Name: Brok Anvilforge
Race: Dwarf
Height: 5'01" Weight: 220 Pounds
Hair: Black Eyes: Brown Beard: Black and Short
Brok is the third son of Artemis Anvilforge, and arguably the most handsome of the Anvilforge men. When his father decided to create a team to compete in Blood Bowl, Brok began to study the game. He found it to be very intriguing and decided he would represent his family and Clan Anvilforge on the pitch. Not one of the most athletic dwarves, he was happy taking on the position of blocker, getting the chance to get down in the trenches with his fellow dwarves and mixing it up with their opponents. Career Notes: Proving that he is one of the more handsome dwarves on the team, he has received 5 MVP's in the teams first 14 games. However, to show that he isn't just another pretty face, and that this popularity has not gone to his head, he has become adept and assisting his team mates with their blocks and Guarding them from opponents. He has also developed a Mighty Blow that he can deliver with his blocks. He has also been seen Piling On top of his opponents causing them even more pain and sending them off the pitch for medical attention.
Most Casualties in a game: 2 vs 3 Lions
Normal Skills:
Stand Firm
Grab If Doubles Then:
Jump Up
Diving Tackle