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Olo was famous throughout Silverfish Isle for his cultivation of Ologrow Moss - a fertiliser that saw marrow production in the region more than triple in the five years it was used liberally by Silverfish's farming community. In the sixth year, however, it was discovered that excessive consumption of marrows grown under such conditions resulted in strange mutations in the hands which bestowed upon the victim an extra two fingers. Luckily marrow has traditionally been the least - eaten of all the vegetables in Siverfish Isle, and the news went largely unreported, allowing Olo to quietly stop production of Ologrow and focus his talents instead on pottery. The Chaos Dwarfs who destroyed his workshop can still be easily identified even today by the extra didgits that they mysteriously sprouted a year later.
*Olo managed 6 games before being flattened by a Dwarf and twisting his spine into a vicious curve. Now he is useless for Blood Bowl, and retired back to Silverfish to tend to his pottery once more (the fact that his injury means he has a constant stoop doesn't seem to effect him too much in this.)