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Hailing from various norscan bandit keeps The Raiders were originally drafted as a traveling rag-tag team known as the ‘Malaficent Soul Reavers of the 5th God Brood of the Dreaded Axe’(...hence the logo). However many norse stadiums would turn down their incentive to play. Not because of their suspicious affiliation with the Renegade God but because of their absurdly long team name. Many norsemen are known to be illiterate and putting that name on the away-board simply wasn’t conceivable. When they on rare occasions did get a game a hastily scrawled ‘5’ was usually the norm. But then a well known - but inherently unsuccessful - franchise went up for grabs. ‘Malaficent Soul Reavers of the 5th God Brood of the Dreaded Axe’ founder and coach - Esbjorn 'Doom' Spiderson - acted quickly and cut a deal forming The 5th God Raiders. He promised the board headed by infamous franchise-owner ‘Bowl Cut’ Daeviz that he’d do all the scouting and recruitment for free. He had a special and very cheap method that - with a bit of luck - would generate a remarkable and lethal squad in no time. CIBBL+ was going to be their first venture unto the big scene. Join us! You know you want to... SEASONS Winter Year One - W/D/L - 1/0/2 Game 1: vs. Sisterhood of the Thorn, 3-0 win Game 2: vs. Bringers of the Black Plague, 1-2 loss Game 3: vs. Proud Dandy-Lions of Al-bion, 0-2 loss Recap: Inaugural match saw The Raiders - probably looking like any human rookie team - welcome a squad of fresh-faced female elves. The Sisterhood seemed quite surprised entering the dimly lit (and hurriedly dug out) Raiders’ home pitch. Their confusion rapidly turned into utter terror when the renegade boots trampled every downed elf and they never really re-surfaced from the abyss again. The Raiders on the other hand played flawlessly and the first game became a great victory. 2nd match was a bloody clash vs. a lot of small and a few very big rodents. Omar quickly injured one of the skaven rat ogres and The Raiders spent most of the match trying to recruit (eg. kill) another. In the mayhem the wee slave rats ran away with the ball and - eventually - the victory. Last game was played out on a frigate piloted by a pack of tanned Blood Bowl pirates. A strong and well-coached team. They protected their valuable positionals expertly and The Raiders really weren’t playing at all in this one. The high of the first game seemed suddenly very distant... No malalifications this winter but a healthy squad ready to preach the Omen of the Boot come spring. Tournament MVP: Kracox Omar - for his crowd-pleasing fouling abilities, a touchdown and a squashed rat ogre in game two. Spring Y1 FOE3 - W/D/L - 1/2/2 - 4th out of 6 Game 1: vs. Datashi Mazokus, 2-0 win Game 2: vs. Women's Order Magna Domina, 1-1 draw Game 3: vs. Legion of Excess, 0-3 loss Game 4: vs. Bringers of the Black Plague, 0-2 loss Game 5: vs. Sisterhood of the Thorn, 1-1 draw Recap: 1st game of spring saw The Raiders traveling to the exotic - but freezing cold - Nippon. Facing a struggling (and some say cursed) team. An erratic Oni seemed to be their migtiest weapon on paper but it had a terrible off-day rawr’ing - instead of maiming - at crucial moments. The Raiders seized the momentum denying the nipponese a TD in 1H. Volgey ran in a quick one in 2nd half. The outnumbered nippons desperately tried to get the ball rolling but were swarmed again ending with Doom getting a second TD and securing the win. Hester Axem even recruited a hapless nipponese journeyman with a merciful boot to the face. Good 1st game! For game two another sisterhood was lured to descend into the newly constructed Pit of Allegiance (but still unfinished because of lacking capital). Strong believers of some puny god they saw themselves as pure and indestructible. They weren't indestructible... WOMD took the lead but The Raiders absorbed every hit without waning. The ref was harsh though. Five players (and Coach Spiderson!) were expelled for minor illegalities during the game.Very ‘ruley’ ref... 2nd half started amazing. Three sisters felt the penance of Malal and Drearyn ran in a superbe TD. The sisters tried to score a late winner but again found themselves surrounded by tough resistance in The Pit. The draw was a fair result. Then a slaaneshi horde materialized for the next game. A difficult team to arrange a game with but when they finally appeared they shredded The Raiders without mercy! A humiliating defeat with much futile fouling and slaaneshi claws ripping through renegade flesh with ease. Captain Drearyn was mortally wounded but recovered. His soul has been tainted now and he'll have to fight even harder to convince the coach - and the owners - of his future with the team. Forth bout was a reunion with rat arch-enemies The Bringers. Spilled blood and death a certainty in these games. The Raiders elected to receive despite facing 5 frenzied beasts on the LOS. It paid off and a biggie went down. Boots first made the rogres feel the hurt. One died but was saved by the skaven apo. The slave rats darted around the carnage eyes on the ball. The Raiders couldn’t pick up today and defended poorly. Drearyn was MNG and maybe the fouling of rats just seemed more appealing. Then Boneripper - a heavily mutated specimen - took a bad knock. Bang! Dead and a crack of thunder was heard above the stadium when Malal licked his lips. The slaves took hold of the ball and scored. 2nd half was more of the same. The slaves fouled even more and The Raiders weren’t in the mood for TD’s today. The got themselves a mighty asset. The defeat was collateral damage. Last match of the season saw a rematch vs. winter opponents Sisterhood of the Thorn. This time around the elvettes were better prepared but Boneripper made it hard for them. They got the opening score but at a price. Come 2nd half The Raiders began dishing out the hurt. The Sisterhood did succeed in sacking Drearyn but he bounced back with a casualty and a TD. Despite the heroics of the captain Boneripper was the main attraction of the game getting his 1st fatal CAS in the Raiders’ kit. Tournament MVP: Hasax Krow - many might ponder that the 3 TD’s of Volgey Drearyn should secure him the title. But with his niggling injury the award has to go to Krow and his awesome recruitment of Boneripper. Summer Y1 BWM3 vs. FOE3 - W/D/L - 2/4/0 Game 1: vs. 13th Horde, 1-1 draw Game 2: vs. Amanar Archivists, 2-1 win Game 3: vs. BBC Inter Miragliano, 1-1 draw Game 4: vs. DarkLand Wolf Raiders, 1-1 draw Game 5: vs. Lybaras Death Rattlers, 2-1 win Game 6: vs. Sylvaneth Slayers, 1-1 draw Recap: A horde of badland bullies showed up for first game of the season. But they were a sorry bunch having been through some very tough games recently. Lots of journeymen lined up to get their teeth kicked in on the LOS. The Horde struggled to get the game flowing and The Raiders finally unhooked the ball from their primary runner. He bounced back and valiantly scored a difficult TD. The Raiders equalized midways through 2nd half trying to force a defensive onslaught and a sack for another TD. The Kurgan held their ground and came close to a win but the officials called time on them just short of the EZ. A lothereinian ship arrived with the next opponents. A team of stout sea elves rumored to have some sort of mysterious secret agenda. The Raiders have an agenda as well! Boot those elves in chain mails to oblivion - and possibly win the game while trying. No secret here. Boneripper and Co., didn’t really live up to their agenda of carnage. The Ratogre stood in the center and growled most of 1st half and both Krom and Staile caught the eye of the refs far to early while stomping elven faces. But Holghor Doom and Volgey Drearyn really played wonderful BB today and scored a great T8 TD. The elves started out 2nd half aggressively but Boneripper was also waking up. His tentacles helped choking The Archivists’ plans and they were forced to score rather early. Again the Doom/Drearyn duo took control of the attack and despite Doom being sacked they managed to scoop up the ball and win the game. Next up were a Tilean team of mercenaries. A tough and capable bunch led by a dwarven lawnmower of destruction. The tileans attacked first and looked set to score but The Raiders lured them into a trap and wrestled the ball off their elven thrower. However the well playing BBC blitzer Aron Summer and a lucky bounce made it possible for them to score anyway. Now The Raiders could equalize before halftime but a riot and two very mediocre attempts at passing the ball by Jotoris messed it up. She’s walking a dangerous path... 2nd half and an explosive opening with two removals on the LOS meant The Raiders and Volgey Drearyn could score rather easy making it 1-1 - fouling really made a difference but unfortunately the juicy elven thrower refused to die. The tileans had a small (... or actually rather big) chance to get the win but the elf had had enough and rejected to pass the ball to Summer. Sneaky power-hungry hobgoblins showed up next dragging a bunch of chained up violent black orcs and a troll. They recieved the ball and two rookies and a merc took big punches on the LOS. But they stood their ground and kept the big orcs busy. A couple of very talented hobgobs tried showing off but quickly Krom stomped one into the turf... badly, and the other got caught by a Deeke Knox fist. They scrambled in panic but somehow scored a TD anyway. The REAL Raiders recieved and played a cheeky fake maneuver which confused the opps. Jotoris really tore up the astro-turf after catching a pass by Doom but her bad knee tripped her up. The green goons tried hunting her down but she got the TD. The Hobgoblins hoped to get a 2nd into the EZ, but couldn't grasp the paasing game today. Again The REAL Raiders swarmed the ball and after a surf they almost got an opportunity to get the win. Third draw of the season. In a cloud of sand a khemrian outfit rattled onto the Pit of Alligiance pitch for Game 5. The Raiders had no previous experience with playing versus the undead and this may have contributed to the riotous start of the match. The deadites received and began their rattling march toward the EZ. The Raiders defended vigorously and Boneripper even shredded their ominous (and overly buff) skeletal snake Serpentine Suph-rah. But The Rattlers got the TD and a chainsaw wielding skeleton injured three Raiders in the process. Lucky for us the refs spotted his gory shenanigans and threw him in the sin-bin. 2nd half and now the game went into high gear. Hasax Krow caught the kick right off the bat and assisted by an efficient (but reroll consuming) Boneripper he succeeded in scoring a quick TD. The Death Rattlers had to move fast now to get the win... They overstretched their offense and Jotoris aided by a Drearyn blitz got her elven hands on the ball. She (ofc) bungled the pass to Holghor Doom who had snuck around a thinning Rattler line-up. It landed in a good spot and Doom nimbly recovered it and launched towards the EZ. The Rattlers threw in the towel and he scored the winning TD unopposed. Dryads - furious forest spirits... Last game and if The Raiders could get a win it would secure them 2nd place. But they faced the other unbeaten team of their bracket. The Raiders was off to a good start and the blocks and fouling hurt the opponents. The Doom/Drearyn combo worked like a charm and Jotoris also played well. Drearyn got 1st TD. The Slayers received 2nd half. The ball gave them some trouble and Drearyn went hunting - the twig with the ball ran into a dead end and was taken down. Jotoris snatched it up and passed it to Doom. But entangled in sticky branches it turned into a scrum. Doom got it into his hands again but a blitzing shrubbery took him down and stole the ball. The Slayers combined superbly to equalize last turn. Moment of the game: the crunchy recruitment of Autumnpine by the boot of Heggs Krom. Tournament MVP: Holghor Doom - Holghor has emerged a talented ball handler this season. He agility and bold plays have been a big reason for a summer without lost matches. If he’d only been able to hold on to the ball late in the game vs. the Slayers it would have secured the win - inexperience obviously (not bad coaching...). Autumn Y1 Tin Division - W/D/L - 1/1/3 Game 1: vs. Women’s Order Magna Domina, 0-2 loss Game 2: vs. Chupayotl Croakers, 2-2 draw Game 3: vs. Proud Dandy-Lions of Al-bion, 0-2 loss Game 4: vs. Followers of the Bronze Sun, 0-1 loss Game 5: vs. Lybaras Death Rattlers, Win via forfeit Recap: Without Boneripper the line-up vs. WOMD looked frail and underwhelming for the 1st game of autumn. Only the addition of Autumnpine was exciting to behold. The match started out horrendously - as expected - and the Sisters rained showers of brutal blows on The Raiders. Apostate Damon had been hired to threaten the thick-skinned women with his daemonic claws. He got a couple of opportunities to bring down Olga but no luck - all attempts were futile and fruitless. No sisters were persuaded to join The Raiders this time around. A grade-A wash out... 2nd game of autumn fared a lot better - with Boneripper back The Raiders had a good start to the game. But an error - resulting in the near-death of Doom - opened up a small window of opportunity for the Slann and they leaped to glory. 1-0 down The Raiders had to take chances - an almost disastrous strategy ended with a confused Boneripper on the ball. A miraculous hand-off later Bane had equalized! The defensive line of the Slann was thinning out and they had to score fast (which they ofc did) facing imminent annihilation by superior fouling. Doom - momentarily fit after his mauling in 1h - turned on the turbo after receiving a succesful hand-off by Drearyn. A quick pass later Jotoris ran in the equalizer (and Doom was put down again!). Good match nonetheless. Then the Dandy-Lions arrived on their proud vessel. Last bout vs. the sartosans was abysmal and the deroute continued here. Doom failed a crucial block while being on the ball and then everything went south. In the end a possible recruitment looked to sweeten the defeat a bit. A veteran pirate and a welcome addition to the team. But Malal rejected him to the Land of the Dead. Speaking of dead. Ka-Sabar team Followers of the Bronze Sun brought their mean game. The Raiders crumbled like cheap origami and nothing worked. The infirmary was filled with bruised players and when Foulhorx Staile was fouled off the pitch midway through 2H the humiliation was total. The Followers finished the game as only team represented on the field - disaster! Last game is going to be tough… ...but went smooth. Because it never happened! The Death Rattlers and Raiders simply couldn't agree which dimension was more suitable for the match. An embarrasing coin-toss gave Raiders the win. Tournament MVP: Autumnpine - In a horrendous season Autumnpine grew stronger. She/he really fought well and got through the scrums unscarthed. That's impressive in itself. Many Raiders crumbled during the disastrous rampage of autumn. Winter Year Two - W/D/L - 0/0/3 Game 1: vs. Black Death Avengers, 1-3 loss Game 2: vs. Nœttinghëim Forsaken, 0-2 loss Game 3: vs. Proud Dandy-Lions of Al-bion, 0-2 loss Recap: A beaten' up team entered their still partially built Pit of Allegiance. Last game in Y7 had been awful. The mood was grim within the squad. Time to bounce back! A sullen troop of dwarves showed up for a friendly bout. With one victory only they were just as depressed... The match did ignite some sparks of hope for both teams despite The Raiders suffering another defeat. The dwarves left in high spirit and one of them even decided to stick around joining the ranks of the Raiders. Good trade-off! Then a cart full of daemonic spawn swung by. Interesting prospects amongst them... But they brought a wizard, lots of supporters and good fortune. The Raiders fell through and Boneripper was especially moody today. He was booted hard and had to be attended to by the medic. That proved to be very unlucky. Minutes later Holghor Doom was pushed into the crowd after assisting a pathetic sack attempt by Knox. That push resulted in his 2nd death... and this time for good. A bad omen. Will another prospect like him ever surface again? Again the vessel of The Proud Dandy-Lions approached the frosty shores of Norsca. The Pit welcomed them hpoing to 'trade' some valuables. The dark elves being particular interesting in the eyes of Great Malal. But another wash-out. The pirates (except their ogres) seemed indestructible and the elves scored the touchdowns. Third loss in a relentless winter season. Tournament MVP: Harold Silentstone - In a terrible, terrible winter season - seeing the loss of prospect Holghor Doom - not much is worth mentioning. In comes the heroic journeyman! Dear Harold made sure the season wasn't completely fruitless with his superbe fouling of the black dwarf Sangogs. Spring Y2 - W/D/L - 2/1/2 Game 1: vs. Black Death Avengers, 0-1 loss Game 2: vs. Sisterhood of the Thorn, 1-1 draw Game 3: vs. Women's Order Magna Domina, 0-2 loss Game 4: vs. Legion of Excess, 2-1 win Game 5: vs. Eternal Mists of Anmyr, 2-1 win Recap: A kick right into the hands of Zzharg Mad-Eye on the LOS… not a great start to the season. Blitzer Makaggs takes over the ol' swine-bladder and the dwarven grind begins. But The Raiders are quick to swarm a dropped ball and starts maiming. Eventually the ball gets stuck in Bonerippers tentacles… not optimal. Makes him very confused. And 1h ends on that note. The black dwarves rush out in a blitz in 2h. Ball-handler Svalana tries to outrun the dwarven blitzers but they are too fast (and she's too slow). They sack the ball of her and Boneripper messes up THE ONE AND ONLY golden opportunity to sack it back... rawr’ing. Game over! The Sisterhood – not so fresh-faced anymore. The Pit of Alligience welcomes them! They really brought their knuckle-dustery game today. The Raiders focused hard on recruiting a ‘New Shalana’ but the refs didn’t like it. Bribes came in handy! The elvettes fought furiously and a merc was killed. A feeble sack attempt resulted Doagg breakin’ some bones. They were mean and quite easily got the 1-0 score. 2h fared better. Sangogs took out a handmaiden and even though the elves got hold of the ball Boneripper ripped it right back! He even killed the other handmaiden – damn elven apo was good though! They fought like mirkwood cats and only a last turn hand-off from Drearyn to Peald made the draw happen. The Raiders do still have the upper hand on The Sisterhood… Game 3 - more angry females. A very defensive opponent. Guarding the ball with a vengeance. Boneripper was taken out early in 1h and the über-grindy women began their slow assault. Next Autumnpine was killed in the process and they seemed unstoppable. A lesson in stallin’ and sluggin’. 2nd half was more of the same… Boneripper was the prey of choice for the furies. Only positive was the opportunistic and fatal foulin’ of Svetlana the Silent. That was art and Malal really appreciates art! The remainder of the game was terrible and 2/3 of the Raiders’ team were pushed of the pitch. The - by Slaaneshi - depraved Legion was next. Last outing was catastrophic but this time things started out a lot better. Joined by starplayer Sister Slaughter and newly spawned Svetlana two cultists were torn apart on the LOS and Drearyn found a safe pocket – or so he thought. The deamonettes surrounded The Raiders in no time, sacked Drearyn and ran in the first TD of the game. They looked impossible to halt and again the daemons rushed forward in a Blitz during the next Kick-Off. But the ball slid into the crowd and handed to Bane on the lefthand side. Another cheeky sack resulted in a lucky Drearyn catching the bouncing ball. Running to safety his co-players began peeling off the slaaneshi one by one ending in a - by slaaneshi standards - humiliating TD. 2nd half was even more gory. The Legion were bleeding players and the onslaught was relentless. They desperately tried to circumvent The Raiders’ D-Fens but were showed no mercy. Shalana ran in the winning TD in triumphant style. Last game of the season vs. wispy mysterious elves. Joined by female star Nemesis and her brutal looking blade this started just like last game. The ethereal elves dodged through the lines and approached the ball - which had been kicked deep into The Raiders EZ - at great speed. They couldn’t be stopped and Drearyn was swatted like a fly on their way to a 1-0 score. Then Shalana took hold of the ball. Assisted by a very eager Boneripper the elven defense was manhandled and left in vertigo. She ran in an equalizer late in the half. Boneripper was removed violently just prior to the break. 2h was Drearyns time to shine. In a dangerous maneuver along the righthand side he orchestrated a perfect attack. The elves had some bad luck and The Raiders fortified their position for as long as possible before scoring the winner. The elves mustered one last attack but were outnumbered, sore and sad. Season-ending of our dreams. Tournament MVP: Foulhorx Staile - well... with a team specializing in the Art of the Boot no one shines brighter than Staile. An auteur and craftsman out of this world. His brilliant recruitment of Svetlana i reason enough to grant him the award. TROPHY ROOM - ACTIVE PLAYERS Child of Winter - for Fouls - Awarded to the best players of the CIBBL+ Y2 Winter tournament. Foulhorx Staile - Worth no prestige points. TEAM & PLAYER RECORDS Most TD’s Current Top 3: 1. Volgey Drearyn 11 TD's 2. Shalana Jotoris 5 TD's 3. TBD Most TD’s Historic (≥2): Volgey Drearyn 11 TD's Most TD’s One Game (≥2): TBD TD's in this game. Most CAS Current Top 3: 1. Boneripper 10 CAS 2. Jörgh Bane 5 CAS 3. Hasax Krow 5 CAS Most CAS Historic (≥2): Boneripper 10 CAS Most CAS One Game (≥3): TBD ... CAS .... Most Kills Historic (≥2): TBD ... Kills Most Kills One Game (≥2): TBD ... Kills .... Top Fouler Historic: Foulhorx Staile 71 fouls Biggest Win: 3-0 vs. Sisterhood of the Thorn in this game. Biggest Defeat: 0-3 vs. Legion of Excess in this game. TROPHY ROOM - HISTORIC Bragging Rights - for Fouls - Awarded to the best players of the CIBBL+ Y1 Summer tournament. Heggs Krom - Worth 10 prestige points while the player still is active with the team. MALALS FINEST Holghor Doom MALALIFICATIONS Shiro ‘The Damned’ Boneripper 'The Exculpated' Shalana Jotoris Autumnpine ‘The Thriving’ Sangogs 'The Harold' Svetlana Malalification TV Limit: 340/600 NOT WORTHY Jack Thriller Lion *** Did you know... ...that The Raiders might seem like an ordinary (and underachieving) human team. If you however investigate the players more closely you’ll notice a strange silvery aura surrounding them - a sinister yet alluring haze that makes you want to become one of them. And then you’ll see the boot heading for your face! |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Pa | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
5 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Wrestle, Tackle |
-ma | 25 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 1 | 18/31 | 90k
(50+40)k |
3 |
6 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Sneaky Git, Dirty Player |
  | 26 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 3 | 19/31 | 100k
(50+50)k |
4 |
6 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Block, Tackle |
  | 26 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 5 | 2 | 23/31 | 90k
(50+40)k |
6 |
6 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Sure Hands, Dodge, Block |
n | 25 | 1 | 11 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 48/51 | 120k
(50+70)k |
8 |
6 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Block, Dauntless |
  | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 18/31 | 90k
(50+40)k |
9 |
Chaos Dwarf Lineman
4 | 3 | 2+ | - | 9+ | Block, Thick Skull Guard, Mighty Blow |
  | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 19/31 | 110k
(60+50)k |
10 |
6 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Guard |
  | 26 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 15/16 | 80k
(50+30)k |
11 |
6 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Block, Tackle |
  | 23 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2 | 18/31 | 90k
(50+40)k |
12 |
6 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Block |
  | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 12/16 | 70k
(50+20)k |
13 |
6 | 3 | 3+ | - | 8+ | Dirty Player |
  | 23 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 10/16 | 70k
(50+20)k |
14 |
Rat Ogre
6 | 5 | 2+ | - | 8+ | Frenzy, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Wild Animal Claw, Tentacles, Guard |
  | 17 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 1 | 44/51 | 210k
(150+60)k |
15 |
Avelorn Linewoman
5 | 3 | 4+ | - | 8+ | Dodge, Block |
-ma | 18 | 4 | 5 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 24/31 | 110k
(70+40)k |
16 |
Beast of Malal
6 | 5 | 1+ | - | 8+ | Claw, Foul Appearance, Loner, No Hands, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Sure Feet, Thick Skull |
  | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/6 | 140k
(140+0)k |
13 players | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 26 (6/8/12) | | | TD Diff: | -13 (24 - 37) | | | Cas Diff: | 8 (35/20/8 - 31/21/3) |
Last Opponent: Eternal Mists of Anmyr |