the other Orcs tend to ignore him or are too occupied doing their own thing. This only angers Snagrog and proves to him just how much better he and his blockers are in comparison to the rest of the team.
It is his intention to show those in the Open Leagues that he and his boyz are the strongest there is and what better way to do that than to break some skulls?
Blood Bowl is a lot of things but one thing it is not is kind. Snagrog has recently received a crippling injury. After a werewolf embedded its great claws into his chest, Snagrog was believed to be dead. Fortunately the team's apothecary managed to fix him up. Unfortunately the wound never fully healed and now Snagrog moves at half pace, his gaping wound failing to have healed fully. As a result Snagrog can now be regularly heard within earshot groaning in discomfort. To the surprise of many none of the other Black Orcs seem interested in attempting to replace him.