19 coaches online • Server time: 03:29
Full name: Ogulai
Position: Lineman
Player mentality: Loyal
Squad status: Experienced
Reputation: Local
Achivement: Proud wearer of the first spiked boot ever produced in Dzhafarov (It was Zakirs idea to attach a spike to the boot to make fouling a bit more fun). Zakir retired this
Dark Elv. Killed this
Zombie with a block in the 'Birth of a Team' game.
History: Unknown. Ogulai came wandering to the village one day all alone. He was a malnourished, dirty and naked and no older then 4 years. All he had in his possesion was a little heart-shaped black rock hanging from a rope. He still wears this 'neckles' at all times, even when he sleeps. If you ask him what he his he will give you a look that makes you not wanna ask another time.
Made his first foul in his 7th game and it felt good. Later that night he went back to practice on his own to refine his technique on fouling. The Coach saw him running around trying all kind of weired stuff and could not help herself from laughing. The young man looked very embarrassed when he understood that Nadia had been watching him. She gently patted him on the shoulder and told him that fouling was not so much about finess as it was about blunt violence. You don't need fancy moves like those weak races you need to be putting fear in the other team and you also need to scare the referee so he looks the other way she told him. Ogulai looked demoralized and asked how a rookie lineman can amount to this kind of respect. Nadia gave him a smile and said "don't you worry so much son, let the coach do the thinking for you. Go home and get some rest and tomorrow at practise you will understand". When Ogulai showed up for practice the next day he found that a vicious spike had been added to his boot. A grim smile spread over his lips and he realized that Nadia Uneska was the best thing that ever happened to Dzhafarov.