Raised into a goat-herding family, Hermund left home at an early age, seeking fame, fortune, and frankly, an easier life than the basic subsistence his father was able to provide to his numerous children. Headin fof into the world with little education, few possessions, and no clear plan, this naive adolescent soon discovered that his greatest asset was the strength a life of farmwork had given him. A former bouncer, miner, enforcer, lumberjack, man-at-arms, city watchman, dock porter, farmhand, bare-knuckle fighter, bear-wrestler, and circus strongman, Hermund has now spent several years providing muscle for Japh in those situations where a troll or minotaur would attract too much attention.
After the team's 2nd match, when he was able to barrel through the flimsy Gloom Elves for a touchdown, Hermund soon discovered that this wealth of experience could be applied to allow him to throw a more powerful BLOCK.