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After a largely lackluster opening game fans were doubtful whether Fastgust would be able to pull himself together and create something on the pitch he suddenly ended up with the ball after a great play by fellow linemen left him open. Mistbreeze saw his chance and after blitzing through the Skaven lines he handed the ball off right in Fastgust's waiting arms. He didn't delay for a moment and immediately ran for the endzone scoring the decisive touchdown in the closing moments of the second half.
Coming into the second game the weight of expectations was squarely on the team's other catcher, Freewhiff who had missed out on scoring in the season opener. He delivered the goods, turning the heat back on Fast, but he wasted no time scoring a new goal and putting him back in the lead for scoring. He was surprisingly confrontational in the post-match interview, throwing the gauntlet in front of his team-mate and asking him to try to score over half the goals he will score during the season. Thankfully the coach knows, that a bit of friendly rivalry never hurt anyone and fans are already placing bets on who will end up on the losing side of history.
With yet another final touchdown in a game, Fast keeps racking the points, even though this time it wasn't going to be enough to win the game against Peace and Love Freaks. Still, training in agility and careful sidestepping will surely be useful in future matches, he swore in the post-match interview. It remains to be seen whether that holds true.
Getting the MVP of the match was small consolation to poor Fastgust, after both a loss for his beloved team and after tripping while making a dodge carrying the ball. To add insult to injury the team never recovered the ball after he dropped it and his mistake resulted in the Crazy Flying Skinks scoring. Furthermore he landed on his head with such force, that he shattered his collarbone into bits so tiny that the team apothecary could do nothing but shake his head in disgust. This has fueled much speculation about him perhaps retiring from the team, but with the team in such dire straits it is, for now, looking unlikely.