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This team will be a race of "Pure" Ogres. I have enjoyed developing a team of only Ogres in the Unranked division so I will try it here.

<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&id=1526053">PROOF THE DP IS BROKEN</a>


10-16-06: The team begins with only 6 Ogres. There is no apothecary and no re-rolls. FU does have one head coach and a chaplain for prayer. No re-rolls will be purchased before there are a full squad of 11 players.

10-16-06: In the first game, FU loses to a team of Norsemen, 2-0. The Ogres survive the game without a death or a niggling injury. FU does earn enough $ to hire an apothecary.

10-16-06: In the second game, the Ogres do not lose! FU earns a tie against a team of humans, 1-1. Wendell Wartlicker scores the team's first touchdown!

10-17-06: The team lost a "BBRC Special" to another Ogre team, 1-0. It was a game of 5 vs 7 players and the dice (ones) took over the game. FUGLY! The only good thing that happened was that the team earned enough $ to purchase another Ogre. FU now has 7 players.

10-17-06: FU "lays another egg" against a team of Chaotic Dwarves. They lose 1-0. The Ogres suffer their first permanent injury when the apoth fails to fix Barbara Bratbreath's broken neck. Damn him! He is getting paid good money!

10-17-06: The Ogres do not lose! FU earned a hard fought tie against an Orc team, 1-1, when Xena Zitpicker scores on the last play of the game! Many skills were gained during this match. Sara Stumpgrinder learned block and Tommy Toesucker learned to be more agile!

10-17-06: FU does not lose, again! The Ogres are on somewhat of a streak! For a second straight game, the Ogres earned a hard fought tie against a band of Chaotic Dwarves, 1-1. Using his new found agility, Tommy Toesucker scores on the last play of the game! FU signs Henrietta Hornblower to the team. The team now has 8 players.

10-17-06: The non-losing streak continues! Not only did the Ogres not lose, but they actually won their first game! Victory at last! Funges United earned their first victory by defeating another team of Ogres, 1-0. Tommy Toesucker scores a first half TD, and FU holds off a fierce charge in the second half. FU had Nuffle on their side when a gobbo ballcarrier missed a dodge late during the second half. Tommy Toesucker is so agile that he has learned how do dodge as well!

10-18-06: THE TEAM IS ON A ROLL! Records are being set: Four consecutive games without a loss and two consecutive victories! Tommy Toesucker is a scoring machine; this is his third consecutive game with a TD. Today, FU beat a team sent from Chaos, 1-0. The team has signed another Ogre. FU currently has 9 players.

10-18-06: TOO HOT TO HANDLE! Records continue to be set and broken! Five consecutive games without a loss and three consecutive victories! Tommy "Twinkle Toes" Toesucker scores again; this is his fourth consecutive game with a TD. FU accepted a challenge from a Goblin team with one mean Troll, and FU won,1-0.

10-18-06: THE STREAK ENDS! FU accepted a challenge from a fairly new Necro team and lost, 1-0. The fans were so pissed that they left in droves (-1 fan factor).

<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=match&op=view&id=1404905">A BBRC CONSPIRACY</a>

10-19-06: FU sets another record, this time for consectutive losses. The team is in the midst of a three game losing streak. The team lost once again to an pesky team of Necros, 2-1. The team had their chances during the second half with the score tied at 1-1, but some sloppy ball handling and many missed tackles doomed any chances of winning. At least this loss was not a "BBRC Special."

10-19-06: The consecutive loss record is now at four in a row. FU loses again to a team of Lizards. We learn quickly! Avoid Lizards Forever! It was over by T3 of the first half when FU was down 2-0. We could not pick up the ball and they could. Poor tackles or untimely lapses in memory caused FU to give up the game at halftime and just "press out" and collect the $ at the end. FU signed another Ogres, so the team is at a full roster of 11. Now the coach can start planning on buying some re-rolls!

10-20-06: FU is back to their winning ways as they force a team of Rats into concession! FU wins 1-0. The Rats were just plain fugly and FU was on fire!

10-20-06: This was just a great game versus a tough Norsemen team that ended in a tie, 1-1. FU buys its first re-roll. Tommy Toesucker learns how to block but ages. Tommy now has, +1AG, Block, and Dodge. Barbara Bratbreath is a true lineperson. She has -1AG and -1MV, but she is in there each game plugging away!

10-20-06: FU won the war but lost this battle to a team of Necros, 1-0.

10-23-06: FU defeats a team of Orcs, 2-1. FU proves they can score, but needs to improve on their blocking and tackling. FU did not inflict one casualty during the entire game.

10-28-06: FU battles a team of crafty Orcs to a tie, 0-0. This exhibition game was played to observe the start of the XFL Ogre Challenge. We support all Ogre teams; May your blocks find bone!

11-1-06: FU defeat a pesky team of Orcs, 1-0. In a game that showed a lot of action, FU was just lucky enough to pull out the win. FU uses the money to buy its second re-roll!

11-7-06: FU has found its nemisis! The team earned a very fugly draw, 0-0, against Chainsaw's Palmarium. it is a vicious team of Orcs. So far, the luck has been in favor of the Orcs. FU prays Nuffle will leave Chainsaw soon!
<a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=team&op=view&team_id=306068">We Hate Chainsaw's Palmarium...but love his logo!</a>

11-21-06: Devil Young's Chaos again proofs that luck is on his side against a team of Vinnie's Ogres. The beastmen pull out a tie, 1-1, late in the game even though out numbered.

12-11-06: A BBRC Special on T7 of the second half allows the Undead to win 1-0. It was a good game up until the DR! Here are some highlights: Many players become famous for earning the "Quint" award, but Barbara is just one gimp away from earning the "Quad" award. The "Quad" is awrded to players willing to sacrifice their body for the good of the team. She is a true grunt, and the team is very proud of her accomplishments! Also, the apothecary did save one FU player from death. Lastly, FU buys itself another re-roll with the winnings.

1-3-07: Fumbbl Birthday Celebration Game! FU never had Nuffle on their side in a tough loss to Orcs, 1-0.

1-17-07: DICE RULE! COACHES DROOL! This game proves there is no skill in Blood Bowl. It is just a game based totally on luck! FU gets porked again by the dice in a 1-0 loss to Khemri. The only good thing happens after the match when Henrietta and Bonnie learn to block!

1-17-07: The dice god gives the Orcs a BBRC special which allows FU to walk away with a 1-0 victory. It was the second game in a row where FU earned not one penny for their efforts!

1-18-07: The dice god gives FU a BBRC special which allows the Orcs to walk away with a 1-0 victory. It was a dice rape from the begginning: On the very first turn, Xena get niggled when the apoth fails. BB just simply sucks!

1-23-07: Different game, same result! The dice win! Best player niggles and I have 2 MNG. Tuggnut added to DNP list for he has Nuffle in his pocket. FU loses to the Ogres, 2-1, and BB loses again to the BBRC.

1-24-07: BB is a broken record record! The dice create a one-sided laugher for Chaos, and they defeat FU 2-0. It was a total joke and a waste of a game.

2-10-07: BB IS JUST A FUGLY GAME! I am so glad that I sold all of my table-top stuff and now only play on Fumbbl. Even on Fumbbl, Blood Bowl is such a joke. It is a game that has no skill and all based on luck. Too often the same boring game is played again and again. FU had two players killed, Barbara Bratbreath and Tommy Toesucker, today. Obviously, the apoth failed to save the first player, Barbara Bratbreath. She was a fan-favorite and will be missed. BB is so predictable: I needed $20,000 to purchase an Ogre and only was awarded $10,000. FU immediately went into mourning after Tommy died on T8 of the first half. In an F.U. BBRC Salute, FU allows the Drunk and Dirty's Troll to score the winning TD in the second half! They tried to let the Troll score again, but he could not pick up the ball. The game ends 1-0. Now FU must regain a full squad of 11 ogres before seeking another re-roll.

2-10-07: Needing $10,000 to hire another ogre, FU brokers a game with some Orcs. With only 9 players, FU knows it will be a "body-game" victory for the Orcs. What happens? 2 of the 9 niggle out of the game! FU has a BBRC Special right from the kick-off when only 7 players take the field. T4 of the first half, 4 of 7 players bonehead. There is no skill in BB! It is all based on luck. The BBRC really messed this game up; it was a great game long ago. The game ends in a 3-0 loss. Pamela Poundbone joins the team!

2-12-07: Coach has insomnia and forces team to play Midnight Madness. The lack of sleep makes the team play well. FU defeats Chaos 1-0.

2-12-07: A 1-1 tie against Skulll's Orcs. It is always a good game against Skull's Heartbreakahz! FU is back up to a full squad of 11 players after Barbie Bungtoucher is hired. Now the next objective is to gain another re-roll!

2-13-07: A game that shows how BB is so predictable. FU loses, as predicted, 2-0. Many times there were chances for a really interesting and exciting game, but the BBRC always stopped them. At least, the BBRC had a great circle jerk!

2-14-07: A broken heart on Valentine's Day: A Perfect Ending! Manbush added to DNP list. FU had only 8 players for the match. Manbush needlessly fouls and kills an Ogre after Coach orders a "press out" victory for the Orcs. The coach calls for the retirement of this team to end the bleeding!

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
5 5 3 9
Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle, +AG, Guard
n 33 2 4 0 5 4 44/ 200k
5 5 2 9
Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
  4 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 120k
5 5 2 9
Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
Block, Break Tackle, Guard
  33 0 0 0 8 3 31/ 190k
4 5 2 9
Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle, Guard
-ma 33 0 0 1 6 3 29/ 160k
5 5 2 9
Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
  1 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 120k
5 5 2 9
Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle, Guard, Piling On
  29 0 0 0 10 4 40/ 180k
5 5 2 9
Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle, Guard, Piling On
m 25 0 1 1 6 3 32/ 180k
5 5 2 9
Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
Block, Break Tackle
  19 0 1 0 5 1 18/ 170k
5 5 2 9
Bone Head, Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Throw Team Mate
Break Tackle, Block
  21 0 0 0 9 1 23/ 170k
8 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: VinnieSpleenmasher Re-Rolls (140k): 3  
Race: Ogre Fan Factor: 8  
Current Team Value: 0k Assistant Coaches: 4  
Treasury: 20k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1690k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:34 (8/8/18) |TD Diff:-20 (19 - 39) |Cas Diff:34 (39/25/11 - 15/20/6)
Last Opponent: Departed!