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E.L.F. Season VIII: Finished 9th with 318 points (complete cycle).
E.L.F. Season IX: Finished 7th with 300 points (complete cycle)


Potentials that didn't make it

  • Lindarsindel --- +AG, Block, +AG --- was responsible for breaking some cages. Was niggled on pitch and retired.
  • Eldandilmor --- +MA, Block, Dodge --- fell over on a 2+ dodge when the apo was used already and promptly died.
  • Elvëasarat --- +MA --- was with the team for two games. Scored two touchdowns the first, died in the second.
  • Hyarrostaryelcormo --- block, guard --- aged -ag and died the game after.
  • Endorlendë --- Guard --- aged a niggling injury, but was the first player with a niggling injury to play on - he continued to do work on the LOS until he received a second niggling injury and retired.
  • Eldandilielemmírë --- Block, Dodge, +MA, Guard, Side Step --- aged -av and received a niggling injury later, but played on (until another linelf aged a niggling ... then this one retired). One of those that played for the team for a real long time (48 games) and saw everything in his career - from touchdowns to interceptions. Was awarded MVP 5 times and scored a total of 89 spp.
  • Rómennaingaran --- Block, Dodge, Guard, Side Step, Tackle --- The player in whose favour Eldandilielemmírë was retired, and likewise one of the linemen that played for the team for a long time (64 games). Age niggled once, then received a second niggle in the third match between Microchoir and the Doomy Diggers. Retired afterwards with 6 MVPs and 78 spp.
  • Rúcinaómaryo --- Block, Guard, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle --- The last player that was with the team from the start and the biggest star of the team too. Was killed (twice) in a match against some Dwarves. At the time of his death he was the active ranked High Elf with most awards (#3 all time ranked) and #6 among the active players for all ranked teams. He earned his 16 MVP's quicker then any other. Reached an amazing 106 spp in his 87 games.
  • Lauriëlantier --- Block, +MA, Dodge, Side Step --- aged -ma and was responsible for LOS duty afterwards. Eventually received a second injury (-ag) and retired.
  • Tirqueluva --- +MA, Block --- Was with the team for only 11 games but made it to 30 spp in those. Was niggled on pitch (apo failed).
  • Telemtengwë --- Block, Dodge, +AG, Side Step, Tackle --- Another of those long term linemen that stayed with the team during two rebuilds ... died first turn in his 55th match after a block from a Wardancer. The apo failed. 81 spp and 8 MVPs all in all.
  • Elenenyalië --- +ma --- one of those many underskilled players during the second rebuild. Never really got the chance to amount to much as I had all sorts of players to train. Only earned 9 spp in the 13 matches he played. Received a niggle and retired.
  • Tellumakarkar --- block, guard --- was killed dead by the Doomy Diggers.
  • Nehtahelka --- +MA --- was niggled on pitch and retired.
  • Tumbalemornavalarauco --- Guard, Jump Up, Block --- One of the most promising lineelfs Microchoir had in a while. Was niggled in game, apo saved him only to see him being killed the very next turn. And he only just had managed to get block too ... 23 Games, 34 SPP.
  • Valandurelenna --- Block, Guard, Dodge --- Age niggled at 31 SPP and retired (playing 29 games).
  • Aranyayavanna --- +AG, +AG, Block, Frenzy, Side Step --- One of the players that managed to stay with the team for a good while passing the 50 games mark (58 total, 79 SPP). The combination of ag5 and frenzy (plus sidestep) made him a useful anti-cage and "don't stay close to the sidelines" threat. When he died two turns into the game the apothecary hadn't arrived yet. It prevented a death elsewhere later on.
  • Entuluvalúmenna --- Block, +MA --- rolled double 5 after the game he was niggled in.
  • Colindoomentielvo --- +MA, Block, Dodge, Side Step --- was fouled to death, and with that the team was without catchers again for a long time.
  • Tirionarandil --- Mighty Blow --- played for 9 games gaining (only) 11 spp - was killed on pitch on a one db by a rookie lineelf. Apo had prevented a niggle elsewhere earlier.
  • Métimpalantír --- Mighty Blow --- another attempt at a MBlow catcher (rolled the double when Tirionarandil was niggled) - this one lasted for 6 games and 10 spp before it was niggled (twice) and retired. That game also featured another 2 bhs, 2 niggles and a rip. Katze strikes again.
  • Ilcaterhantë --- Dodge, +MA, Tackle --- died on pitch, and there was nothing the apo could do about it.
  • Airëolba ---- Dodge, +MA, +MA, Tackle, Side Step --- my favourite player of the team so far - died on a clean Block after the apo saved another player from a niggle earlier. Played for 52 matches gaining 7 MVP and a total of 103 spp.
  • Táriennalantaner --- +MA, Dodge --- was niggled first turn of a match and the apo failed, retired afterwards. 10 Games 21 spp.
  • Lauriëkárielto --- Sure hands, Strong Arm, Accurate --- was killed by a BOB in the last turn of the game.
  • Lissëangamando --- Strong Arm, +MA, Sure Hands, Nerves of Steal, Safe Throw --- considered retiring him when Lauriëkárielto was still alive due to the TR overload. Didn't when the "backup" thrower died. Then this one died on a one die blitz (against), and the problem was solved.
  • Tinwiná --- Strong Arm, Accurate --- the only real casualty in a match against Katze's orcs ... by turn five I only had three elves on the pitch.
  • Oromardëtelma --- Accurate, Block, +MA, Dodge --- Not an overly spectacular but useful thrower. Age niggled at 51 spp and retired two matches after (managing to gain another 10 spp the match after he niggled).
  • Elensarwë --- Accurate, +AG, Strong Arm, Safe Throw, Block --- Microchoir's long bomb machine, playing alongside Hostainiévailcalannar. Elensarwë aged -av then a niggle later and retired. 44 matches, 78 SPP.
  • Hostainiévailcalannar --- Block, Accurate, Dodge, Safe Throw, Sure Hands, +AG --- The only of my players in ranked that came close to "making" it to Legend Status. Age niggled at the 126 spp barrier and rolled his first "special" skill at the same time. Retired afterwards. 126 SPP, 58 Games, 9 MVP.
  • Avariuilë --- Block, Kick, Dodge, Tackle, Sidestep --- Lineman that was with the team from the start and played for 78 games (missing only three) ... was killed by a claw/rsc/tackle Chaos Warrior with a severe coffee addiction (buzzing). Did everything - touchdowns, casualties, passes, even an interception and was one of the crowds favourites earning 8 MVPs and a total of 85 SPP (without ageing)
  • Auciriauciri --- Dodge, Tackle, Strip Ball, Side Step, Shadowing --- Another player (Dragon Warrior) that stayed with the team for a long time, was killed in his 79th match against Synn's Fluffy Kitten's and more. Earned the MVP 5 times and reached 89 spp.


Highest Gate: 138.000 - Highest Income: 90.000
Lowest Gate: 32.000 - Lowest Income: 0 (thirteen times)
Past Players: 79
(45 Linemen, 14 Lion Warriors, 12 Dragon Warriors, 8 Phoenix Warriors)
Highest TR: 278 - Highest TS: 241
Lowest TR: 100 - Lowest TS: 87
Highest FF: 15 - Lowest FF: 8


After 100 games:

Cas against: 229 - 119 of which where SIs and RIPs (110/68/51)
Cas for: 111 (54/38/19)

TD against: 228 (only one less then cas against ... funny that)
TD for: 186

Past players: 47 (27 Linemen, 9 Lion Warriors, 6 Dragon Warriors, 5 Phoenix Warriors)

Total gate: 7.718.000 Total Income: 3.950.000
Opponents (accumulative) Income: 4.450.000 Average Ticket Cost: 1,088 GP

Total SPP (dead&retired): 1.364 - Average: 29,65
Lion Warrior SPP (dead&retired): 311 - Average: 69,11
Dragon Warrior SPP (dead&retired): 149 - Average: 29,8
Phoenix Warrior SPP (dead&retired): 213 - Average: 35,5
Linemen SPP (dead&retired): 691 - Average: 26,58

Total SPP (absolute): 1597 - Average: 29,04
Lion Warrior SPP (absolute): 311 - Average: 69,11
Dragon Warrior SPP (absolute): 252 - Average: 36
Phoenix Warrior SPP (absolute): 228 - Average: 32,57
Lineman SPP (absolute): 806 - Average: 25,19

Average number of games (dead&retired): 19,67
Lion Warrior (dead&retired): 13,33
Dragon Warrior (dead&retired): 25,4
Phoenix Warrior (dead&retired): 17
Lineman (dead&retired): 21,38

Average number of games (absolute): 19,05
Lion Warrior (absolute): 13,33
Dragon Warrior (absolute): 24,57
Phoenix Warrior (absolute): 15,42
Lineman (absolute): 20,25
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
7 3 4 8
Dodge, Tackle
  10 1 2 0 1 2 19/31 140k
7 3 4 8
  6 1 0 0 0 0 1/6 100k
8 4 4 7
Block, +ST
  4 4 3 0 0 1 18/31 160k
8 3 4 7
  1 1 0 0 0 1 6/16 110k
8 3 4 7
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 90k
6 3 4 8
Block, Dodge
  18 3 2 0 0 2 19/31 110k
6 3 4 8
Block, Dodge, Side Step
  24 2 2 0 4 4 36/51 130k
6 3 4 8
Block, Dodge
  20 1 2 0 0 2 17/31 110k
6 3 4 8
Block, Dodge
  26 0 3 0 2 3 28/31 110k
Journeyman Lineman
6 3 4 8
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
Journeyman Lineman
6 3 4 8
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/6 70k
9 players  
Coach: Mnemon Re-Rolls (100k): 6  
Race: High Elf Fan Factor: 9  
Current Team Value: 1640k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 0k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1640k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:167 (62/24/81) |TD Diff:-59 (303 - 362) |Cas Diff:-234 (78/64/31 - 203/121/83)
Last Opponent: Sir Jahw' s eleven