Gobmuncha is, even for a troll, especially hungry. He is constantly fighting the urge to reach out, grab one of his goblin team-mates, and eat them. He has at least learnt not to go for the ones with weaponry; in an early training session he ate the team’s first looney, and it was three hours before the chainsaw ran out of fuel...
When he remembers not to eat goblins, and focuses on the job at hand, he is pretty good at hitting opposing players.
Career highlights
* Racked up 11 casualties in his first 18 games... but then went ballistic
against wood elves, breaking the jaw of a lineman, fracturing the leg of a strength-boosted thrower, and badly hurting another lineman.
* Followed that up against
a slann team, smashing the collar bone of
the kroxigor - though the frog apothecary fixed that and left him with a fractured leg instead.