Roko Mash retired on 30th July 2013 after suffering his third injury against the Chaos squad "Apostles of Retribution". Strong Blocker with Guard skills, developed over the months into a extremely powerfull player adding speed and agility to the mix. He could never phisically and mentally recover from his first injury and he paid a high price for it: He got both ankles smashed no long after. It was obvious to everyone that Roko would never be the same again. Time had come for retirement.
Turn | Run | TD | C | Pass | MVP | SPP | Blk | Cas | F | Int | W-L |
32 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | (0-2) |
Tournament Games
L Black Box Brawl LXXXIV
L FUMBBL Black Cup V
**3rd ALL TIME BLACKBOX HUMAN OGRE with 8 MVP (30th July 2513)
**4th ALL TIME BLACKBOX HUMAN OGRE with 81 games (30th July 2513)
**5th ALL TIME BLACKBOX HUMAN OGRE with 396 blocks (30th July 2513)
**7th ALL TIME BLACKBOX HUMAN OGRE with 98 SPP (30th July 2513)
**7th ALL TIME BLACKBOX HUMAN OGRE with 29 Casualties (30th July 2513)