Following The Five Battles of Karakashima, Daimyos Takata Nobuharu of Tarai house and Izeguri Kojiro of the Minamoyo Clan had mutual respect and had even exchanged pleasantries between the battles
Central to the Warrior class that controls the land of Nippon was the seeking of Prestige. This was most often gained in combat on the battlefield
The battles between the clans over, and a relative peace , another way of gaining prestige was needed
From Nagasagi Port, through trade with the city of Marienburg, came word of a violent but skillful contest
Takata employed a gaijin (foreigner ) to train his Warriors, Ninja's, Warrior Monks and Peasant-at-arms in this contest , and Izeguri followed suit .
Soon teams were formed and played intra and inter-prefecture games
Popularity of this contest rose , and Takata seeking new glories ordered a team to be assembled to battle beyond the Great island of Nippon
From Koshu on the Plains of Zai 'Unmei no ken' ( Sword of Destiny ) was formed
Aishurkira Ogurmon 200k
MA5 ST5 AG4+ PA5+ AV9+ T,D,MB,TSkull,Bone-head,TTM, (Paired with Momokhi)
Momokhi Paired with Aishurkira Ogurmon
MA6 ST2 AG3+ PA5+ AV7+ D,Leap,Loner,Right Stuff,Stunty
Cheng Lung 300k
MA6 ST5 AG3+ PA4+ AV9+ MB,Fend, Side Step, TSkull, Grab,Jump Up, Multi Block
Groht 'n' Mask'th 400k
MA6 ST5 AG3+ PA5+ AV11+ BLOCK,MB,Juggernaut,,TSkull,TTM,Stand Firm
Minyko 100k
MA6 ST3 AG3+ PA4+ AV8+ Fend,Shad,Dodge
Zaiden 130k
MA6 ST3 AG3+ PA4+ AV9+ Fend,Mighty Blow,Foul Appearance
Konja Kitsune 260k
MA7 ST3 AG2+ PA4+ AV9+ Blodge,Jump Up,Leap,Claw
Kurokawa Death Stray 310k
MA7 ST4 AG3+ PA4+ AV10+ Block,MB,Sprint,Sure Feet,Multiple Block,Stand Firm
Harada Mitsunari 280k
MA8 ST3 AG2+ PA4+ AV9+ Blodge,Leap, Stab, Sprint
Bonzai 260K
MA4 ST5 AG5+ PA5+ AV11+ Mighty Blow,Grab,Stand Firm,TS TTM
Oma Gunsen 160K
MA7 ST3 AG2+ PA- AV8+ Dodge,Fend,SS,Leap,VLL,no hands,Strip B
Reports to His Highness
Your Highness
Entered CIBBL League Year Nine Autumn Season - Cloth Division
Game 1 Y9 Autumn
Lokka Snake-Maidens . A team of Amazons. A loss. Hard to land blows upon an opponent that bends like a reed in the wind
Gozen suffered to a head injury that has effectively weakened his armour but he seeks to play on
Game 2 Y9 Autumn
World's Edge Murderballs. A strange team never encountered before of Ball like creatures attended to by Goblins. A win . Valuable experience gained for Date and Kusunoki Masashige. Suzuki needs to rest next game
Game 3 Y9 Autumn
Baubas-Gorg. A team of four monstrous Trolls with attendant Goblins and smaller of their Cousins know as Snotlings .The fearsome Oni creature from the North of our land is known to us, but rare and only one is normally seen. Our brave warriors stood against Four Trolls and prevailed with some good fortune from the Gods, with only Yukimura needing to rest next game but with a niggling injury
Akira now has a blow that is mighty
Game 4 Y9 Autumn
A team of large reptilian creatures called Itza Cold Ones , aided by smaller 'Skinks' . A very hard fought battle , one in which the team acted with high determination and honour and managed to tie the match with two Touchdowns to each team . Unmei no Ken ensured at least a tied game by stealing the ball and scoring in the opponents response drive to our second half reception drive
I am please to report no permanent injuries were suffered in the game , and our winnings left us with the opportunity for more training or another player unless we wish to save for future hirings
It had been decided that Ashigaru Gozen for his own safety be replaced with Ashigaru Kai
Game 5 Y9 Autumn
Your team were pitted against a team of what is called 'Dust Goblins' named Kalabad Korsairs which appeared very deadly and daunting
The team contained Giants which towered over our brave Warriors , Giant Scorpions and Goblins .
I must commend your Warriors bravery in the face of such brute force. I am pleased to report your loyal team withstood the onslaught and kept the Dust Goblins from our end zone . I am afraid the Dust Goblin team with their Giants and wily Goblins thwarted even our Ninjas attempts to circumvent their wall on our own attempts to reach theirs.
The only lasting injury was to your Ashigaru Hideyoshi, who missed the next game but continues on with a niggling injury
I feel your team was blessed by the Gods not to have suffered more grievously
Game 6 Y9 Autumn
The final game of this Autumn season was a team called Manann's Maelstrom , a team of what they call Elementals , there were elements of Fire and Earth , the core of linemen being water elementals
I regret to report a loss in this game, to this well coached team , by the one score against your team
In Conclusion I feel your team performed creditably enough to uphold your honour, honing their skills and suffering less loss than we could have hoped for , with an even spread of wins, ties and Losses
Winter Season: Y9
Your team has entered the 'Friendly' Winter season . The Gods showered great favour on your team who faced Demons in their first game . Your team crossed the Demons touchline thrice, their biggest win to date
Our purse enabled us to employ the Warrior Monk Benkei
Two injuries were suffered , Samurai Akira and Ashigaru Suzuki . The Apothecaries say they will be recovered after the next game.
Akira and Suzuki recovered , your team played another Friendly against a Were team and achieved a further win with no further injuries
Spring Season Year Y10:
Game 1 Spring , a tough Hung team called Purple Horde. I regret to inform you of a loss in this meeting . Your Warriors sutained some injuries. Akira your Might Blow Samurai has been Seriously Hurtand will miss the next game, he was well attended to by your Apothecary as the injury could have been career ending without his timely administrations. Ashigarus Yanada and Kenshin picked up niggling injuries
A Darksoul and a Lineman for the opposing team were injured in return so your team was not greatly dishonoured
Game 2 Spring Season Year Y10
A very challenging and seemingly unsurmountable odds against a Blood Naga team. Your team received inducements for playing the team called Venomous Ophidians , and Star players Zaiden and Harada Mitsunari were hired for this game .
I commend your team for high honours as they managed to tie the game with two scores for and two against .
I must confess the outcome was unexpected and I feared a bloody outcome , and while your team did suffer some removals from the field , no permanent injuries to the regular team for this game .
Game 3 Spring Season Year Y10
The opposing team was King's Shadow Ballers , a Simyin team that had a lower team value than your team due to our abundance of players in reserve. This was prudent as within the very early part of the first half 6 of the team were needing medical attention , a very bruising half.
In all the game only one of your players managed to recover enough to re-enter the field in 11 attempts.
Fortunatley the highly skilled Ninja Date managed to equal the score in the end of the game , a Score to each team and a tie
Tomoe Gozen-Samurai , misses the next game along with Yanada- Ashigaru - who I have retired from the team due to niggling injuries and a lowered Armour
Game 4 Spring Season Year Y10
A brutal game facing neighbours from Cathay , Desciples of the 36 Chambers , a hard hitting team with good skills
Your team managed to brave a draw in the wake of the honorable death of the Ashigaru Yukimura with some hits of our own to give your team leverage in the second half to tie the game
Kenshin picked up another niggling injury and will miss the next game
We will have a recovered Samurai Tomoe Gozen returning for the next and final game of this Spring season against a formidale Snakemen team who are placed at the top of our Cathay & Nippon + Ind division table with 4 wins and no losses . The mettle of your team will be tested in this last game
Your team is sadly without a win , but the team have played with honour against very strong and worthy opponents and have lost only 1 game , tying the other 3 so far
Game 5 - The last Spring game Y10.
Facing the Snakemen Khureshi Pit Vipers .
A formidable team that proved impossible to defeat . Many players were injured in this game , your teams worse casualties so far . Ninja Date possibly your best player , certainly your most prolific scorer was injured and will suffer from weaker armour , though his skills will come to the fore in avoiding the opposition attempts at him I am sure .
Izumi – Seriously Hurt , will recover after a rest game , and Samurai Akira – Broken Arm which once healed will hamper any throwing attempt
Ashigaru Suzuki managed to dodge miraculously from a near certain and possibly damgerous crowd surf even with the tails of the Snakemen impeding
Tototomi has developed a Mighty Blow skill after this game
So no wins i regret to inform your Highness , but some plucky play from your team in the face of danger that would weaken the resolve of lesser Men
CIBBL - Y10, Summer - Spartak Bolgasgrad division
Game 1 Mount Gunbad Crush
An Underworld team . Your team made good efforts but I must confess the absence of your best scoring player Date still injured from the final game of the Spring season very much hampered your teams ability to score and your team lost by one Touchdown against us
After the game and before the next, the Treasury was robbed of 160K of our Gold leaving a meagre 40K Treasury
Game 2 Summer Y10
Dawi Dum Uzgul , a tough Black Dwarf team a loss by one Touchdown
Your team managed to hold off the opposition touchdown in the first half but there was a price to pay in the knock out numbers.
Only six players on the field for most of the second half , the knock outs were not responding to the smelling salts and with so few players in the second half your team was sunable to hold on to the ball and despite many valiiant efforts were unable to get the ball back and keep it
Game 3. Summer Y10
Baubas-Gorg for the second time . A Draw .
You may remember the report of facing a team of four monstrous Trolls with attendant Goblins and smaller of their Cousins know as Snotlings. Now there are SIX of these Monsters on the team.
Once again your team braved these creatures, this time we had two Warrior Monks with Claws to deal with them and Benkei managed to remove one of the Monstrous Trolls from the field before being knocked out later himself
The removal rate was high in the game and I felt your team had the advantage going in to the last part of the second half with the ball in Date's hands, but the coach must take the blame for putting Date forward a turn too early from his safe place in the middle of the back field when he had time to hang back a little, in the end a rare failure to Dodge out with his Dodge ability and stunning himself put the ball in reach of a Goblin who picked it up and ran Pell Mell toward the End Zone, rushing twice, fortunately Toyotomi though less agile than the Ninjas managed to Dodge away from a Troll and with two rushes knocked out the Goblin ball carrier ( named Gunga )
A very outside chance of a winning touchdown for your team did not come to fruition when a pass could not be made by Toyotomi a hero of the day by saving a loss.
Your Ninja Nagato had to be retired as previous to the Goblin picking the ball up and sprinting away Nagato attempted a 75% Dodge chance for the ball grab on a 50% chance of the grab but Was injured with a Strength deterioration as a result of the bravery and keen-ness
Tomoe Gozen is missing next game , and now has an Armour weakness, we may need to consider retiring him
Game 4 . Summer Y10
Graelings Garbagemen , a Demons of Nurgle team
The casualty rate was too high for your team and we were unable to make much impression on the game , with Akira , Suzuki and Yamaguchi suffering serious injuries all missing next game , Akira and Yamaguchi picking up niggles ,and Suzuki is going to be less agile in future games if we do not retire him. the result of the domination in strength meant that your team lost by 2 Touchdowns, your team was unable to score
Game 5 - Final Game in this Summer season Y10
Blood Keep Exiles , a Blood Dragon team
A formidable match up on the face of it , but the propensity of the Blood Dragon Vampires to attack their own players was a help at times , and your team had the roll of the ball this game , though paid the price in casualties in the end with Kusunoki Masashige – one of our best Samurai with a smashed knee which will slow him down, and Benkei Warrior Monk with a Dislocated Shoulder reduces his strength to the point where we must retire him for his and the team sake.
Your teams agility and swift actions when given the opportunities closed this game and season with a victory , 2 Touchdowns to none for the Blood Dragons
your loyal Servant
Autumn Season - Clay Division Y10
Game 1 Autumn Season Y10- Clay Division
Halfling team Eicheschatten Swan Riders
A tough game with heavy removals and casualties in this game , with some fouling tactics from the Halflings to make up for their lack of stature
The Halfling team Induced Cody Cakeblast and he ended Ninja Date's glorious career with a Bomb throw , Date's resilience is now too low for inclusion on the team for his own safety .
In the same explosion Ashigaru Hideyoshi was seriously injured again , niggling him once more
The Coach of the Halflings managed twice to persuade through argument the sending off of this induced player , thankfully before the end of the second half he managed to remove himself from the field when the Bomb exploded in his hands
Ninja Ishikawa Goemon took up the slack made by Date's injury, showing his agility picking himself off the floor after a ball sacking , dodging out of marking , picking the ball up in marking and rushing twice for the end zone for the winning touchdown , he will inevitably be the primary ball carrier of your team
Game 2 Autumn Season Y10- Clay Division against Nehekhara Scarabs - a Numas team
I am afraid to report to your highness that his was a disaster of unimaginable proportions - despite your brave players blocking at the same rate as the opponents , there must have been some spell on game as only once late in game did your players knock out any opposition players , their armour was invincible , while ours was like paper.
Helped bby inducements, a highly skilled Wizard fireball and Bryce 'The Slice' Cambuel your team was decimated within 5 turns - in 6 turns there were 7 players off the field - by turn 8 2 players left on Field
#4 Akira – is Dead (RIP) , #11 Ishikawa Goemon is Dead (RIP) ,#5 Yakamura – Serious Injury (NI)
#10 Yamaguchi – Serious Injury (NI)
Our recovery will be very hard , i offer my resignation as coach of the team as soon as a replacement is found
Game 3 v Skinks - Autumn Season Y10 - Clay Division Cuexotl Jungle Daggers
Thank you your highness for your wish for me to continue as Coach for your team, I could not dishonour your brave players by faulting them in a very unforgiving previous game
Once again as is usual your team faced many much higher strength players on the opposing team , the strength of which was supported and balanced by fast and tricky Skinks. The team value difference was such that inducements were possible for Harada Mitsunari and Groht 'n' Mask'th , Harada Mitsunari bringing his speed and agility a substitute for having no Ninjas on the team this game
A 1-1 draw , with thankfully no more casualties on our team in this game
Game 4 Autumn Season Y10- Clay Division
Khazid-a-Gazan Barazgrundal - a Flesh Golem team
It is with sadness I report another death , that of Samurai Tomoe Gozen - who by means of Necromancy was risen from the dead to serve the opponents team in undeath
The loss by a touchdown and shame should be laid on the Coach shoulders , an instruction made in the spur of the moment to stall and not secure an early second half go ahead score and at least almost guarantee at least a tie , went badly wrong leading to the counter and the loss
Kawasaki – Warrior Monk was Seriously Hurt and misses next game
Game 5 Autumn Season - Clay Division Y10
Baubas-Gorg for the third time .
With great sadness another two deaths to add to your honourable teams mortal loss tally. Samurai Takake Omoe and Ashigaru Hideyoshi laid there lives down in the persuit of glory for your team and clan
A loss, by a single score , though a hard fought loss with the outcome not decided until the very end.
This time there were five Trolls , enough with the sneaky Goblins and Snotlings to remove many of your team and hampered the quest for Glory through Victory
Izumi was Seriously Hurt and misses next game
Samurai Oda Nobunga joins the team
Game 6 Autumn Season- Clay Division Y10
A Forest Goblin Team called Arachnarok's Forest Breeds . A draw 1-1 .
As has become common , your team braved some larger and physically stronger opposition players , with some weaker but sneaky supporting players. Two spider riders and a River Troll were the core of the strength element , along with Four Savage Orcs . We induced some help from Star player Momokhi and Aishurkira Ogurmon which helped in the strength area .
Momokhi was disapointing , he is meant to be agile but repeatedly failed his dodges , but his partner I think earned his price just by his presence .
Thankfully no more deaths this game , the Autumn season has been brutal for your team with five deaths in six games . The only casualty this game was Ashigaru Adata who misses next game
It was your only team Ninja Yakamura who scored , but our coffers have increased enough to enable Kunoichi to join the team as its second Ninja
This Autumn Season- Clay Division Y10 Was a difficult season for your team with many souls lost.
I must commend the courage of your team in the face of many a Monster encountered
The Autumn Season is over for your team as the last game in a Bye round - the Winter 'friendly ' season is next
Following your orders the team was rested over the Winter Friendly season
A new Spring Season, playing matches closer to home in the main
Game 1 Spring Far East (2) Division
Our first game pitted against Wasabi Warriors , a Ninja Flings team
A victory was gained at the last gasp from a very brutal game , the Foo Statues on the Ninja Flings team were a daunting prospect and causing 3 of the 4 casualties to your team
I regret to inform your highness of the death of Susumi Sakai your relatively new Samurai recruit who was killed with only 5 games to his name
Kawasaki the the quickly skilled Warrior Monk picked up a – Serious Injury and will miss next game with a niggling injury
Your Team did gain some satisfaction by killing 2 Flying Flings in return . One of them dying trying to Block Izumi your Ashigaru
Yakamura your Ninja scored the winning Touchdown at the last gasp in a very tight game with one of the best recoveries from your team i have seen.
Kusonoki Masahige , your agile but slower Samurai blitzed the Ninja Fling ball carrier in the Wasabi Warrior backfield , knocking the ball free and knocking out the Ninja Fling in the process , catching the subsequent bouncing ball .
The opposition team then tried in vain to knock down the scoring threat of your Ninja Yakamura and tagged Kusonoki Masahige with the time running down . Masahige needed some agile dodging and rushes to reach Yakamura who was single tagged , Izumi had pushed away a Fling to give Yakamura a better chance of catching the hand off, having been double tagged before the Izumi Blitz on the tagging Fling, the hand off succesful, Yakamura then had to do some of his own multiple dodges and rushes to score the winner. A fine display of skill and agility.
Your Team killed 2 Flying Flings in return . One of them dying trying to Block Izumi Ashigaru . The Foo Statues were deadly
Game 2 Spring Far East (2) Division
Our neighbours to the North - Shikike Tsien-Tsin , a Northern Nippon team . The first time the teams have met
An evenly matched game, with a score from each team in their own drives
Casualties almost even, with Ashigaru Kai injured by the Oni Ushitora , missing next game but will be fully recovered with no lingering niggles . Your team inflicted a more serious injury on a well armoured Northern Nippon Turtleman reducing its agility with a neck injury
Game 3 Spring Far East (2) Division
Vs Khaliban Shivterz
A dastardly opposition of Hobgoblin creatures with no Honour and beyond reasonable doubt a friend of the referee. I am agrieved to report two deaths from a Hobgoblin fouler named Khad. Toyotomi your Mighty Blow Samurai and Izumi your Ashigaru with Blocking and Kicking skills fell to his filth encrusted boot.
Your team managed a tie , Kunoichi having scored in the first period in your teams drive. The Shivterz scored early enough in the second period to give them the win opportunity, but with valiant corner defending at the end with very few players left on the field due to relentless fouling . Agile Samurai Kusunoki Masashige and ball holder Ninja Kunoichi between them prevented a winning ball sack and score from the Hobgoblins. Your team can have that satisfaction at least
Kendo Ushima your Block and Dodge Skilled Warrior Monk misses next game and picked up a niggling injury. Ashigaru Suzuki will be retired from team duty as he is already less agile due to a previous injury and he picked up a niggling injury
Despite your players best effort no retaliatory injuries were suffered by the opposition team
Game 4 Spring Far East (2) Division
vs Horned Legion of Akhar , a well developed Kurgan team
Fortune did not favour your team in a very difficult match-up , which as expected resulted in a high casualty count for your team and a loss by two to zero despite some heroic efforts especially by Agile mighty blow Kusunoki Masashige who performed a series of agile moves to Lone sack and recover the ball late in the first half in the opposition drive to give your team the hope of keeping the score board count empty , however being unsupported he was quickly overwhelmed and seriously injured missing next game and picking up a niggling injury
Musashi Miyamoto Samurai also is niggled missing next game along with Kawasaki Warrior Monk who has suffered another niggling injury
We must release Ashigaru Yamaguchi who suffered a dislocated shoulder and loses Strength.He already has two niggling injuries
No casualties to sooth the loss or assuage your teams own injuries were made in return. Your team is approaching the point at which we may need to reform it . With another high casualty game it may not be possible to field a team which can defend itself adequately against the power of the opposition teams
Zaiden was induced for the game
Your Highness Y11, Summer - 0111 'The Trivialised' has begun
Game 1 King's Shadow Ballers , a Simyin team that you team has played previously , this time your team was at a disadvantage due to many injuries and were offered inducements. Hired were the pair of Star players Momokhi, and Aishurkira Ogurmon, in addition to a Mercenary Samurai
Your brave team could not overcome the power of the opposition team , coming away with a 1-2 loss , thankfully with no injuries to the rostered members of the team
Y11, Summer - 0111 'The Trivialised'
Game 2 Krizzor Trap Baiters , a Clan Moulder team -
The match was closely fought but good opposition coaching combined with the power of the Rat Ogres, two of them armoured was a challenge. Whilst Warrior Monk Kendo Ushima badly hurt one of the Ogres it was was not enough to secure the draw , losing by a single touchdown from the Baiters in their drive . Your team was unable to score in their own drive in the second half due to a succesful second Frenzy block on Ninja Kunoichi with time running out injuring Kunoichi who misses the next game
Y11, Summer - 0111 'The Trivialised'
Game 3 Gifted Pilgrims A Spawn of Chaos team
Your team were on good form in the first half , though the defense was good , with a ball sack, run away and score threat by the Pilgrims, your team managed one of their best plays, recovering the ball and setting up a Touchdown by positioning Ninja Yakamura to recieve a quick pass from Ashigaru Tomodachi after a hand off to Tomodachi from Ashigaru Suzuki. From mid way in our half. The score was 20 'squares' from ball to touchdown . Good teamwork from from the team to clear opposition players from interfering with the touchdown
Might Blow Samurai Kusonoki Masahishige inflicted 3 casualties in the game , who now has a strip ball skill to add to his other abilities
The second half your team struggled a little more earlier in the second half , An equaliser was scored in the second half giving your team enough time to go for the win , which with great agility Yakamura scored his second , taking the Win 2-1. A great performance in a very satisfactory overall team performance taking on the ball carrying duties as Kunoichi missed this game due to injury.
Y11, Summer - 0111 'The Trivialised' 2-0
Game 3 Blood Marsh Bloodhorns - Minotaur team
The Minotaur team induced two star players to bring their team to the game, Lerkh Skull Muncher, and Tzaanbull Xhobak but this was not enough to overcome the rampant unchanneled Fury and animal Savagery of the Minotaurs and your team fairly compfortably took advantage , winning 2-0 with Ninja Kunoichi scoring both the touchdowns on his return to the team.
Your star level player Kusunoki Masashige misses next game having got too close to a Minotaur who took a dislike to him.
This game completes the Summer season with a bye in the last game.
Your team played with great Honour this summer season.
Year 11 Autumn- Marble Division. Game 1 2-1
Shikike Tsien Tsin - Northern Nippon Team
This is the second meeting between these teams . While the first meeting was an evenly matched draw, your team, thanks in large part to the destructive power and skill of Warrior Monks Kendo Ushima and Kawasaki had a relatively comfortable second half .
Between them they caused four casualties , Kawasaki with 3 throwing himself at the Northern Nippon Team despite carrying 3 niggles, and Kendo Ushima with 1
Shikike Tsien Tsin scored relatively early enabling your Ninja Yakamura to have time for an equaliser , though slightly off his peak , failing to pick up the ball resulting in the opposition best player Fujiwara no Hirotsaku ( who has strength , movement and Agilty enhancements ) to steal the ball and dodge out . threatening to score a second Northern Nippon touchdown in the first half which would have been a disaster.
However as your team was at a disadvantage your coach had hired a Wizard , who with a Fireball spell removed a Sumo , knocked down another player , leaving the Strength enhanced Chaos Samurai ball carrier exposed to a Blitz from Kendo Ushima Warrior Monk who sacked the ball, Yakamura made up for his mishandling and ran away with the ball , and screened by his team-mates proceeded to score and equalise.
The removals of the opposition team made the second half more comfortable than it would have been , with further removals and a depleted Northern Nippon team Yakamura scored his second Touchdown
Your team gives thanks for no permanent injuries this game , Your team apothecary saving Aratu Samurai from death
Shikike Tsien Tsin players Chaos Samurai #5 Fujiwara no Momokaku – Serious Injury (NI) and #6 Fujiwara no Kiyonaku – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Year 11 Autumn- Marble Division. Game 2 0-1
Night Goblin Dreadpeak's Delusionals
A very tricky contest with a team of similar value , with a tricky opposition , Night Goblins type that we have not played previously
I regret a loss in this game I believe in part due to my decision to move forward in the second half to score early to remove the Ball and chain player that your team removed in the first half. In the first half your team narrowly failed to score as Kusonoki Masahishige caught a well thrown catch in a tackle zone to score but failed to dodge away from the Goblin netter, a chance on the counter attack to score , a feat that the Goblin team managed to achieve against your team in the second half .
Yakamura Ninja , was downed in the second half poised to score , but a tricky and successful play knocked him out and a series of skillful moves and downs as well as many dodges and rushes left your team struggling to prevent the opposition score
Your team suffered two injuries not honorably received , one from a foul and one from the crowd having been pushed into it . Oda Nobunga your Guard and Tackle skilled Samurai will miss the next game , and Kai , Ashigaru has a niggling injury missing next game
On your teams account , more honorably injuries were inflicted with 4 badly hurt players and a serious injury niggle to Hool Ganz #4 Madcap Mushroom Addict
Year 11 Autumn- Marble Division. Game 3 0-0
Pro Elf Pax Eterna
Your team and the opponents matched each other overall , the first half developing into a dense melee / dance after receiving the kick off. Your team was able to hold on to the ball ready for the breakout which was when the Pro Elf team unleashed a Wizard fireball, Kendo Ushima took the full force of it and is missing next game as a result of a Head Injury which will impact his overall armour
The fireball sacked the ball from Kunoichi , putting him down and a covering player , the highly agile Elves did not manage to score from the situation despite picking up the ball as Susumi Sakai sacked the Elf Catcher and the scattered ball was picked back from under an opposition player after some dodging by Kunoichi before and after the recovery who with support defended the ball for a no score first half as time ran out
The second half in defense saw the Elves pull back into a refused offense , your team moved closer , and both teams engaged in cat and mouse actions , with the Elves overall greater agility enabling a threat to score by the Blodgestep Elf Blitzer Adresin Miazeiros very deep in your teams half , however the highest agilty player on the field , your Ninja Yakamura used his speed and agility to assist a block by your Samurai Musashi Miyamoto who fully stretched himself to reach the Elf and sacked the ball , however the ball on the ground was then recovered by the Elf catcher Harrison Carakin after block by the Blitzing Blitzer just ball sacked , and the Harrison Carakin looked almost certain to score on turn 6 second half but he ran out out energy at the end of his run going for the touchdown but tripping in the end zone leaving the ball in end zone.
Yakamura then used his agility , the best on the field to recover the fumble, your team was not out of the woods yet as even with his speed his seemingly best choice was to place himself on the side touchline and brave a surf which the crowd could then throw the ball anywhere , it proved a good choice as a welcome block result was that Adresin Miazeiros block results were both down and with their respective Block skill left the ball in Yakamuras hands.
Yakamura then used his great agility to dodge out , hand the ball over to Ashigaru Honda , who had made himself available , as did Tomodachi Ashigaru , poised to score if he caught Honda's hand off , which alas he failed to do so , with a certain score if he succeeded from a frankly perilous situation.
A magnificent display from your team , with the opposition suffering two casualties
#2 Xavier Rematus – Seriously Hurt (MNG) a Blodge Tackle sidestep Blitzer blocked in the first half by Aratu Ashigaru , an important removal who also late in the second half also badly hurt the Elf Thrower.
#13 Evan Moiron – Serious Injury (NI) Lineman blocked by Musashi Miyamoto
Year 11 Autumn- Marble Division. Game 4 0-2
Onyx Horde Centigor
This was a very difficult match . The overwhelming Strength of the majority of the Centigor team was too much for your team to handle.
The team bravely opted to recieve the kick off and were blessed with a repeated failure of the Centigors to pick the inexplicably slippery ball and your team was able to pressure the ball deep in the Centigor half.
Your humble coach decided to use the induced wizard early who transformed the ball carrier who eventually picked the ball up, into a Frog creature . This ploy did not bear fruit as a series of blocks and failures of your team to recover position meant the ball was carried off into the distance .
Your Ninjas tried their best to equalise in their drive , with two attempts to make a very long pass from Nakamura to Kunoichi in the end zone but these did not succeed, leading to a recovery from the Centigor team and a Bray scoring another Touchdown as the ball scatter backward to the Centigo team advantage
The casualty rate was very high this game , and even the extra induced Apothecary could not save the team from having four players missing next game ,
Your Ashigarus Susumi Sakai,Tomodachi ,and Haruto Iyama in his first game also miss next game , the latter also picking up a niggling injury.
Musashi Miyamoto Samurai misses next game to recover
Year 11 Autumn- Marble Division. Game 5 1-0
Livin' Thing - Undead
As with most of your teams games , the opposing team was very foreboding and this was no exception, with many powerful opposing players including an enhanced strength Mummy who Ashigaru Suzuki even managed to put on the floor with an uphill block in the first half on the Undead drive
As ever your team bravely faced the challenge and Kawasaki Warrior Monk without use of his Claws outright killed a Wight on turn 5 of first half who would have been a severe threat to your teams dodge skilled players with his Tackle and mighty blow combination . The Wight did not regenerate to threaten in the second half. This followed a failed Dodge by one of the undead Ghouls half way throgh the first half which badly hurt the Ghoul , a fortunate turn of events for your team
Your team contained the undead drive on the side of the field but the ball carrier Ghoul managed to use his leap skill to vault over your teams defense, but in attempting to put himself out of range of response succumber to to effort of trying to rush too far and lost his footing , leaving the way open four your team to recover the ball
The second half provided the opportunity for the winning score which your team were able to accomplish with only the shortest of time for the Undead team to respond with a equaliser
Prior to Kunoichi Ninja running in the score Kendo Ushima was Seriously Hurt, thankfully only expected to miss next game
Year 11 Autumn- Marble Division. Game 6 2-1
Cuexotl Jungle Daggers A Skink team were you teams opponents this game
Another daunting sight for your team , multiple Kroxigors with skills, backed up with experienced skilled Skinks
Your team employed a Wizard and Star player Groht 'n' Mask'th who gave the team a much needed strength boost
The Daggers recieved, Harata Bady hurt and Adata knocked out on the line . The Daggers scored early in the first half , giving the opportunity for your NinjaYakamura to even the score before they received in the second half.
Kusunoki Masashige made the first of his three casualties , not for the first time he has inflicted this many in a game
Your team left enough time for the Skinks to score back before the end of the half , your offensive drive not wanting to risk not scoring . The threat of that was dealt with by the hired Wizard unleashing a Fireball , knocking out a Skink and Knocking dwon a Kroxigor , work still to e done , but the Fireball opened a route with a dodge for Kusunoki Masashige to sack the ball and marking it . This helped prevent a Skink pickup and throw to the end Zone to a receiver at the last gasp which was a hard feat for the Daggers to accomplish
Your team steadily reduced the number of Skinks on the field making stalling easier . Due to the closing threat of the Kroxigors and the possible recovery from the remaining few Skinks, Kunoichi Ninja scored, leaving the Daggers with a hard chance to score back which failed , the proposed Skink receiver and scoring threat swamped by your players
No injuries sustained by your team this game despite the strength of the Kroxigors. One injury that affect armour to a highly skilled and agile Skink was inflicted fairly late in the game , most of the Skink removals badly hurting or knocking the Skinks out
Prior to the next game our large treasure chest was reduced by a half due to a major incident.
Year 11 Autumn- Marble Division. Game 7 2-1
Warpfire Warlocks- Clan Skryre Last game of the Autumn season year 11
A team not as heavy as some in sheer Strength , but more than enough to out -class your team in terms of Strength with Mecha Vermin, and a dastardly Doom Flayer machine . Along with the Bombers and the Chainsaw wielding Vermin there was more than enough to concern your team , and the concern was well founded though Kendo Ushima Blodge skilled Warrior Monk was killed by an unskilled Block from a Clanrat called Pitrikk late in the first half while supporting the equalising Touchdown drive .
Susumi Sakai Ashigaru was killed turn 3 by Mecha Vermin Shoktail
Ashigaru Tomodachi misses next game due to a heavy Block by the opponent other Mecha, Vrikt
Looking at the game itself , the Warpfire Warlocks scored unexpectedly very early considering the number of secret weapons among the team , with some induced bribes this seemed less of a risk perhaps , but this gave your team the opportinty to equalise before the half and to receive the ball in the second half.
With some maneuvering needed and a hand off to Samurai Musashi Miyamotoand and his dash around the defense the equaliser was secured with a rush , a slight stumble , but Miyamoto ran the ball in .
There was almost a rapid go-ahead score by the Warpfire Warlock though , and with some pushing on the Line of Scrimmage and frenzy pushes from the Doom Flayer an agile Clan rat made it with dodging to the final step but fell at the line.
The second half was not easy , but with a crucial failed block late in the second half from the Warlocks , a risky run toward the end Zone bore fruit and Ninja Yakamura secured the win . The Warlocks could not score back late due to the secret weapon Doom Flayer was sent off.
Kusunoki Masashige again increased his casualty tally as well as Samurai Oda Nobunga , with the Warlocks suffering three injuries which will make them miss next game, one reducing a Clan Rat armour
Even the treasury mishap before the game, your team has enough treasury to bring in another Warrrior Monk
A good piece of news is that following the game Ninja Yakamura has gained Strength
CIBBL - Y12, Spring - Far East (1) Game 1 ( round 2 due to no opponent first round )
Venomous Ophidians Blood Naga Team 0-1
A tricky team to counter, with Four high strength Serpent creatures with the ability to temporarily hypnotise our players making them vulnerable to injury.
Your valiant player were not able to overcome the attrition in this game
The Blood Naga defense prevented a breakthrough in any strength and Ninja Yakamura ran through on his won but once again the hypnotic ability of the Serpents made him vulnerable to the ball sack and your teams drive was not succesful
In the second half attrition had taken its toll with poor recovery from players being treated, and your team was not able to prevent the late touchdown despite attepts to force the touchdown early . Ninja Kunoichi managed a very skillful leap into the sideline caged ball carrier Kalite named Jayanti Kharmavant with many skills on the sideline , and managed a push with maximum odds against the ball sack but as the ball carrier was skilled with side step he stepped into the end zone
Your humble coach has to retire Samurai Aratu , as a Block stripped him of strength - Harada Hanto replaces him
Benkei Musashibo misses next game
Another very skilled Ophidians super star player Khalite Budi Dwi Indrajaya picked up a niggling serious injury in a failed dodge
CIBBL - Y12, Spring - Far East (1) Game 2 ( round 3 )
Aethyric Humours Elemental - Air Team 0-1
A game that did not go your teams way, though your team did well to remove opposition players , your team was unable to take advantage through poor Coaching on my behalf and an unfortunate double stumble when rushing to sack the ball carrier in the first half opposition drive.
Your team had the opportunity to equalize the score in the first half with a little time remaining but this did not bear fruit as the induced Wizard was utilised which enabled the Aethyric Humours to sack and recover the ball due to the Fireball stunning two players and so effectively preventing the equalizing score
The second half drive by your team stalled and some coaching errors in positioning and a determined opposition defence meant a last ditch effort by Ninja Kunoichi , who though sacked did have a chance to recover and score when the ball was sacked and scattered , only to fall into opposition hands at the last
Your team suffered no permanent injuries this game , inflictind injuries on Aethyric Humours Earth Elemental and two Air Elementals
Game 3 Spring Far East (2) Division Game 3 ( round 4 )
Shikike Tsien-Tsin Northern Nippon team 2-1
Your team received the kick first period and Yakamura was the selected ninja chosen to carry the ball.
Kawasaki did not need his Warrior Monk claws when he blitzed and Seriously injured Chaos Sumo halfway into the first period which helped your teams cause , and a retaliatory Blitz by the Oni Ushitora failed to break his armour, Kawasaki has been bravely taking to the field with three niggles for some time now and goes about his work without care for his personal safety.
Haruto Iyama Ashigaru misses next game due to a hit sustained from the Oni
Yakamura blitzed his path to the end zone with an assist to place your team in the lead going into the second period
In the second period your defence fought hard to keep the ball from your end zone , Kusunoki Masashige needed the Apothecaries prompt attention to prevent his crowd inflicted badly hurt stopping him playing a part in the rest of the game
Musashi Miyamoto put in an skillful dodge away from the induced Lord Dodrack and Blitzed without assist to knock down the ball carrier about to score in the seeming dying moments of th first period, though this was to no avail as the aforementioned star player blocked Musashi away and the ball was picked up and the equalizer was made .
The game seemingly over and a draw seeming most likely , an attempt to score the win was set up for, then the timekeepers added a little more time to the game. Yakamrua Ninja picked up the ball and handed off to Kunoichi Ninja who put himself in scoring range with some screening and defensive Guard assistance , the Oni elected to Blitz a player close to Kunoichi in an apparent attempt to impede the route to the end zone but the Oni stumbled during his frenzy with the opposite effect to that intended, giving Kunoichi the opportunity to bring glory to your team
No permanent injuries were conceded this game, two Ashigaru , Harata and Haruto Iyama will need to be rested and will be fully recovered for next game
Game 4 Spring Far East (2) Division Game 3 ( round 5 )
King's Shadow Ballers Simyin team 0-2
I fear to report the shame your team feels that your team did not honour your highness in this game or honour their fallen team-mate Samurai Oda Nobunga who fell to a block by Gorilla Kai Dolsa early in the second half
Your team has faced Monstrous opposition with fortitude in previous games but could not overcome the strong Gorillas who had superb guard and defensive skills coupled with their smaller agile and speedy cousins .
It appeared the gods were not with your team this game as many blocks failed to land and though some got through against high strength . When MNinja Yakamura failed to capitalise on Hondas pick up and punt late in the second half to give a good chance of an equaliser Yakamura failed his easy leap with his high agility and a second score from the Simyin deep in their half piled more shame on your team
Ninja Kunoichi will miss next game , with no permanent injury
A new Summer tournament season Summer: CIBBL Olympics
Martial Arts Division Game 1
Gifted Pilgrims Spawn of Chaos 0-2
A very bad start to the season , a game that it is best only reported to honour the fallen
Both Warrior Monks were killed.
#6 Benkei Musashibo – only 4 games played
#13 Kawasaki, a many skilled but plagued with niggling injuries . He insisted on carrying on playing many games and time caught up with him performing a brave block against a high strength ball and chain wielding monster which had a reasonable chance of success
#15 Ashigaru Haruto Iyama
Missing next game and both suffering niggling injuries:
Samurai Takeda Shingen and Kusunoki Masashige
With sadness
Martial Arts Division Game 2 Report to follow
2-0 Win vs Khureshi Komets Snakemen
Martial Arts Division Game 3 Report to follow
0-2 Loss
Quick note: Star player Konja Kitsune was not worth his hiring fee with failed blocks and dodges in important plays. Will consider not be hiring again on this performance
#2 Kusunoki Masashige – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#3 Musashi Miyamoto – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#5 Yakamura – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#7 Suzuki – Head Injury (-AV)
#9 Kai – Head Injury (-AV)
85K lost post game in expensive mistake
Martial Arts Division Game 4 Report to follow
Ninja Flings team named Wasabi Warriors
Draft - summary . Lost to a Fast Ninja Fling 1 turn TD last gasp - your team hampered by 5 missing players
Harada Hanto your high strength Samuarai suffered a niggling injury this game .
Your team will be a stronger team the following game . Your team has hired Tomada , an Ashigaru to support the team further
Martial Arts Division Game 5
Shikike Tsien-Tsin Northern Nippon team 2-1
Another match with our Northern neighbours .
A formidable opponent in terms of strength and power , but your team were able again to use their speed and agility in the form of your Ninjas .
Your team did manage to bench some important opposing players in the first half which did a little to help secure the 'two turn' equaliser though two of your players were badly hurt , the team did have plenty of reserve to fill a full 11
The second half receiving the ball , your team kept their powder dry until the breakout leap by Ninja Yakamura and run to put him only mark able near the end zone and a dodge awy secured the winning touchdown
CIBBL Year 12: Autumn - Tin Division Game 1
As yuor team gains prestige the team is advancing up the divisions, now is playing in the Tin division
Opponents , a Clan Moulder team named Krizzor Trap Baiters
As is the case in many games in this very challenging league your brave Humans faced many monstrous creatures with courage .
The team tried hard against the outright power of the Rat Ogres of the Clan Moulder team but many were removed from the field , and despite having reserves on the bench it was not enough even for our Ninjas to work their skills
Warrior Monk Riku Mai now has the Block skill
Samurai Musashi Miyamoto – Broken Arm
Samurai Harada Hanto – Head Injury (-AV)
Ninja Yakamura – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
CIBBL Year 12: Autumn - Tin Division Game 2 Loss 1-2
Opponent King's Shadow Ballers , a Simyin team that your team has played twice previously
This match the Simyin team is far more developed and due to the previous game injuries your team was at a disadvantage , the rules allowing your team to induce two stars , Oma Gunsen and Harada Mitsunari
Oma Gunsen did manage a strip ball sack in the first half after a fight for the ball on the ground on the LOS close to the sideline which a very good kick put in a difficult position for the Simyin team .
Your team positioned close to the ball , however after some blocking the ball scattered so that Feng Hai a very skilled Chimpanzee was able to freely pick the ball up and run up to the middle of the LOS , Oma Gunsen then performing the aforementioned sack.
There followed another fight around the ball on the ground , once again the ball was scattered into a position for another Simyin pickup , this time to a slower Orang-Utan
The Simyin advanced on the North side of the field covered by an X -cage including two Gorrillas, a leap into the cage for an attempted last gasp strip ball by Oma Gunsen failed on the leap even with his leap and very long legs skill and the ball was run in by the Simyin .
Kunoichi scored an equaliser slightly too early to ensure the draw as the other Orang-Utan threw a long pass to an agile Bonobo who had its marker blocked off for the win
With sadness the relatively new Warrior Monk Sohei Benkei was killed by Feng Hai Chimpanzee .
In return Zhong Kang – Serious Injury (NI)
#10 Gao Hui – Bonobo misses their next game from a block by Ashigaru Adata , and Zhong Kang Gorrila suffered a serious injury from and attempted dodge
CIBBL Year 12: Autumn - Tin Division Game 3 ( round 4 due bye round 3) WIN 2-1
Deluge Bearers - Clan Pestilens
The dirty rat like team were at a disadvantage in team value terms , but had some dangerous players with two Censer Bearers with ball and chain and an inducement in Plan Zero .
Managing to force an early score allowed your Ninjas to enter the field which I had intentionally kept in reserve and with their skill and speed Kunoichi scored the equalizer leaping over the midfield left side, and sidestepping a following Rat Blitz frenzy attack which set up a second half receiving the ball on equal score terms.
A moment of pressure on the kick off with a failed pick up from Ninja Yakamura despite his high agility level, and a scatter that made the ball more available , but your team cleared the danger away and scored slightly early, due to the danger from Plan Zero for the sack on Yakamura
The Rats injured Ashigarus Tomodachi – Seriously Hurt, and Harata with a Head Injury .
The Deluge Bearers suffered a death of a Rookie Plague Monk apparently in its first game for the team
CIBBL Year 12: Autumn - Tin Division Game 4 ( round 5 ) WIN 2-1
Badlands Headhuntaz Savage Orc
As is generally the case the overall strength of the opposition team was higher and most players had frenzy in their arsenal . Your team rose once again to the challenge and and inflicted some welcome removals from the savage orcs but did not manage to stop the Orc touchdown , with the high agility Savage Blitzer Bratgac Frogsplallter covered fairly well , it handed over the ball to another Blitzer Krogdok Skullpiercer who did not risk the sack and scored in time so that your Ninjas could show their skill and speed and between them moved the ball for an equalizing touchdown by Kunoichi before the half time whistle
A second half of cat-and mouse positioning with Yakamura the ball carrier jockeying for field position moved into scoring position late in the second half , protected by a fairly good cage but the high agility Bratgac Frogsplallter managed to penetrate and with frenzy and tackle skill stunned Yakamura , the ball popped out and landed outside a crowded area so that with a Blitz to surf an Orc to clear a dodge opportunity for Takeda Shingen , Kusunoki Masashige picked up the ball , dodged and rushed to hand the ball over to marked Takeda Shingen who made the dodge out and ran the ball in for the winner
Kusunoki Masashige inflicted 2 casualties, making 30 in 46 games , a good rate for a normal strength but might blow assisted Samurai
CIBBL Year 12: Autumn - Tin Division Game 5 ( round 6 ) Loss 0-1
Madeyes Merciless Manglers Clan Mors
A sad day . With regret I report probably the worse day in team history
The Opposing team induced 2 star players Glorsquik Hungrytail and
With the other mighty blow players and with much fouling your team was devastated
The ninjas tried to use their skill to overcome the odds
It wil be a difficult rebuild quickly as before the game your substantial treasury was cut in half
No more to add but the casualty list
#15 Nishimura – Dead (RIP)
#4 Harada Hanto – Dead (RIP)
#1 Takeda Shingen – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#9 Kai – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
#13 Tomada – Serious Injury (NI)
#2 Kusunoki Masashige – Dislocated Shoulder (-ST) He will retire having honoured the team. The apothecay revived him from death but he no longer has the strength to protect himself on the field
CIBBL Year 12: Autumn - Tin Division Game 6 ( round 7 ) Loss 0-1
Venomous Ophidians - Blood Naga
In part due to nearly double of the Blood Naga hits being successfully landed though your team had a similar number of attempts, the team lost this game narrowly .
It is a comfort that no injuries were sustained , and those successful hits by your team were made to count with more of the opposing team removed . Starting with no bench in reserve this was very welcome
The last game of the Autumn season. It is good to finish and look forwahrd to the having a full roster for the next season
Spring Far East #2 Year 13
Game 1 Snakement Khureshi Komets Loss 0-1
The winter break with no games seems to have rusted the team somewhat . The usually reliable Ninjas in the first half had the opportunity of an equaliser after a Komets early score but were unable to perform at their usual level in a crucial play .
Better performance in the second half , but sterling defending from the Komets with their tails and tentacles made it necessary to try for a lone Ninja break out which had a fairly good chance of success but was stopped
Game 2 Powers Of Lhard Ogre Kingdom Win 1-0
The game relied on Yakamura to use his skills to win , it was a hollow victory for the team took a savage beating from these giants
Warrior Monk Kane – Dead (RIP)
Ashigaru Honda – Dead (RIP)
Samurai Takeda Shingen – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Samurai Kenshin Himura – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Warrior Monk Riku Mai – Seriously Hurt (MNG)
Ashigaru Tomada – Serious Injury (NI)
Ashigaru Harata – Serious Injury (NI)
Coach. Unmei no ken 運命の剣
Big thanks to sokeefe for Logo graphics
Logo Kanji Dynamix