Legolas was my best player. He was brave and jumped into cages to block the ballcarrier moved alone against strong teams and did his best.
His last game was over very quick and the whole team was shocked.
He was killed in round 1 of enemies offence and the Apo wasnt able to do anything for him. The Woodstock Steelers lost the game 5:0 and an other very important player died too...
Stats - 31.05.2013 - Day of Death
Top-Star - 360 SPP
- All-Time, B-Box, Woodelf, All: Rank 1
Top-Scorer - 99 TouchDowns
- Active, B-Box, All: Rank 2
- All-Time, B-Box, All: Rank 6
- All-Time, B-Box, Woodelf, All: Rank 1
Oldest Player - 86 Games
- Active, B-Box, Woodelf, All: Rank 2
- All-Time, B-Box, Woodelf, All: Rank 3
- All-Time, B-Box, Woodelf, Wardancer: Rank 1
Highest Rushing - 1092 Yards
- Active, B-Box, Woodelf, All: Rank 3
- All-Time, B-Box, Woodelf, All: Rank 5
- Active, B-Box, Woodelf, Wardancer: Rank 1
- All-Time, B-Box, Woodelf, Wardancer: Rank 2 (lost Rank 1)
Missed Games: 4
Suffered Injuries: 67
KO: 42
BH: 16
Broken Jaw (MNG): 1
Fractured Leg (MNG): 1
Smashed Hip (MNG, -MA): 1 Used Apo after Smashed Knee (Niggling)
Serious Concussion (-AV): 1 Used Apo after Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
Killed: 1 Used Apo after Killed
Apo Used: 4
Smashed Hand (MNG): 1
Smashed Collar Bone (-ST): 2
Smashed Knee (Niggling): 1
Inflicted Injuries: 8
BH: 2

Pinched Nerve (MNG): 2

Smashed Hand (MNG): 1

Broken Ribs (MNG): 2

Broken Jaw (MNG): 1

Serious Concussion (-AV): 1
Most TDs in a game: 5 (1 times)
Most CPs in a game: 1 (5 times)
Most CASs in a game: 2 (1 times)
Most SPP in a game: 17 (2 times: 4TD-MVP; 3TD-1CAS-1CP-MVP)