-Constant clashes between management and the head coach over the way the team should be run force the early retirement of The Lizard King. During his time he was the greatest fling the team had every known. Never scared to take to the air, any loose ball was his for the taking. He will continue on as the head agility Coach untill a better player comes along.
Awesome Replays Turn 7 1st Half Fling Mafia are outnumbered 7 to 10, both Trees have taken root, Slann are stalling and bashing. Suddenly THE KING sees a slim opening. Dodge, dodge, dodge, GFI, GFI, 2 die block uphill. POW! Slan cant recover the ball. TD denied.
Number Of Times Badly Hurt:
World Records: All Time
#16 Highest Spp Fling.
#15 Top Scorers Tree/Fling
#6 Top Scoring Fling
#2 Top Scoring Fling CRP Only