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Kurt and Karl where the two depenandable blitzers of the high school team, they where the terrifying two to be reckoned with all ways getting into the thick of the fight side by side, defending each others backs from all comers.
Even after school they stayed as a tag-team threat, taking places in any kind of fighting contest or doing mercenary bodyguard work to earn their keep and fill their bellies with meat and ale.
It was during one such mission, escorting a lesser noble through the outskirts of Grimsby and back to a trade caravan route till his retinue arrived from the next city to take over, this was later to be found to be an ambush.
The terrible two as they became known where separated straight away with a 2 pronged attack, Kurt re-acted first out of the two, drawing his repeater pistol and firing it so fast it seemed automatic firing. This noise spurred Karl into action to help his battle brother.
Upon seeing their charge fall too an attackers blade, Kurt makes his way over to the fallen noble while Karl is being pushed back. Together they make a stand back to back to defend their fallen charge and return his body to his family.
The enemy realise too late what has happened and they soon flee knowing the main deed is done, on returning back to the city they are soon placed under arrest and brought before the Baron, they tell their story but he is doubtful as they are mercenaries of the town, instead of execution he sentences them to the pits.
There they stayed a tag-team threat, until TCO returned to rescue the 'Boys of Mayhem'