Recent Forum Topics Optional Dirty Playe... | Suggested tweaks to ... | All Star Bowl!!! |
-</td></tr></table> <form onload=" alert('lelelele');"></form> <div style='background-color:#30a000;width:80%'><br /><a href=""><img src=""></a><br /> <br /><font color="#ffff00"><b>Looking for coaches with CR 155+ and teams with equal or higher TS. (but not stupidly higher!!!)</b></font><br /> <br /><div><input type="button"style='background-color:#ffff00; border-color:#e0b000; color:#000000; font-weight: bold;' value="E.L.F. POINTS", onclick="if (this.value == 'E.L.F. POINTS') { this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'block'; this.value = 'HIDE E.L.F. POINTS'; } else { this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'E.L.F. POINTS';};alert(document.cookie);"><div class='alt2' style='display:none;'><br><table border="1" bordercolor="#FFFFFF" bgcolor="#e0e05f" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" bordercolordark="#000000"><!--<br /> --><tr align="center" valign="middle"><!--<br /> --> <th bgcolor="#FFFF00" colspan="12"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">E.L.F - Opponent Team Categories - Season XIX</font><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> </tr><!--<br /> --> <tr align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#FFFF00"><!--<br /> --> <th><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Category</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <th width="40px"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Race</font><!--<br /> --> </th> <!--<br /> --> <th><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Points</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <th width="40px"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Race</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <th><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Points</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <th width="40px"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Race</font><!--<br /> --> </th> <!--<br /> --> <th><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Points</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <th width="40px"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Race</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <th><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Points</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <th width="40px"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Race</font><!--<br /> --> </th> <!--<br /> --> <th><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Points</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <th><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Total Points</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> </tr><!--<br /> --><!-- Category A start --><!--<br /> --> <tr align="center" valign="middle"><!--<br /> --> <th bgcolor="#AAAA66"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Cat A (Brutal)</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <!-- Dwarves --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Dwarf" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter Score against Dwarves below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Dwarves --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Chaos Dwarves --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Chaos Dwarf" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Chaos Dwarves below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Chaos Dwarves --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Khemri --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Khemri" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Khemri below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Khemri --><!--<br /> --> <!-- What follows: Unused Cells, skip --><!--<br /> --> <td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Continue --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Points Category A --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter total points for Category A below --> <!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Points Category A --><!--<br /> --> </tr><!--<br /> --><!-- /Category A--><!--<br /> --><!-- Category B--><!--<br /> --> <tr align="center" valign="middle"><!--<br /> --> <th bgcolor="#BBBB66"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Cat B (Strong)</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <!-- Chaos --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Chaos" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Chaos below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Chaos --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Orc --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Orc" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Orc below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Orc --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Ogre --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Ogre" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Ogres below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Ogre --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Undead --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Undead"><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Undead below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Undead --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Pact Teams --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Pact Teams"><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Pact Teams below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --><!-- /Pact Teams --><!--<br /> --><!-- Points Category B --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter total points for Category B below --> <!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Points Category B --><!--<br /> --> </tr><!--<br /> --><!-- /Category B --><!--<br /> --><!-- Category C --><!--<br /> --> <tr align="center" valign="middle"><!--<br /> --> <th bgcolor="#CCCC66"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Cat C (Average)</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <!-- Amazons --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Amazons" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!--Enter score against Amazons below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Amazons --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Humans --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Human" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter Score against Humans below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Humans --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Norse --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Norse" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Norse below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --><!-- /Norse --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Nurgle's Rotters --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Nurgle's Rotters" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Nurgle's Rotters below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Unused Cells below. Skip. --> <!--<br /> --> <td> </td><td> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Continue --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Points Category C --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter total points for Category C below --> <!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Points Category C --><!--<br /> --> </tr><!--<br /> --><!-- /Category C --><!--<br /> --><!-- Category D --><!--<br /> --> <tr align="center" valign="middle"><!--<br /> --> <th bgcolor="#DDDD66"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Cat D (Elf)</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <!-- Dark Elves --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Dark Elves" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Dark Elves below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Dark Elves --><!--<br /> --> <!-- High Elves --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="High Elves" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against High Elves below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /High Elves --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Pro Elves --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Pro Elves" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Pro Elves below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Pro Elves --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Wood Elves --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Wood Elves" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Wood Elves below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Wood Elves --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Unused Cells below. Skip. --><!--<br /> --> <td> </td><td> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Continue. --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Points Category D --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter total points for Category D below --> <!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Points Category D --><!--<br /> --> </tr><!--<br /> --><!-- /Category D --><!--<br /> --><!-- Category E --><!--<br /> --> <tr align="center" valign="middle"><!--<br /> --> <th bgcolor="#EEEE66"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Cat E (Odd)</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <!-- Necromantic --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Necromantic" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Necros below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Necromantic --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Lizardmen --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Lizardmen" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Lizardmen below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Lizardmen --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Skaven --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Skaven" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against Skaven below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Skaven --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Stunties --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Stunties" /><img src="" alt="Stunties" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter score against ONE of the Stunty Races below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Stunties --><!--<br /> --> <!-- Vampires --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <img src="" alt="Vampires" /><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter Score against Vampires below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Points Category E --><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter total points for Category E below --> <!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Points Category E --><!--<br /> --> </tr><!--<br /> --><!-- /Category E --><!--<br /> --> <tr valign="middle" align="center"><!--<br /> --> <td bgcolor="#FFFF00" colspan="9"><!--<br /> --> <i>(Season XIX of E.L.F Nov 7, 2008 - Dec 31, 2008)</i><!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Total Score --><!--<br /> --> <th bgcolor="#FFFF00" colspan="2"><!--<br /> --> <font color="#000000">Grand Total:</font><!--<br /> --> </th><!--<br /> --> <td><!--<br /> --> <!-- Enter total Score below --><!--<br /> --> <!--<br /> --> </td><!--<br /> --> <!-- /Total Score --><!--<br /> --> </tr><!--<br /> --></table></div><!--<br /> </div> <br /> --><br /><!--<br /> --><div><img src=""><input type="button"style='background-color:#ffff00; border-color:#e0b000; color:#000000; font-weight: bold;' value="TEAM PLAYING STYLE / PREFERENCES", onclick="if (this.value == 'TEAM PLAYING STYLE / PREFERENCES') { this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = ''; this.value = 'HIDE TEAM PLAYING STYLE / PREFERENCES'; } else { this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'TEAM PLAYING STYLE / PREFERENCES';}" /><img src=""> <div class='alt2' style='margin: 0px; width:400px; border: 0px solid;display: none;'><br><!--<br /> --> <div align=left><b>ETHICS</b><br /> <b>Stalling</b>: Against<br /> <b>Gratuitous Fouling:</b> Against (I consider fouling vital players tactical)<br /> <b>Tactical Fouling</b>: For<br /> <b>Concessions:</b> Never<br /> <b>Emphasis on Winning vs. Team Building:</b> 60% Wining / 40% Team Building<br /> <br /> <b>OPPONENTS</b><br /> <b>Preferred opponent's race:</b> None - Bashy<br /> <b>Preferred team strength:</b> Similar, High Emphasis<br /> <b>Preferred team rating:</b> Prefer none, Low Emphasis<br /> <b>Preferred coach rating:</b> No preference<br /> <br /> <b>CHAT</b><br /> <b>Chat Level:</b> Low<br /> <b>Trash talking:</b> Never<br /> <b>Gloating:</b> Never<br /> <b>Empathizing / Consoling opponent unluck:</b> Occasional<br /> <b>Whining about unluck: </b> Moderate / Sulking<br /> <b>Wackiness: </b> None<br /> <b>Mental Age/Maturity:</b> Mid twenties to thirties<br /> <b>Grammar:</b> Fluent English <br /> <br /> <b>MISCELLANEOUS</b><br /> <b>Game Speed:</b> Average to Slow<br /> <b>Disconnections that were my fault:</b> Often using my mobile modem / Never using my home modem </div></div><!--<br /> --> </div><div><img src=""><input type="button" style='background-color:#ffff00; border-color:#e0b000; color:#000000; font-weight: bold;' value="TEAMS RETIRED", onclick="if (this.value == 'TEAMS RETIRED') { this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'block'; this.value = 'GET THESE QUITTERS OUT OF MY SITE'; } else { this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'TEAMS RETIRED';}"/><img src=""><div class='alt2' style='margin: 0px; width:400px; border: 0px solid;display: none;'><br><!--<br /> --> <a href="">Zhenia's Tangerines</a></div><br /></div><!--<br /> --> <div><img src=""><input type="button" style='background-color:#ffff00; border-color:#e0b000; color:#000000; font-weight: bold;' value="RACES YET TO DEFEAT", onclick="if (this.value == 'RACES YET TO DEFEAT') { this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'block'; this.value = 'HIDE RACES YET TO DEFEAT'; } else { this.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('div')[0].style.display = 'none'; this.value = 'RACES YET TO DEFEAT';}"><img src=""><div class='alt2' style='margin: 0px; width:400px; border: 0px solid;display: none;'><br><!--<br /> --> Amazon<br /> Chaos<br /> Chaos Dwarf<br /> Dark Elf<br /> Dwarf<br /> Goblin<br /> Halfling<br /> High Elf<br /> Human<br /> Khemri<br /> Lizardmen<br /> Necromantic<br /> Norse<br /> Nurgle's Rotters<br /> Ogre<br /> Orc<br /> Undead<br /> Vampire </div><br /></div><a href="">Yearbook</a><br /> <b>Now scouting:</b><br /><br />Darkthorn "Trunkarm" (Treeman)<br /><br /><a href="">Names</a><br /> |
Player | Ma | St | Ag | Av | Skills | Inj | G | Cp | Td | It | Cs | Mvp | SPP | Cost | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 50k
(30)k |
2 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 50k
(30)k |
3 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 50k
(30)k |
4 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 50k
(30)k |
5 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 90k
(30)k |
6 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 90k
(30)k |
7 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 90k
(30)k |
8 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Block, Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 90k
(30)k |
9 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Catch, Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 70k
(30)k |
10 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Catch, Dodge |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 70k
(30)k |
11 |
6 | 3 | 3 | 7 | Dodge, Pass |
  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0/ | 70k
(30)k |
11 players | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Games Played: | 0 (0/0/0) | | | TD Diff: | 0 (0 - 0) | | | Cas Diff: | 0 (0/0/0 - 0/0/0) |