17 coaches online • Server time: 03:46
Block (20k)
Guard (20k)
Mighty Blow (20k)
Moments of greatness:
In the dying seconds of the first half, all seemed lost. The cage was broken by an irritatingly agile skaven and the ball had been stolen by a Dark Elf. Dodging from zone to zone, the pointy-eared git raced for freedom and threw the ball far down field.
Knowing it was hopeless, the Outlaws did what they do best: bash. They kicked and bit. They elbowed and gouged. They stamped and spat.
Through all the mayhem, with the clock running down and bodies flying everywhere, Jahusa spotted the ball. Lumbering towards it, he scooped it up and heaved it down the pitch to Hagdish Gung. Flying straight and true, the ball landed smartly into the waiting blitzer's sure, but surprised hands.
Free of all impediments, Gung scored and the Outlaws went on to win their tenth match 1-0."