-One of the quickest skilling trees the mafia has know. A suicidal tree to be sure constantly dodging into space and throwing unsafe blocks. He will be missed!
Sponsored By: ClayInfinity
-ClayInfinity has graciously agreed to sponsor Giuseppe for the session he will pay all medical bills and bonuses. In exchange Giuseppe has promised to promote ClayInfinity's product.
"ClayInfinity's Divinity Bath Salts and Shampoo. For the elf in you!"
Awesome Replays:
Turn 1 Second Half Pact fumble the ball deep in their half. 'Brick Top' gets to his feet dodges into space and hurls 'The Spoon' into space. 'The Spoon' in turn lands perfectly and secures the ball in a tackle zone before dodging out to freedom. He managed the same move in turn 7 of the same game but with a re roll.
Claim To Fame:
Played In The Teams 50th Game
Players Badly Hurt By Brick Top:
Players Seriously Injured By Brick Top:

Players Killed By Brick Top:
Number Of Times Badly Hurt: