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He might be a bit clumsy, tripping over his own feet while going for it. He might be a bit uncontrollable, ignoring orders to throw a block at the guy right next to him for several turns in a row. He might even be a bit lazy, having huge trouble standing up to move or even blitz an opponent. But when his blood boils and the red mist overtakes his vision, he will leave no-one standing, sending Big Mutant All-Stars' star blocker Tentacle (S5 warrior) straight out of the game after a brief but exceedingly brutal head-butting contest in his first match for the team.
He continued his rampage by ripping off a zombie players foot in a match against Deadman Raises, but after deciding he doesn't like the taste of rotting flesh as much as he had hope, he threw it in their dugout, where it was promptly reattached.
Apparently some of the blocking lessons the offense coach has been shouting to Biggoretusk "Biggie" Thrashhoof have paid off, since he continued with a luminous performance against Dead Man Rises: first smashing their rookie blocker out of the game with a bad injury and then moving on to break the leg of one of their veteran hobgoblin players, necessitating a serious recovery period.
Fans of the team had been wondering how long it would take for Biggie to get his first MVP. It seemed to be hanging in the air, along with several limbs from his victims, after all those highlight reel blocks. Finally in a match against the crafty skaven team of Neverwher did he get it, after a showing that included a massive hit that the poor bastard on the receiving end had to be stiched back together by an apothecary to stay among the living.
Biggie continues to be a presence on the field, again smashing an opposing player into tiny pieces just as the game started. Sadly his rampage ended up leaving him susceptible to being pushed off the pitch and that is just what the opposing team did, throwing him out of the field after several failed attempts where he was set upon by Baggers fans and he got a nasty injury in the legs. He gave as good as he got though, although that might have been the reason the wandering apothecary could do nothing for the injury.