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K'r'shh Sl'ppr'ss
Retired [L] Snakemen (CIBBL)

K'r'shh Sl'ppr'ss
Vzzz...H'll th-rrrr...oh, sorry, no snakespeak, no?
Ha...Hello there, how are you doing?
If you hover on (or touch) the snakespeak text you'll see the
translation. Good thing I travelled lots abroad!

Head Coach
Cl'thh "Det" K'brr


Team Colours
Purple & Green

Hover on (or touch) the coach
image, he wants to greet you!


(Year 6, Autumn, game six, concession)

Th' r-tss w'r' t- m-ch f-r -ss! W' c-nc'd'd -t h-lff tt'm'. Sshp'r-l, Q-'ck T-'l -nd Wh'rlyy d'c'd'd t- ll'-vv' tth' t'-m -ss th'yy kn'ww th' c-ch w-sshn't g-'ng t- b' tth' ssh-m'. 't h-ss b'n -n'cc' t-l' -ff t-'lss!
The rats were too much for us! We conceded at half time.
Spiral, Quick Tail and Whirly decided to leave the team
as they knew the coach wasn't going to be the same.
It has been a nice tale of tails!

(Year 6, Autumn, game five)

Ww'll tth'ss w-ss -gg-m'! Ww' ff'n-llyy ssh'ttl'd tth' sshc-r' w'thh tth' -'rr 'l'mss b-t ssh-fff'r'd t-. M-mb- w'll g- -nd trr-'n th' n'xxt r-k'ss, F-c-s w'll b' r'm'mb'r'd.
Well this was a game! We finally settled the score with
the air elems but suffered too. Mamba will go and train
the next rookies, Focus will be remembered.

(Year 6, Autumn, game four, forfeit)

Th' J-ngl' 'ssh th'ckk -nd tth' t'-m w-ss -n -tr'k -nd c-ldn't m-kk- tth' g-m' -nf-rt-n-t'lyy.
The Jungle is thick and the team was on a trek
and couldn't make the game unfortunately.

(Year 6, Autumn, game three)

Ww' t' tth' R-mp-g' yy't -g-'n...tth'ss tt'm' d-' t- -1/36 -ft'r ww' pr-mptlyy c-p't-l's' -n -gg-d hyypn- -p'n'ng. L-tss -f h-rt b-th w-yyss t-. -h ww'll, n-xxt tt'm'!
We tie the Rampage yet again...this time due to a 1/36
after we promptly capitalise on a good hypno opening.
Lots of hurt both ways too. Ah well, next time!

(Year 6, Autumn, game two)

Th'ss t'm' w' pl-yy -d'cc'nt gg-m' vss tth' 'l't-ss, b-t w' bl-nd'r -c-pl' -f t'm'ss -nd tth' r'ssh-lt 'ss -t' w'tth -d'-d sshn-k'. N'd t- p-l'ssh tth' g-m'pl-yy -b't.
This time we play a decent game vs the Elitas, but we blunder
a couple of times and the result is a tie with a dead snake.
Need to polish the gameplay a bit.

(Year 6, Autumn, game one)

Ww' -pt tt- r'cc'vv' ff'rsst h-lff -nd -w'zz-rd kn-ckssh -ll tth' tr'ss d-wn grr-nt'ng -ssh -d'f'nss'v' TD. Ssh'c-nd h-lff w' ssht-ll b-ck w-'tt'ng ff-r -n -p'n'ng...-nd w' g'tt 'tt. N'cc' p-ssh't'-n-l gg-m'! -nd g-d -p-ss tt-!
We opt to recieve first half and a wizard knocks all the trees down
granting us a defensive TD. Second half we stall back waiting for an
opening...and we get it. Nice positional game! And good apos too!

Older entries, by year and season

here will autumn games go
(Year 6, Summer, game four)

-r d'ff'ncc' ff-ght w'thh t'th -nd t-'lss -nd Sshl-v'rss d'dn't sshc-r'. Ww' ww'nt ff-r -q-'ckk sshc-r' ssh'c-nd h-lff, g-tt 'tt -nd -g-'n d'ff'nd'd w'thh -ll ww' gg-t...-nd 't p-yy'd -fff! Tthr'lll'ng -nd ff-n g-m'!
Our defence fought with teeth&tails and Slavers didn't score.
We went for a quick score second half, got it and again defended
with all we got...and it payed off! Thrilling and fun game!

(Year 6, Summer, game three)

W' m-n-g'dd t- hh-ld ssh-m'h-w 'n d'ff'ncc' -g-'nssht N-fffl'ss w'll b-t thh'n h' sshm'l'd -n -ss -nd w' sshc-r'd w'thh l'ttl' tr-bl'ss.
We managed to hold somehow in defence against Nuffle's will
but then he smiled on us and we scored with little troubles.

(Year 6, Summer, game two)

N-fffl', FfFfSs! Ww' ww'r' pr'p-r'd t- p-t -p -g-d ff'ghht b-t n-, 2 bl'tzz'ss -g-'nssht, d-b sshk-llss -nd sshn-k' 'y'ss -nd pl-y'rss k'll-d...pfff. -t l'-ssht w' sshh-w'd w' c-ld d- ssh-m'th'ng ssh'c-nd h-lf. Vzzz!!
Nuffle, FFS! We were prepared to put up a good fight but no,
2 blitzes against, dub skulls and snake eyes and players killed...pfff.
At least we showed we could do something second half. Grrr!

(Year 6, Summer, game one)

W'n -g-'nssht tth' B'g '-nss. -r pl-yy w-ss ssh-l'd b-thh 'n -fff'nc' -nd d'ff'nc' -nd -p- ww-rk'd. -nw-rdss!
Win against the Big 'uns. Our play was solid both
in offence and defence and apo worked. Onwards!
(Year 6, Spring, game four)

Vv'ryy ssh-d gg-m' vss tth' -'r 'l'mss ff-r tth' t'tl'. Sshn-k's ff'lt N-fffl' p-lll'd -n-mb'r -n tth'm, -p'tyy r'-llyy, b-t ssh-ch 'ss tth' gg-m'!
Very sad game vs the air elems for the title.
Snakes felt Nuffle pulled a number on them,
a pity really, but such is the game!

(Year 6, Spring, game three)

Tth'ss t' hh-rt...wh-t -gg-m' byy V'm- tth' ssh'r'-l b-t'r! W' -r' n-t 'n -g-d sshh-p' ff-r tth' m-st 'mp-rt-nt gg-m' -ff tth' ssh'-ssh-n, b-t w''ll m-kk' d-'!
This tie hurt...what a game by Vima the serial booter!
We are not in a good shape for the most important
game of the season, but we'll make due!

(Year 6, Spring, game two)

G-d wwin -g-'nssht tth' n'ww tt'-m...w'th -dd'd n-fffl' h'lp t-.
Good win against the new team...with added nuffle help too.

(Year 6, Spring, game one)

Q'lll...w' ssh'ttl'd th' sshc-r' w'th th' -p's..-nd m-r', -lth-gh th' b'gg'ssht d-m-g' w-ss ssh'lff-'nffl'ct'd, ssh- n- sshn-k' tt- bl-m' ff-r 'tt!
Well...we settled the score with the apes..and more, although
the biggest damage was self-inflicted, so no snake to blame for it!

(Year 6, Winter, game one)

G'-ntss...k'll'd Sshp-rklyy -nd Wwh't' 'yy' -t th' ssht-rt -ff th' gg-m', b-t -r tt'-m m-n-g'd t- cl'-r th' p'tcch -ff -ll th' p'x'ss b-r -n'...-nd 'n th' 'nd ww' sshc-r'd ff-r th' ww'n. Vv'ryy n'cc' -nd tt'nssh' gg-m'!
Giants...killed Sparkly and White Eye at the start of the game, but
our team managed to clear the pitch of all the pixies bar one...
and in the end we scored for the win. Very nice and tense game!

(Year 5, Autumn, game seven)

G-bb-ss w'r' rr'-llyy -nl-ckyy...-dd -ll -rr tr-pp'ng sshk'llss -nd ww' m-n-g'd -g-d ww'n...w'tth ssh-m' 'dgyy m-m'ntss n-n'tth'l'sss.
Gobbos were really unlucky...add all our trapping skills and
we managed a good win...with some edgy moments nonetheless.

(Year 5, Autumn, game six)

Qllll! P'rff'ct ff'rssht h-lff wwh'r' w' c-p't-l'zz'd -n 'v'ryy n-fffl'-g'v'n cch-ncc'...ff-ll-ww'd byy -n -wff-l ssh'c-nd h-lff wh'r' w' br-'ffr'zz'. N-rrgl' p-sssh'ng pl-yss t' tth' g-m'. K'p 't t-g'tth'r n'xxt tt'm', Vzzzz!!
Argh! Perfect first half where we capitalized on every nuffle-given
chance...followed by an awful second half where we brainfreeze.
Nurgle passing plays tie the game. Keep it together next time, Damn!!

(Year 5, Autumn, game five)

Vzzz, w' d'dn'tt 'njj-yy tth'ss ffr-m tth' ssht-rt. C-cch'ss -nd pl-yy'rss w'rr tt- tt'r'd -nd d'dn't pl-yy -gg-d g-m' -t -ll, w' ssht'll t'd tth-nkss tt- n-fffl', b-t tth'n 2 sshn-k's d'd -n tth' p'tch. Qzzzz...
Meh, we didn't enjoy this from the start. Coaches and players were
too tired and didn't play a good game at all, we still tied thanks
to nuffle, but then 2 snakes died on the pitch. Mah...

(Year 5, Autumn, game four)

Ww' ww'nt 'nt- tth' gg-m' vv'ryy c-ncc'ntr-t'd -nd -rr -ggr'sssh'v' pl-yss p-yy'd -fff. Sshn-k'ss c-m' -t wìtth -gg-d ww'n -nd Sshpl-ssh'r g'tt'ng m-rr' -g'l' 'ss tth' cch'rryy -n t-p! -ggr'sssh'vv' d-ff'ncc' r'-llyy 'ss tth' ww-yy t- g- w'tth tth' sshn-k'ss, Vzzzz!
We went into the game very concentrated and our aggressive plays
payed off. Snakes come out with a good win and Splasher getting
more agile is the cherry on top! Aggressive defense really is
the way to go with the snakes, nice!

(Year 5, Autumn, game three)

Qllll, b-d gg-m' vss tth' 4 n-t'-nss tt'-m. M'sshpl-y'd -nd g-tt tth' sshh-rt 'nd -ff tth' ssht'ckk CAS w'ssh'. -h ww'll, l't'ss h-p' tth' n'xxt g-m'ss w'll b' m-ch f-ssht'r!
Pfff, bad game vs the 4 nations team. Misplayed and
got the short end of the stick CAS wise. Ah well,
let's hope the next games will be much faster!

(Year 5, Autumn, game two)

W' w-n -g-'nssht Gr-sshp-r-sssh-...w'tth ssh-m' l-ckk. N-t rr'-llyy sshr' hh-w t- pl-yy tth'ss g-mm', w' ssh-m'h-w p-ll'd tth's -fff. Tt-'lss w-rkk'd -t tth' r'ghtt m-m'ntt, w- d'dn't sshn-k' -ss m-chh -s l-ssht t'mm', w' ggl-dlyy t-kk' 't!
We won against Grasparossa...with some luck. Not really sure how to
play this game, we somehow pulled this off. Tails worked at the right
moment, we didn't snake as much as last time, we gladly take it!

(Year 5, Autumn, game one)

Qllz...sh-...tth' Th-ghtss -ff Tth-t rr'allyy pp-ll'd -n-mbb'r -n -ss, n'-rrlyy p'tcchcl'-r'ng -ss. 'n tth' 'nd ww' ww'r' cl-ssh' t- -tt' b-t vzzzzz, sshn-k'ss sshn-k'dd tt- m-ch! Ssh-m'h-ww ww''ll h-vv' -c-mpl'tt' tt'-m ff-r tth' n'xxt g-m' tth-gh...n-fffl!
Ahem...so...the Thoughts of Thot really pulled a number on us, nearly pitchclearing us.
In the end we were close to a tie but alas, snakes snaked too much!
Somehow we'll have a complete team for the next game though...nuffle!
(Year 5, Summer, game five)

Qllll, C-rr-ll l'd tth' 'll't- 'nt- -rr-mp-g' b-t ssh-m'h-w ww' m-n-gg'd t- 'nffl'ct m-rr' l-ng tt'rm d-m-gg' -rrssh'lv'ss wwh'l' ssh-ff'r'ng n- pp'rmss, vzzz...
Well, Carol led the Elita into a rampage but somehow we managed to
inflict more long term damage ourselves while suffering no perms, well..

(Year 5, Summer, game four)

D-mm't, -t l'-ssht n- p'rmss. Tth' r'ssgt...ww'll, N-fffl' ssh-w t- 't! Fsszzz...'v'ryy m'ssht-k' g-t ssh'vv'r'lyy p-n'sshh'd. Tth' cc'nssh'r b'-r'rss rr'-llyy sshh'n'd w'tth gr-bb'ng tth'rr -wn pl-yy'rss! Fsszzz, m-r' ff-c-ss -nd ggr't ff-r tth' l-ssht gg-m'!
Dammit, at least no perms. The rest...well, Nuffle saw to it!
Hehe...every mistake got severely punished. The censer bearers
really shined with grabbing their own players!
Hehe, more focus and grit for the last game!

(Year 5, Summer, game three)

T'd tth' K-rrg-nss. Ff'rssht h-lff w-ss tth'rss -ss tth'yy K-d s'xx sshn-k'ss, s'vv'n w'tth tth' -n' tth-t K-d hh'mssh'lff tryy'ng t- -n'-tt-rn. Ssh'c-nd h-lff w' ssh-rff'd -nd hh't -nd trr-pp'd 'n-ghh -ff th'm t- sshc-r'. B'l'rr-t 'n tth' -pp-ssh'ng tt'-m ssh'm'd -n' -ff tth'm!
Tied the Kurgans. First half was theirs as they KOd six snakes,
seven with the one that KOd himself trying to one-turn. Second
half we surfed and hit and trapped enough of them to score.
Bilerot in the opposing team seemed one of them!

(Year 5, Summer, game two)

W' w'rr r'-llyy sshc-r'd -ff khh-rrnn' -nd m-d' s-m' cr-cc'-ll m'ssht-k'ss'n tth' ff'rssht h-lff b-tt ssh-m'h-w pl-y'd -n'cc' d'ff'ncc' tth' ssh'c-nd -nd m-n-gg'd tt- sshc-rr' ff-r tth' w'n. Nn- pp'rmss tt-! R'-llyy t'nssh' gg-m'!
We were really scared of khorne and made some crucial mistakes in
the first half but somehow played a nice defence the second and
managed to score for the win. No perms too! Really tense game!

(Year 5, Summer, game one)

C'sshtlyy w'nn'n tth' -p'n'ngg rr-nd ff-r -ss! L'fftyy...l'fft -ss ff-r gg-d, -n 'njj-ryy 'nd'd Grr'n W-ll'ss sshh-rt c-r'rr -nd ww' ssh-fff'r'd -n-tth'r 'njj-ryy tt-. -r'-ll p'tyy b-t ww' pl-y'd g-d 'n-gghh; ww' d'd hh-vv' ssh-m' 'sssh-'ss w'tth ssh-m' tr-'n'ng -nd -pp- tth-ghh, wwh-t'vv'r.
Costly win in the opening round for us! Lefty...left us for good,
an injury ended Green Wall's short career and we suffered another
injury too. A real pity but we played good enough; we did have some
issues with some training and apo though, whatever.
(Year 5, Spring, postseason)

Qqlll!!! Vvzzz!! Ww'..ww'...ww' mm-d' 'tt!! Thh'ss w-ss -r'-llyy t--gh -n' bb-t ww' -rr' ssh- ggl-d t- hh-v' c-m' -tt -n tt-p!! Grr'-t t'nssh' rr'g'-n-ll l-dzz, grr-tss t- -ll!!
Woah!!! Yeah!!! We...we...we made it!!
This was a really tough one but we are so
glad to have come out on top!!
Great tense regional ladz, grats to all!!

(Year 5, Spring, game three)

-r l-ssht ssh'-ssh-n gg-m' 'nd'd 'nn -tt', w'tth -ll'-p'ng rr- 'sshc-p'ng tth' c-nsshtr'ct-rss c-'lss...hh-! W' pl-yy'd -gg-d f'rssht h-lff b-t c-lddn't ssht-p tth' r-ss ffr-m sshc-r'ng 'n tth' 'nd -nff-rt-n-t'lyy, tth'n -rr -TTD tt'mpptt ff'll sshh-rt. N-ww w' ww-'t ff-r tth' d'cc'ss'vv' m-tch b'tww'n t'g'rss -nd -p'ss. Gg- T'gg'rss!!!
Our last season game ended in a tie, with a leaping roo escaping the
constrictors coils...ha! We played a good first half but couldn't stop
the roos from scoring in the end unfortunately, then our OTTD attempt
fell short. Now we wait for the decisive match between tigers and apes.
Go Tigers!!!

(Year 5, Spring, game two)

Ww' m-n-gg'd -gg-d c-ntr-ll'd ww'n -g-'nssht tth' R-mmp-gg'. M-ssht ssh-y tth' -pp-ssh'ng c--chh w-sshn't f'l'nng w'll -nd n-fffl' ff-vv-r'd tth' tt-'l'd -n'ss tt-...b-tt w' g'tt wwh-t c-m'ss -rr w-yy!
We managed a good controlled win against the Rampage.
Must say the opposing coach wasn't feeling well and nuffle
favoured the tailed ones too...but we get what comes our way!

(Year 5, Spring, game one)

Ww'll...'t w-ss -rr'-llyy fr-sshtr-t'ng g-m'-nn tth' sshk-ll ssh'd' -ff tth'ngss...b-tt 'n tth' 'nd ww' tt'd tth' -p'ss ff-r tth' f'rssht tt'm', w'tth ssh-m' h'lp ffr-m B'l'r-tt. Gg-d ff-rr -ss!
Well...it was a really frustrating game on the skull side
of things...but in the end we tied the apes for the first
time, with some help from Bilerot. Good for us!
Bad Weather hit Kuresh, but the Slipperies are here!

The monsshoon ssheasshon hit Kuressh pretty hard thiss yyear, and the Sshlipperies sshtopped training to help ass only they could: playying bloodbowl witth all thhe population in need! Kidss loved it! As you can sshee our ffacility wasshn't even sshcratched by the tremendouss weather, and now many families have found sshhelter within its unwavering wallss!
Authorities were thankful to the team both for the morale-boosting effort and facility use! Go Slipperies Go! Go Kuresh Go!
Our situation has been covered by the SCRIBBL, read more here!

Disaster Relief Slippery team!! Go!!

(Year 5, Winter, game one)

-vv'ryy 'nt'r'ssht'ng tt' w'tth tth' F-rr N-t'-nss tt'-m. Rr'-llyy sshtr-ng' gg-m'...b-t n- hh-rm d-n' -nd ww'll, w' c-ldd h-vv' sshc-r'd b-t sshn-k'd...-nd -c-pll' -ff -tth'r tth'ngss l'kk' 'nt'rc'pt'-nss -n b-tth ssh'd'ss...-n-ssh--l! L-k'ng ff-rw-rrd t- -rr'm-tcch!
A very interesting tie with the Four Nations team. Really strange game...but
no harm done and well, we could have scored but snaked...and a couple of other
things like interceptions on both sides...unusual! Looking forward to a rematch!

(Year 4, Autumn, game seven)

W'll, g-dd ww'n -g-'nssht 'lvv's. -rr t-ll'ntss ww'r' 'xxtr'm'lyy -ssh'f-ll, w'll d-nn'! Ssh'-s-n 'ndss -nnd ww' n'dd t- ppl-n ff-r tth' ff-t-r' n-w.
Well, good win against elves. Our talents were extremely useful,
well done! Season ends and we need to plan for the future now.

(Year 4, Autumn, game six)

-, m-cch b'tt'rr tth'ss t'mm', -lth-ghh w'g-vv' -p mm-nyy -vv-'d-bbl' bll-ckss. Ssht'll -g-dd ww'n, w'ssh-ff'r'd -p'rrm -nff-rt-nn-t'lyy b-tt tth' -p- ww-rkk'd -t l'-ssht.
Ok, much better this time, although we gave up many avoidable
blocks. Still a good win, we suffered a perm unfortunately
but the apo worked at least.

(Year 4, Autumn, game five)

W'll, tth' b-d rr-n c-nt'n-'ss...tt- m-nyy sshn-k's r'm-v'd ffr-m tth' p'tcch, -n-tth'rr d'-tth, n-tt g-dd. L't'ss tryy t-kk'p 't t-g'tth'r g-yyss!
Well, the bad run continues...too many snakes removed from the pitch,
another death, not good. Let's try to keep it together guys!

(Year 4, Autumn, game four)

-fft'r -n'cc' t'gghtt g-mm' -sshn-k'd d-dgg' -nd ssh-m' qu'st'-n-bbl' pl-yyss l'tt tth'vv-mpss ssh'c-rr' tth' b-ll-nd r-n ff-rr tth' 2-1. N'cc' gg-m' -vv'r-ll, -pp'tyy ww' d'dn'tt hh-ld th-ggh -ss w'h-dd ssh-m' ssh-l'd cch-ncc'ss tth's t'mm'. Tth' c-cch rr'-llyy n'dss ssh-m' ff-c-ss, hh''ss g'tt'ng -bb't sshl-ppyy l-tt'lyy.
After a nice tight game a snaked dodge and some questionable plays
let the vamps secure the ball and run for the 2-1. Nice game overall,
a pity we didn't hold though as we had some solid chances this time.
The coach really needs some focus, he's getting a bit sloppy lately.

(Year 4, Autumn, game three)

-ss 'xxpct'dd ww' g-tt n'-rlty p'tcch ccl'-r'd byy tth' vv-mpss, b-t nn-'nj-r'ss ssh- ww'-rr'hh-ppyy r'g-rrdlsss. G-dd g-mm' th-gh, vv'ryy! N-ww-r tt'-mm'ss b-ckk t- ff-ll sshtr-ngtth f-rr tth' n'xxt g-mm'!
As expected we got nearly pitch cleared by the vamps, but no injuries
so we are happy regardless. Good game though, very! Now our team is
back to full strength for the next game!

(Year 4, Autumn, game two)

T'd tth' 'rr-n H'-dss-nd tth'rr ssh-ltty c-ch :P w'tth n-d'-tthss tth-nkss tt-tth'-p- tth-tt ww-rrk-d tth'ss tt'm- -rr-ndd tww-cc'! Ssht'll w'-r' ssh-rt-ff pl-y'rss f-rr tth'nn'xxt g-mm', w''ll ssh'h-ww't g-ss!
Tied the Iron Heads and their salty coach :P with no deaths thanks to the
apo that worked this time around twice! Still we are short of players for
the next game, we'll see how it goes!

(Year 4, Autumn, game one)

Ww' w-n -tt -c-sshtt -g-'nssht c-tt-'ss -'rr'll'm'nnt-lss. -r-p- g-tt c-rr'dd-ww-yy-ndd trr'-t'd tth'f'rssht tth-t c-mm'nt- h'ss c-r' -nd n-ww-r-lr-dyy 'njj-rr'd B'g B- h-ss l'fft-ss f-rr g-dd. -sshtrr'-k-f d'-dd ppl-yy'rss'n-r g-mm'ss r'cc'ntlyy...-hm...
We won at a cost against cautious air elementals. Our apo got carried away and
treated the first that came into his care and now our already injured Big Boa
has left us for good. A streak of dead players in our games recently...uhm...
(Year 4, Summer, game five)

Tth'r' -r' nn- w-rdss, -nlyy tt-'lss p-'nt'ng t-tth'sshkyy.
There are no words, only tails pointing to the sky.

(Year 4, Summer, game four)

H-rd f-ght tt'. W'm'sssh'd-pp'n tth' f'rssht h-lff-b'tt -ft'rr -ssh-cc'ssshff-l ww'zz-rd-nd tth' sshk'nkss w'ntt 1-0. Ssh'c-ndd hh-lff w-ss r'-llyy tt'nssh', w'ssht-ll'd-nd sshc-r'd l-tt', tth'n- bl'tzz c-ldd hh-vv' w-nn-ss tth' g-mm b-tt N-fffl'd'c'dd'dd-tth'rrw'ssh'. -r tth-ghtss gg-tt- Gll-wyy, tth-nkss ff-r-ll yy-'vv' dd-n'!!
Hard fought tie. We messed up in the first half a bit after a successful
wizard and the skinks went 1-0. Second half was really tense, we stalled
and scored late, then a blitz could have won us the game but Nuffle
decided otherwise. Our thoughts go to Glowy, thanks for all you've done!!

(Year 4, Summer, game three)

Th'ss' r-tss h-d't-ll 'n tth'r ff-v-r b'nng f-ssht'r-nd m-cch b-sshh'r, ssh-m'wh-t l-ck'r'v'n...n-t m-cch w'c-ld dd-. L-ssht 'nt'r'ssht pr'ttyy qq-cklyy, pl-yy'd -nff-c-ssh'd. J-st l-ckyy th'r' w'r' n- p'rms.
These rats had it all in their favour being faster and much bashier,
somewhat luckier even...not much we could do. Lost interest pretty
quickly, played unfocused. Just lucky there were no perms.

(Year 4, Summer, game two)

D-mn tth'ss w-ss-hh-rdd-n' tt-! Ff-ll -grt' tt'-m...8'ff tth'b'g ssht-p'dd g-yss!! Tth'c-cch w-ss vv'ryy-ffr-'d-nd'n tth-f'rrssht t-rnss n-tth'ng ssh'm'd tt-ww-rk...tth'n tth'm'sshm'rss d'cc'd'd'tt w-ss tt'm't- ssht-rt pl-yy'ng: 2 -gr'ss-nd-sshn-tl'ng g-'n tth''njj-ryy b-xx, -gr'ss rr't-l'-tt' b-dlyy h-rtt'ng-n'-ff tth'm'sshm'rss-nd kk'll'ng-cc-nsshtr'ct-rr (-p- ssh-v'd hh'm!) b-tt ssht'll w'jj-ssht m-n-g'dd t-ssht-p th'mm ffr-m sshc-r'ng dd-r'ng-r -fff'nc'. Ssh'c-nd hh-lff -gr'ss w'rr' b-dlyy -tn-mbb'r'd, -r bl-ckss 'njj-r'd -n' mm-r' -ff tth' b'gg l-ffss, w'pp-pp'd tth'bb-ll-nd m-n-g'd tt- sc-r' d-'tt-sshw-rm-ff m-ssht 'nt'r'ssht'ngg b-tt'rfl'ss'nvv-d'ng tth' ssh-tth p-rtt -ff tth' p'tcch. Wwh-t -gg-mm'!!
Damn this was a hard one too! Full Ogre team...8 of the big stupid guys!!
The coach was very afraid and in the first turns nothing seemed to work...
then the mesmers decided it was time to start playing: 2 ogres and a snotling
go in the injury box, ogres retaliate badly hurting one of the mesmers and
killing a constrictor (apo saved him!) but still we just managed to stop them
from scoring during our offence. Second half ogres were badly outnumbered,
our blocks injured one more of the big loafs, we popped the ball and managed
to score due to a swarm of most interesting butterflies invading the south
part of the pitch. What a game!!

(Year 4, Summer, game one)

Dd-mn tth'ss w-ss'hh-rrd -n'...tth-t ww' pp-ll'd -fff d'sshp't' ssh'm'vv'ryy'-g'rr -pp tth-t rr'ssh-lt'd'n tth'cc-cch trr'mmbl'ngg-t '-cch bl-ckk tth'Th-ghtss-f Th-tth tthr'ww-t-ss! Vzzz! W' mm-n-g'd tt- ssht-ll tth'sshk'll'ss-dvv-ncc' w'tth sshme d-r'ng bl'tzz'ss'nd'n tth'ssh'c-nd h-lff w'mm-n-g'd tt- sshc-r' w'tth ssh-m' pp-r' 'lffb-lll. W'w'rr'-n tth'vv'rg'-f sshc-r'ng-g'nn, -ss w'r' tth'Th-ghtss-ff 'q-l'zz'ng...b-t N-fffl' d'cc'd'd tt-'ndd't tth'r', l-ckyy -ss!
Damn this was a hard one...that we pulled off despite some very eager
apo that resulted in the coach trembling at each block the Thoughts of
Thoth threw at us! Woah! We managed to stall the skellies advance with
some daring blitzes and in the second half we managed to score only
with pure elfball. We were on the verge of scoring again, as were the
Thoughts of equalizing...but Nuffle decided to end it there, lucky us!
(Year 4, Spring, game three)

Tth' g-mm w'ss-rr-ll C-SSH-hh-vyy -nn'...l-ckyy sshn-k'ss, tth'yy w'rr'tth' b-sshhyy ssh'd' tth'ss t'mm! Vv'ryy n'cc' g-mm-vv'rr-ll th'-gh, w'tth tth'm'sshm'rrss b'-ng cr-c'll'nn mm-rr' tth-n -nn' -cc'ssh'-n. F'rsshtt h-lff, -Rr-mp-gg' p'rrff'ctt DD m'sssh'ss-p w'tth tth'sshn-k'fff'ncc' b-tt tth'yy d'msshtr-tt' ssh-p'rrb'gg'l'tyy'nd sshww'tcch ffl-nkk'nd ssh'cc-r'TTD. 'nn tth'ssh'c-nd h-lff, ll'k'tth'rr tt'm'ss, tth'sshn-k'ss -v'rrc-mmm'tt-nn-n 'ggr'sssh'vv' d'ff'ncc'nd c-n'tt ssht-p tth' tt'.
Tth' Sshl'pp'r'ss'nd -ll tth' ff-nss ww-nt tt- tth-nkk Bbl'-nn' ff-r h'ss ssh'rv'cc'. Hh'ss r't'rr'ng d-'tt- tth' m-nyy 'njj-r'ss ssh-fff'r'd whh'l' pl-yy'ng.
The game was a real CAS-heavy one...lucky snakes, they were the bashy
side this time! Very nice game overall though, with the mesmers being
crucial in more than one occasion. First half, a Rampage perfect D
messes up with the snake offence but they demonstrate superb agility
and switch flank to secure a TD. In the second half, like other times,
the snakes overcommmitt on an aggressive defence and can't stop the tie.
The Slipperies and all the fans want to thank Blue One for his service.
He's retiring due to the many injuries suffered while playing.

(Year 4, Spring, game two)

W-hh...tth'Sshl'ppr'ss c'm-t w'tth -w'nn b'tt't w-ss ssh-rr'lyy h'rrd ff-ght! -fft'rr h-v'ng -nd'rssht'mm-t'd l'pp -dd'bl' sshn-k'yy'ss l'tss th'sshn-kss sshc-rr' -tt th'nnd -ff th'ff'rssht h-lff. Ssh'c-nd h-lff'ss m'rr tth-ghf-ll, w'tth -bb-l-ncc'd d'ff'ncc' m-k'ng m'vv'm'ntt d'fff'c-lt ff-r th'Cl-tcch'rss. -n th''ndd th'yy p'rcc' th'd'ff'ncc b'tt th'sshn-k'ss m-n-gg' tt'p-pp-ndd ssh'c-rr' th'b-lll, ssht-pp'ng th'qq-l'zz'ng TD.
Woah...the Slipperies come out with a win but it was surely hard fought!
After having understimated leap a double snake eyes lets the snakes
score at the end of the first half. Second half is more thoughtful,
with a balanced defence making movement difficult for the Clutchers.
In the end they pierce the defence but the snakes manage to pop and
secure the ball stopping the equalizing TD.

(Year 4, Spring, game one)

Hh'rd m'tcch f'rr th'sshn'k'ss'nn th'sshn-ww. Th'pp'ss rr-llyy-tsshttrr'ngth'd-ss! F'rssht h'lf ssh'w-ss d'ff'nd tt-r b'ssht b-t-sshtrr'ng'ff 3 C-S'ndd 'nn'K-'n-nn- tt'rn l'tt th-p'ss thr-gh. Ssh'c-nd h'lff th-fff'nc'w-ss ssht-ll'd'ndd -sshn'ked d-dg l'fft th'b'lll 'xxp'ssh'd...w'mm-n-g'dd tt'ssht-p tth'p'ss frr-m sshc-r'ng b'tt ff-mbll'd th'p'ss tth-t c-ld h'vv' tt-d th'gg-m. Nn'c'-nn! M'dgg't w'ss 'njj'rr'd b'tt w'll b'bb-ck 'fft'rr th'n'xxt g'mm!
Hard match for the snakes in the snow. The apes really outstrengthed us!
First half saw us defend at our best but a string of 3 CAS and one KO in one
turn let the apes through. Second half the offence was stalled and a snaked
dodge left the ball exposed...we managed to stop the apes from scoring
but fumbled the pass that could have tied the game. Nice one!
Midget was injured but will be back after the next game!

(Year 4, Spring, pre-season ramblings)

Ssh'3 ssh'ssh'nss h'vv p'ssht, n'rlyy -wwh-l' y'rr. W'hh-d -rr'lly tt-gh ssht'rtt b'tt'rr'n-w'n -rr'm-rk'blyy g'dd sshh-p'-ct-llyy...wwh'tt w'll hh'pp-n n'xxtt? W'hh-p' t'hh-v -g-d ssh'ssh'n'ndd k'kp'mpr-vv'ng-rr t'mm'nd c-cch'ng!
So 3 seasons have past, nearly a whole year. We had a really tough start
but are now in a remarkably good shape actually...what will happen next?
We hope to have a good season and keep improving our team and coaching!
(Year 4, Winter, game two)

Th'ffr'nddly g'mm w'th th'Ww'd-wss w'ntt rr-tth'r sshm-thlyy f'rr b-tth t'mmss, w'tth'nlyy-prr'ssht'sss m'sssh'ngg th'nn-xxt g'mm. 't w'ss-r'l-xxingg drr'ww w'tth b'tth t'mmss trry'ngg tt'g'vv ssh'm'f th'rr-k'ss -b'tt'f t'mm'n th'pp'tcch.
The friendly game with the Widows went rather smoothly for both teams,
with only a priestess missing the next game. It was a relaxing draw with
both teams trying to give some of the rookies a bit of time on the pitch.

(Year 4, Winter, game one)

W'w'rr xtrr'm'lly l-ckky'n tth'g'mm 'g-nssht th'w'rr-b'ssht t'mm. 'r tt-l'ntss w'rr-r'lly hìlpfful th'ss t'mm-nd B'gg Bb'-sshc-rr'd tw'cc, vv'ry g-dd! N'ww th't'mm l-kss f'nn'nd w'rr m-cch m'rr c-nff'd'ntt'n th'ff-t'rr.
We were extremely lucky in the game against the werebeast team.
Our talents were really helpful this time and Big Boa scored
twice, very good! Now the team looks fine and we are much more
confident in the future.

(Year 3, Autumn, game six)

Th'Sl'ppr'ss cm'tt'f tth'ss gg-m w'thh'd'ssh'rvv'd l-sss. Ssh-m ppl'yss w'rr rr-llyy n'cc b-tt th'tcc-m w'sshn't pp'rf'ctt, 'th-rrss w'rr fl-t't...'nn'cc'sss'rryy t'ssh'y th'l'ssht. Gg'd gg-m'nyyw'yy! 'r'pp- ssh'v'd y-t'gg-nn'r Sshtr'ngl'rr fr-mm d'thh...y'hh!
The Slipperies came out of this game with a deserved loss. Some plays
were really nice but the outcome wasn't perfect, others were flat
out...unnecessary to say the least. Good game anyway!
Our Apo saved yet again our Strangler from death...yeah!

(Year 3, Autumn, game five)

C-m'ngg 'tt'ff tth'ss ssht-bby g'mm w'tth-vv'rry l'cky w'nn'nv-lvving l-ng b-mbss'n'dd-ddg'ss th'sshn'k-ss ssht'll h-v'prr-bl'mss'n d-ff'ncc'. Th'c-chh sshw'r-dd th'tt th't'mm w'll 'sh-m-rr ptt'ntt d-ff'ncc' n-xxt tt'mm'...h-p'ff-lly!
Coming out of this stabby game with a very lucky win involving long bombs
and dodges the snakes still have problems in defence. The coach sweared
that the team will use a more patient defence next time...hopefully!

(Year 3, Autumn, game four)

Ss-tt'pp-rrss th'ffc-ss'n dff-nc wsshn't th'rr th'ss g'mm'tth-rr...-pss. H'd-n'cc f'rsstt h-lf b'tt vv'rrc-mm'ttd'n prrff'ct d'ff-ncc'n th'ssh'c-ndd, 'nd ffr-m th'rr th'tt-m c-lddn'tt d- m'chh'xcc'ptt ttr' ssh-m r'sshkyy'ct-nss. -r mm'dd'c dd'dd h'ss j'bb b-tt Bl'-n' ssh-ff'rdd y'tt'nth'rr 'njj-ryy. M'chh tt'p-nd'rr f'rr th'n'xxt g'mme!
So it appears the focus on defence wasn't there this game either...oops.
Had a nice first half but overcommitted on a perfect defence in the second,
and from there the team couldn't do much except try some risky actions.
Our medic did his job but Blue One suffered yet another injury.
Much to ponder for the next game!

(Year 3, Autumn, game three)

Th' Ff'ngsshn'pprr Cll'wpp'ck ssht-pp'd'ss'n 1-1. 'nf-rt'ntt'lyy th'rr w'ss-m'sssh'dd c-tchh't th'nnd'f th'gg-m th't c-ldd h'vv br-ght'ss'n th'2-1 b-t ww'cctt-llyy d'dnn't dff'nd w-ll'n-hh'ndd th'tt w'ss wh-tt c-ssh'd th'tt-. M'rr f-c'ss'n th'ss dd'rr'ng trr'n'ng!
The Fangsnapper Clawpack stopped us on 1-1. Unfortunately there was
a missed catch at the end of the game that could have brought us
on the 2-1 but we actually didn't defend well enough and that was
what caused the tie. More focus on this during training!

(Year 3, Autumn, game two)

Th Ff-llw'rss'ff th'Ff'rsshtt C-ntt hvv'n l'ck'g-nsshtt 'ss't ssh'mss...w'm'n-gg'd tt'sshc-rr l't'n th'ff'rssht h'lff'nd thh'n d-bl'pp th'n'xxt h'lff'fftrr-ssh'rr'ss'ff l'ck-m'sshm'rr'zz'ng b'll b-ncc'ss. N'ww h'dd'nn th'n-xxt m'tchh!
The Followers of the First Count have no luck against us
it seems...we managed to score late in the
first half and then double up the next half
after a series of lucky mesmerizing ball bounces.
Now head on the next match!

(Year 3, Autumn, game one)

'n-bl'zz-rdd'r t-lntss w'rr'f n'ssh, ndd thhtt p'sshkyy w'zz'rdd! Whh'n th'tt-m gr-bss h'mm...'nyw-y g-dd g-mm! M-j'rr-vrssh'ght'ff tth'c-chh-t th'bgg'nn'ng, pr-bblyy d't'th'bl'zz-rdd tt-, b't w'rr nt nhh-ppyy w'th th'ttm p'rfrm-ncc.
In a blizzard our talents were of no use, and that
pesky wizard! When the team grabs him...anyway good game!
Major oversight of the coach at the beginning, probably due to the
blizzard too, but we are not unhappy with the team performance.

(Year 3, Summer, game three)

W'rr ssht'll sshhck'dd'f hh'w th-th'rdd gg-mm ww'nt. Th-vvmp'rss w'rr vv'rry d'fff'cllt-ppnn'tss'nd 'rr mm'dcc llck'ly ssh-v'd'n-ff-r sshtr'ngg sshn-kss ffr'm d-tth. 'n th-nd w'c-m-tt'n tt'p tthh-nkss t'N-fffl'...sshn-k'y'ss!
We are still shocked of how the third game went. The vampires were very difficult
opponents and our medic luckily saved one of our strong snakes from death.
In the end we came out on top thanks to Nuffle...snake eyes!

(Year 3, Summer, game two)

Ssh'cndd gg'mm w-ppr'chhdd w'tthh ff'r...'rcss'r'nt knn'w t'bb' gg'ntll. 'n tthh-nd w-mm'ng'dd t-ssh'cc-rr-gg-dd vv'ct'rrr'n'm-sshtt 'mmp-rt'ntt-f 'll n-'nn g'tt'njj-rr'dd.'llss-ww' c-'ldd ff'n-llyy fff-rd-mm'dd-cc. Vzz-Qll!
Second game we approached with fear...orcs are not know to be gentle.
In the end we managed to secure a good victory and most important of all
no one got injured. Also we could finally afford a medic. Yupi!

(Year 3, Summer, game one)

Ffirssht g-mm' w'ss...blll'd b'th. Ttthr' prmmn'nt 'nj-r'ss, tw-f wh'cchh'n vv'rr'mprrt'nt pl'yrss. 't-'ll sshdd'nl' gt vv'rr cmmpl'ctdd! Th-t'mm w'll hldd'n'hhp'ffll ssh'pprtt ssht'ff w'll b-b-ssht'd w'thh mmdd'cc...ssh'nn. Tth'nkss frr th-ss'pp-rt.
First game was...a blood bath. Three permanent injuries, two of
which on very important players. It all suddenly got very
complicated! The team will hold and hopefully the support staff
will be boosted with a medic soon. Thanks for the support.

(Year 3, Summer, preseason)

"K'r'shh Sl'ppr'ss 'rr hrr pl-y w'th th-b'sst, qll!
W-lv grrr-b'ng lvsss'n'sl'ppr'nggg'n ssstd'-msss, Vzzz!"
Kuresh Slipperies are here to play with the best, ha!
We love grabbing elves and slippering in stadiums, yep!


W-rr pr-d t'nn-nccc tth'tt SSHCR'BBLL 'ss-#4 ff'tt-r'ss th-ff'll'nt'rrvv-w w'tth c-cch D't tth'tt sshh'dss l'ghtt'n tth'-r'g'nss'f tth'ss vv-r' t'mm! Ccl'ckk h'rr tt-g'tt y-rr ffrr'cc-py n'ww! Vzzz!
We are proud to announce that SCRIBBL issue #4 features the full
interview with coach Det that sheds light on the origins of this very
team! Ha! Click here to get your free copy now!

Ngkrrw-tt Sshp'r-ll

Angkorwat Spiral

Snake eyes!

L'vv'ndd dd- byy th'sshn'kk 'yy-!
Live and die by the snake eye!

Team Song:
Gg, K'r'shh, Gg!
sshl'thrr tthr-ghh th'mm'n'c'll 'r-nnd th'mm!
Gg, Sl'ppr'ss, Gg!
d'ncc'm-ngg th'mm'n'sshc-rr 'gg'nssht th'mm!

Go Kuresh, Go!
slither through them and coil around them!
Go Slipperies, Go!
dance among them and score against them!

Do you know what the holes in the spectator seats in the Slipperies
stadium are for? At the entrance if you are a snakemen they give you
a stick (different lengths/sizes available) that fits upright into the
hole so you can coil around it and have a better view!

Year 6, Autumn - Copper Division

W' m'ght 'v'n h-v' w-n 't...b-t 't w-ss j-ssht t- m-ch ff-r tth' c-ch...pl-y'd ssh'nc' h' h-d t-, l-ck'd 't -t m-lt'pl' tt'm'ss -nd w'll, h'-d w-ss t-t-llyy- t -ff tth' gg-m'.
We might even have won it...but it was just too much for
the coach...played since he had too, lucked it out multiple
times and well, head was totally out of the game.

Year 6, Summer - Athel Loren Green Thumb Cup

Ssh'c-nd pl-cc' -gg-'n...w'tth -tt'rr'bl' gg-m' -g-'nssht tthe w'nn'rss. N-fffl'!! -t l'-ssht tth' -th'rr g-m'ss ww'r' g-d!
Second place again...with a terrible game against the winners.
Nuffle!! At least the other games were good!

Year 6, Spring - Regionals

Ssh'c-nd pl-cc' w'thh -t'rrr'bl' t'tl' gg-m' -nd ssh-m' d'vv'l-p-d pl-yy'rss l-ssht -r 'njj-r'd. N-t h-ppyy. W''ll ssht'p -r gg-m' -p! Vzzzz!
Second place with a terrible title game and some developed players
lost or injured. Not happy. We'll step our game up! Grrrr!

Year 6, Winter - Friendlies

Pl-yy'd -n' gg-m' -g-'nssht -tt'-m w' n'v'rr ff-cc'd. -ll gg-d.
Played one game against a team we never faced. All good.
Year 5, Autumn - Tin Division

't w-ss tth' d'cc'd'ng ssh'-s-n: sshh-ll sshn-k's ssht-y -r sshh-ll tth'yy g-? 'n tth' -ft'rm-thh -f 't -ll 't'ss - "ssht-y". 3/2/2 'n tth' d'v'ssh'-n, w'tth ssh-m' g-d -nd ssh-m' b-d g-m'ss, ssh-m' br-'nfr'zz'ng -nd ssh-m' l-ck'ng. Vzzz.
It was the deciding season: shall snakes stay or shall they go?
In the aftermath of it all it's a "stay".
3/2/2 in the division, with some good and some bad games,
some brainfreezing and some lucking. Good.

Year 5, Summer - Lost Gate

Ssh- -ss 'n 'v'ryy ssh'-s-n ssh- ff-r tth' ssht-rt 'ss gg-d -nd tth'n tth' sshn-k'ss ff-ld, w'll 't -lww-yyss b' l'kk' tth'ss? -pp'tyy r'-llyy, -ss w' kn-ww 'xx-ctlyy wwh'n -nd wwh-t w'ntt wr-ng...b-t tth-t g'vv'ss -ss -b-ssh' tt- ww-rkk ffr-m!
So as in every season so far the start is good and then the snakes fold,
will it always be like this? A pity really, as we know exactly
when and what went wrong...but that gives us a base to work from!

Year 5, Spring - Regionals

-nd ww' 'm'rrg' rr'g'-n-ll cch-mp'-nss -ft'rr -rr'-llyy cl-ssh' rr'g'-n-ll! -ww'n -nd tww- t'ss w'r' 'n-gghh t- ssh'c-r' tth' t'tl'! C-ngr-tss t- 'v'ryyb-dyy!!
And we emerge regional champions after a really close
regional! A win and two ties were enough to secure the
title! Congrats to everybody!!

Year 5, Winter - Friendlies

-n' gg-m', n-t bb-d, ssh-m' m-rr' 'xxp'r'ncc' b-tt tww- sshn-k'ss w-n't ppl-yy tth' f'rssht r-gg'-n-l gg-m'. L'tt'ss hh-p' 't'll b' -kk -nyw-yy!
One game, not bad, some more experience but two snakes won't play
the first regional game. Let's hope it'll be ok anyway!
Year 4, Autumn - Iron Division

Sshw'ngyy ssh'-ssh-n -g-'nn...-ss -lw-yyss w' h-v' -g-dd ssht-rt, tth'n l-ssh' 't m'dssh'-ssh-n -nlyy t- c-mm' b-cck -t tth' 'nd w'tth tww- g-d w'nss. W' l-ssht b-tth -rr c-nsshtr'ct-rss
d-r'ng tth' ssh'-s-n ssh- n'xxt -n' w''rr' l-kk'ng t- rr'b-'ldd -b'tt.
Swingy season again...as always we have a good start, then loose it midseason
only to come back at the end with two good wins. We lost both our constrictors
during the season so next one we're looking to rebuild a bit.

Year 4, Summer - SCRIBBL Climax Qualifier VI

W' ssht-rt'd tth' qq--l'ff'rss w'tth tw-ggr-tt gg-m'ss, w'll pl-yy'd -nd l-ckkyy tt-, tth'n w'w'rr' ssht-pp'd byy tth' rr-t w'wnn'rss, tt'd tth' sshk'nkss'n-gg-d gg-m'-nd tth'n w'r' c-mpl'tt'lyy m-sssh-crr'dd byy tth'-p'ss: wwh-t-n-fffl'ng tth-t w-ss! W'hh'ldd w'll -nt'l tth' l-ssht tww-gg-m'ss...tth'n w' ssh-ff'r'd tthr' d'-dd...dd-mnn, wwh-t-bbl-ww! W'-ppr-cch tth'n'xxt ssh'-sshn w'tth-n -n'-sshyy ff'l'ng...
We started the qualifiers with two great games, well played and lucky too,
then we were stopped by the rat winners, tied the skinks in a good game and
were completely massacred by the apes: what a nuffling that was! We held well
until the last two games...then we suffered three dead...damn, what a blow!
We approach the next season with an uneasy feeling...

Year 4, Spring - Regionals

Tth' rr'g'n-lss w'rr'n'tt tth-t b-d, ssh'c-nnd pll-cc'ss vv'ryy g'dd, Vzzzz! Ssht'll w'c-ldd h-vv'd-nn'b'tt'rr, b-tt-ss 'tt w-ss-r f'rrssht 'nc-nt'rr w'tth-r 3 ssh'ssht'rr t'mmss't'ss n-tt-b-d ssht-rtt. Tth't'mm l-kss bb'tt'rr'nd bb'tt'rr n-ww'nd ww'-rr'-g'rr tt-pl-yy'n ssh-mm'rr!
The regionals weren't that bad, second place is very good, yeah!
Still we could have done better, but as it was our first encounter
with our 3 sister teams it's not a bad start. The team looks
better and better now and we are eager to play in summer!

Year 4, Winter - Friendlies

W'nt'rr ffr'ndl'ss w'rr gg'd f'rr'ss, th't'mm l-kss b'tt'rr'nd b'tt'rr! L'tt'ss ssh'hh-w th'rr'g-n-llss g'!
Winter friendlies were good for us, the team looks better and better!
Let's see how the regionals go.
Year 3, Autumn - Granite Division

End'd with a 2/1/3 record, fin'ssh'ng 6th over'll...out of 7...of wh'cch 2 teams dropped out midssh'sshon...so not a sshtell'rr ssh'asshon but at leassht we built a reliable team!
Ended with a 2/1/3 record, finishing 6th overall...out of 7...
...of which 2 teams dropped out midseason...so not a
stellar season but at least we built a reliable team!

Year 3, Summer – Youngbloods XII

K'r'shh Sl'ppr'ss m-n-g'd t- ttr'-mpph 'n tth'rr ff'rssht t-rn'! W'tth m-ch l-ckk -nd ssh-m' tr-' gr't! W'll d-n'!
Kuresh Slipperies managed to triumph in their first tournie!
With much luck and some true grit! Well done!

Year 5, Spring – Regionals

W' m-n-gg'd t- ww'n tth'ss rr'g'-n-l...w'tth-t l-ssh'ng -gg-m', b-t 'tt ww-ss -rr'-llyy ccl-ssh' c-ll! Vzzz!
We managed to win this regional...without loosing a game,
but it was a really close call! Yey!

Coach Det comment:
Wo-hh, it t-okk a ww'n and two t'ess pluss a Rampage ww'n over the Library in the lassht gg-me off the rregional to ssh'nd the tropphyy to uss! It wass a close call but we -re very hh-ppyy of tth'ss vv'ctoryy!
Woah, it took a win and two ties plus a Rampage win over the Library
in the last game of the regional to send the trophy to us!
It was a close call but we are very happy of this victory!

Year 3, Summer – Youngbloods XII

K'r'shh Sl'ppr'ss r-r'h-ppyyy t-h-ldd th'ttl'f Y-nngbl-dd Ch-mp'nn f'r w'nn'ng th'Y-nngbl-dss XII! Vzzz!
Kuresh Slipperies are happy to hold the title of Youngblood
Champion for winning the Youngbloods XII! Yey!

Coach Det comment:
W'll, wh't can I sshay? Affterr a vvery diffficult sshtart we got b'ckk up and won the Youngbloodss. We gavve our bessht b't sshure all the prrayerss our sshhamanss did were ansshwered! Game one had uss sshhattered, game two sshaw us winn aga'nsshtt all odds and game thrree sshaw uss sshomehow keepp't all togetherr and win: triple Sshn'k-y'ss...sshtill can't bel'eve it, but Nufffle takess and Nufffle givess!

We arre approach'ng th'next ssheasshon w'th sshome hope. The tteam iss sshtart'ng to come ttogether and the sshnakess are eagerr to gett back on the pitch!
Well, what can I say? After a very difficult start we got back up
and won the youngbloods. We gave our best but sure all the prayers
our shamans did were answered! Game one had us shattered, game two
saw us win against all odds and game three saw us somehow keep it
all together and win with a triple Snake eyes...still can't believe
it, but Nuffle takes and Nuffles gives!

We are approaching the next season with some hope. The team is starting
to come together and the snakes are eager to get back on the pitch!

Current roster:

Past players:

Th' coachh, wh'le not unh'ppyy w'tth the t'mm's perff'rmancc, iss alwayss l-kingg ffor wayss t'mprovve. One g'dd tipp he recce'ved, among many'therr even gr-t'rr on'ss, wass to play ssh'me ffr'endl'ess or other sshh'rt tourn'ess with th't'mm, to pract'cc more ssher'ousshly'nd even sshc-t ssh-me new sshnake playy'rrss. Thuss th'K'r'shh Sl'ppr'ss Prct'cc t'mm wass born. To know m-rr about the'rr perff-rmancc'nd whereaboutss go to the'rr t'mm page!
The coach, while not unhappy with the team's performance, is always
looking for ways to improve. One good tip he received, among
many other even greater ones, was to play some friendlies or
other short tournies with the team, to practice more seriously
and even scout some new snake players.
Thus the Kuresh Slipperies Practice team was born. To know
more about their performance and whereabouts go to their team page!

H-v'ng hh'-rd -ff tth's n'ww tth'ng, tth' c-chh d'cc'd'd tt- l't'rr-llyy r'ssh-rr'ct ssh-m' -ld ggl-r'ss -nd ssh'nd tth'm tt- pl-yy ssh-m' 7s. Thuss th'K'r'shh Sl'ppr'ss 7s t'mm wass born. To know m-rr about the'rr perff-rmancc'nd whereaboutss go to the'rr t'mm page!
Having heard of this new thing, the coach decided to literally
resurrect some old glories and send them to play some 7s.
Thus the Kuresh Slipperies 7s team was born. To know
more about their performance and whereabouts go to their team page!

Original team bio template by Balle2000
New Team Page Beta
Player Ma St Ag Pa Av Skills Inj G Cp Td It Cs Mvp SPP Cost  
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
Journeyman Snakeman
6 3 3+ - 8+
Prehensile Tail
  0 0 0 0 0 0 0/ 60k
0 players
Coach: det Re-Rolls (120k): 3  
Race: Snakemen (CIBBL) Dedicated Fans: 8  
Current Team Value: 970k Assistant Coaches: 0  
Treasury: 40k Cheerleaders: 0  
Team Value: 970k Apothecary: Yes  

Games Played:56 (25/15/16) |TD Diff:14 (62 - 48) |Cas Diff:-42 (63/30/20 - 86/43/26)
Last Opponent: Under-Nuln Bells