Weeping Dagger
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He grew up near a nuclear power plant, which turned out to be the best thing ever...With two heads, he had more eyes to look at girls noses. He loved those noses. Sometimes he would crawl into a lady's room and would just watch her aaalll niiiight loooong. Then he would reveal himself and because he was a gigantic rat, the lady would be like, "whoa, you're a gigantic rat!" Sometimes they would scream after that. Because rats are scary, especially two-headed ones. But there was this one time when the girl didn't scream. She said, "oh you poor darling! Let's be good friends!" And the rat said to her, "I don't want to be friends! I just want to look at your nose!". She paused for a moment, then said, "well, I supposed it wouldn't hurt. And you're in such a sorry state, with two heads and all, that I do pity you." And he lived happily ever after with that girl's nose. But not really. Because she turned out to be a pussy. Literally. She was a cat, very, very hungry cat. However, because she was a nice cat, and pitied that rat, she decided not to eat him. So it turned out okay.
One day the lady cat and the rat were sitting around together, and Ms. Kitty commented, "you know, one of your heads is larger than the other." In fact, it had always been this way. The rat had always considered himself lucky to have two heads, because it meant he had four eyes, four ears, and most importantly, two brains. But since one head was smaller than the other, that also meant one of his brains was smaller than the other. And he was often very confused, because two different brains would tell him to do two different things, and there was a good chance that one of those things would be very stupid. Like the day he decided to visit the lady cat's house, and the stupid small brain told him he should jump out and reveal himself to the hungry cat. The stupid brain was always telling him to do things like that.
The big brain was much smarter. He always tried to listen to the big brain, because he knew it usually made better decisions, but it was difficult, because the big brain's decisions weren't always as fun. The big brain would tell him to sit and think calmly about decisions, but the small brain was always excited, and would just tell him, "run!" The small brain thought running was fun. That's why his parents decided to name him run. Because he would often break into a run for no reason.
Since Run was so good and running, his smart brain thought he should at least put this skill to good use. He thought about joining useful professions, like stealing cheese from mice, and directing the sewer rats. But for some reason, the stupid brain thought it would be a good idea to play football. The smart brain thought it was a stupid idea. Football is a terrible game, and it would probably just make the stupid brain stupider. Also, he didn't like getting his butt spanked by elves. Elves (especially ones that play football) are weird. They should live in tress, like proper elves. But the stupid brain wouldn't listen to any of this. He just wanted to play football. Because it meant he could run a lot, and that was fun. So, for the rest of his days, Run played football. And Ms. Kitty watched from the side as a cat cheerleader. Which actually worked to his advantage, because the opposing team would always be like, "why the hell is there a cat in a skirt here?" But then they realized they were a bunch of fictional animals playing football, and none of it made sense anyway. So they all lived happily ever after.