Zebediah was once the favoured son of a noble family, the rulers of a small fiefdom in the Badlands. Proud, aloof and mean, Zebediah was everything that was required of him. He proved a particular talent at the noble pursuit of jousting and his signature ice blue lance was known throughout the land as one to be avoided. Zebediah may have had a normal life and carried on as most spoily nobles do had he not invited the Sage into his home. He was disillusioned with his life and knew there must be more to it than tormenting peasants and competing with his brothers. Little by little his life was subverted by the teachings of the Sage as he pledged his soul to the god Hech'zeen who taught that every man had it in his power to be a legend, all he had to do was set the wheels in motion. This came to a head when his brothers confronted him, the backward and superstitious part of them combining with their hatred for their ever talented brother. Zebediah was forced to fight for his life, ultimately slaying his 3 brothers. His father, the King, was disgusted and banished Zebediah who vowed to return to one day claim not just the fiefdom but the whole of the Badlands as his rightful domain. The Sage was never seen again.
Guided by the strings of fate Zebediah wound up seeking employment as a mercenary, forced to wear a cowl to prevent others from seeing the results of his new master's affections. He was noticed by the recruitment scouts of the Changers while putting down a peasant revolt in Stirland where they saw how he dodged and weaved in combat like a man possessed and it didn't take much to convince Zebediah to take a shot at fame and power on the pitch. He still carries the splintered remains of his once foridable lance, it's bright blue tip a keen reminder of all that has been taken from him and all that will be returned once again.