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Intelligent Design
Retired [X] Undead

<font color="red"><big><blink>Fouling Alert!</blink></big></font>
You might be looking at this team and thinking, "wow, that'd be an easy win for my team!" And you're right. They can barely move, they can't dodge, they can't handle the ball, and they are devoid of skills.
The only chance these guys have to pull off a victory is if they were to gain a man advantage on the pitch. But how could they do this... no mighty blow, no claw/rsc... and hey, there's no block skill on the team!?! Hmmm...
<hr><P align=left>[01:34] <;@shadow46x2> it's simple pizza
[01:34] <;@shadow46x2> all players start at zombosis
[01:35] <;@pizzamogul> ok
[01:35] <;@shadow46x2> when they die, they get a point towards evolution.....if they have 51+ spps, they get an extra point....126+..2 extra points...176+ 3 extra points....
[01:35] <;@shadow46x2> so say i have a player who has 57spps...he gets 2 total points....1 for death, 1 for 51+
[01:36] <;@shadow46x2> i can turn around and buy a new player, that is 2 steps evolved from zombosis...
[01:36] <;@shadow46x2> so i can go zombosis -> zombonicus -> zomboformis
[01:36] <;@shadow46x2> or i can go zomobosis -> skeletaphilus -> skeletoformis
[01:36] <;@shadow46x2> which means...in the first case, i can buy a new zombie, who starts at the zomboformis stage on the chart, or a new skeleton, who starts at the skeletoformis stage on the chart
[01:37] <;@shadow46x2> if i "recruit" a new player, for example, a ghoul(like i could have against synn :( )....i can immediately fire the zombie, and buy a ghoul to replace it
[01:38] <;@shadow46x2> if i recruit a thrall though, for example, they start at zombie
[01:38] <;@pizzamogul> ok
[01:38] <;@shadow46x2> make sense?
[01:38] *** McCloud (McCloud@66-190-228-62.dhcp.klmt.or.charter.com) joined
[01:38] *** shadow46x2 sets channel #loa mode +o McCloud
[01:39] <;@pizzamogul> i just don't get what the diff stages of zombie and skele do
[01:39] <;@shadow46x2> nothing
[01:40] <;@pizzamogul> it's just a the name
[01:40] <;@pizzamogul> ?
[01:40] <;@shadow46x2> there's no bonus to being a zombosis over a zombonicus, etc.....except that it's one step closer to a higher level player
[01:40] <;@EdgeDante> so how would you ever get a mummyfosis or whatever?
[01:40] <;@pizzamogul> yeah
[01:40] <;@pizzamogul> what Edge said
[01:40] <;@pizzamogul> :P
[01:40] *** McCloud quit (Quit )
[01:40] <;@shadow46x2> a zombosis player needs 3 steps to get to a ghoul, a zombonicus needs 2 steps, a zomboformis needs 3 steps
[01:40] <;@shadow46x2> to go from zombosis -> mummium takes 5 steps....
[01:41] <;@shadow46x2> it took habeli 80 games to get a mummy
[01:41] <;@pizzamogul> so i has to go through the wrights 1st then?
[01:41] <;@shadow46x2> yup
[01:41] <;@pizzamogul> zombie to skeletons to wrights to mummy
[01:41] <;@shadow46x2> or...
[01:42] <;@shadow46x2> ghouls can go to wights
[01:42] <;@shadow46x2> see the unbold steps?...
[01:42] <;@pizzamogul> yes
[01:42] <;@shadow46x2> like ghoulicus -> wighticens
[01:42] <;@pizzamogul> so, those are "cross steps"?
[01:42] <;@shadow46x2> exactly
[01:42] <;@shadow46x2> but it's still a point
[01:43] <;@pizzamogul> So, zformis can go to skelformis if you want it to?
[01:43] <;@shadow46x2> right
[01:43] <;@shadow46x2> like say you have 4 ghouls, and no skeletons, and a zombie evolves....bam...skeleton
[01:43] <;@pizzamogul> wow - you need an actual degree in evolutionary biology to understand this team concept
[01:44] <;@shadow46x2> lol
[01:44] <;@shadow46x2> it's not that complicated, just don't overanalyze it
[01:44] <;@pizzamogul> hehe
[01:44] <;@pizzamogul> you said anal</p><hr><table border="1" bgcolor="black"><tr><th colspan="7" align="center" bgcolor="white"><img src="http://www.emugifs.emuita.it/metalslug342.gif"><img src="http://www.emugifs.emuita.it/metalslug341.gif "><img src="http://www.emugifs.emuita.it/metalslug4neogeo19.gif"><img src="http://www.emugifs.emuita.it/metalslug4neogeo24.gif "><h2>Evolution of Zombosis</h2></th></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><br />
<b><i>Zombosis</i></b></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td></td><td></td><td><b><i>Zombonicus</i></b></td><td></td><td><b><i>Skeletaphilus</i></b></td><td></td><td></td></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td></td><td><i><b>Zomboformis</i></b></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><b><i>Skeletoformis</i></b></td><td></td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td><b><i>Ghoulsium</i></b></td><td></td><td><i>Skeletoformis</i></td><td></td><td><i>Zomboformis</i></td><td></td><td><b><i>Wightalis</i></b></td></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td><b><i>Ghouliccus</i></b></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><b><i>Wighticens</i></b></td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td></td><td><i>Wighticens</i></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td><td><b><br />

<i>Mummium</i></b></td></tr></table><table border="1" bgcolor="black"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="white"><h2><a href="http://fumbbl.com/FUMBBL.php?page=yearbook&team_id=306814"><img src="http://personal.inet.fi/atk/erod/fumbbl/die1.gif"><br />
Evolving</h2></a></th></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td><b>Spp</b></td><td>If a player reaches 51, 126 or 176spp it is allowed to evolve one step per spp limit. 51=+1 126=+2 176=+3 </td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td><b>Death</b></td><td>Dying allows players to evolve into new kind of lifeform</td></tr><tr bgcolor="Cornsilk"><td><b>New players</b></td><td>If a players evolves, he leaves an empty ecological space, which will be soon filled</td></tr><tr bgcolor="NavajoWhite"><td><b>Raised lifeforms</b></td> <td>spp 0-50 counts as <i>Zombosis</i>, 51-125 as <i>Zombonicus</i> and 126+ as <i>Zomboformis</i></td></tr><tr bgcolor="cornsilk"><td><b>Raised lifeforms +</b></td><td>Raised lifeforms similiar to one of the evolution stages, can start as the lowest stage of that type</td></tr><br />

</table><br />
<b>Example</b>, Undead evo team kills a ghoul from Necromantc team, raises it as a zombie to his own team. The zombie can evolve straight to <i>Ghoulsium</i> stage. BUT if the ghoul who got raised had 51+ spp it can evolve to <i>Ghouliccus</i><br /><hr>
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 0 1 5/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 1 0 2/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 30k
4 3 2 8
  2 0 1 0 0 0 3/ 30k
11 players  
Coach: pizzamogul Re-Rolls (140k): 7  
Race: Undead Fan Factor: 8  
Current Team Value: 0k Assistant Coaches: 1  
Treasury: 170k Cheerleaders: 1  
Team Value: 920k Apothecary: No  

Games Played:2 (1/0/1) |TD Diff:0 (1 - 1) |Cas Diff:-2 (1/1/0 - 1/2/1)
Last Opponent: Drunken Demolition