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+AG (40k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Zogoth got his title "Da Crusha" from his old wrestling career in the OFF (Orc Fighting Federation). Reputed for breaking the rules of fair play and brutally murdering any of his opposition, despite instructions to do otherwise, Zogoth was quickly booted out of the Federation. Unfortunately this did little to stop Zogoth's murderous streak. In fact this made it worse as Zogoth started ambushing and beating up locals around Middenheim. Unfortunately for Zogoth, he eventually met his match when trying to flatten {Read: Step on} a poor Goblin whom he had caught in an alley.
The Goblin fled through the streets but found itself cornered. Zogoth was about to crush the tiny Greenskin until he heard a rumbling behind him. Before he knew it Zogoth was in the apothecaries and had been told a Troll had struck him from behind.
During this time, Zogoth was recruited by the "Puny Humie" known as Geralt Yivaril into the Head Krushas. Since then Zogoth has found a medium with which to vent his violent impulses. Unfortunately this also means he is even more wilder than ever, littering the streets with bloody and battered bodies. The Head Krusha's recently formed legal team has its work cut out for them.
It seems Zogoth's ever violent nature has managed to pay off outside of a good morning exercise with the local authorities. He has found a talent both in dexterity and ball carrying making him an ample figure in the Krushas offensive play. Unfortunately for Gorbash, his position has now been supplanted by Zogoth, something the Blitzer is less than discreet about much to Gorbash's displeasure.