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Origin: The Prince of Castello saw the Grind league take off in the rest of Tilea, and wanted to be in on the action. He also wanted to win.

Like every city Castello has Skaven in it's sewers and men employed in the Sewer Watch. He hit upon the idea of calling a truce and forming a Skaven team, as he had seen them play Blood Bowl before and knew how good they were at the game.

The first envoy he sent did not return. Nor the second or the third, but the fourth envoy reported that he had found a Skaven leader willing to talk.

Clan Master Skriket came blinking into the light to meet and do a deal with the Prince. In return for providing a team for Castello, they would be rewarded in gold and a temporary cease in hostilities.

The Prince jokingly named the team the Castello Cabelleros (meaning 'gentlemen of castello') and gave the players Tilean names according to their personalities and talents. Being a lover of gold himself, he has not questioned what value gold has for Skaven, and some think Skriket may have other motives yet to be revealed........

First Tour: The tour of Maragliano ended in a victory, a draw and two defeats.

Grind Season 2: 1/1/1 record, in a season where some teams dropped out.

Open Season: Opened and almost finished with a truly horrendous mauling at the hands of the Ironfist Nomads and declared a grudge. Recovery game vs Black Company of Remas was a loss but no more injury.

Grind Season 3: The new rules on teams being franchised means The Prince put the team up for sale. There was not much interest so Skriket agreed to give back all the gold they had earned in exchange for ownership of the team, and he is now the joint head coach/owner, keeping the lease on the Castello stadium.

New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Rat Ogre
7 5 2 8
Frenzy, Loner, Mighty Blow, Prehensile Tail, Wild Animal
+MA, Juggernaut
  15 0 0 0 3 3 21/ 200k
7 3 3 8
  7 0 1 0 1 1 10/ 110k
8 3 3 7
+MA, Grab
-av 14 0 2 0 1 2 18/ 140k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
Kick, Stand Firm
  16 1 5 0 0 2 26/ 130k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
  10 0 3 0 1 0 11/ 100k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 80k
Gutter Runner
9 2 4 7
Dodge, Weeping Dagger
  13 0 2 0 0 1 11/ 100k
7 3 3 7
Pass, Sure Hands
Accurate, Leader
  16 9 0 0 2 1 18/ 110k
6 3 4 7
-ma 15 0 0 0 1 1 7/ 90k
7 3 3 7   0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 50k
7 3 3 7 m 1 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 50k
Journeyman Lineman
7 3 3 7
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 50k
10 players (+1 player missing next game)  
Coach: PaddyMick Re-Rolls (120k): 1  
Race: Skaven Fan Factor: 6  
Current Team Value: 1330k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 192k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 1380k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:16 (6/2/8) |TD Diff:-3 (23 - 26) |Cas Diff:-19 (9/4/1 - 14/15/4)
Last Opponent: Miragliano Madratters