Also known as "The Hollow Man", as he managed to earn not a single star player point throughout the 9 games of
Library I: 15 blocks, 1 foul... keep your Faith!
Took part in all 10 games of 2nd season (2x The Pinnacle Cup, 8x Library II) and therefore earned the new nick: "The Mascot".
Library II stats: 27 blocks, nothing else... until the crowd elected him MVP after his 17th game without any achievements... Result: 5 Ssp.
The fans really love their "Mascot". Throwing 2 blocks in 1 game was enough to earn another MVP in
Library III... Result: 5 Spp.
New season, new nickname.
Library IV saw him on the pitch for all five games, and even better, he did something rewardable there. Intercepting, Passing, scoring and CAS'ing, all in one
game. He's now an official "Larson" (formerly known as Faith). His season's stats: 25 blocks, 23 rushing yards, 1 completion. He scored twice, interecepted once and was elected MVP for third time in total. Did we mention the Larson yet? ... Result: 18 Spp.
Only 13 blocks during 3 games of
Library V. Not a season to remember... Result: 0 Spp
Member of the
Library I,
Library III,
Library IV and
Library V winning rosters