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* * * Did you know? The best blocker is Taku the Second with 551 casualties.
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2008-06-19 22:05:30 elendil79 Player 5541568 Skill roll: 5+2 - Ageing: 5+5
2008-06-19 22:03:10 elendil79 Match completed against 459607
2008-06-19 19:42:05 elendil79 Started Match (TR 106)
2008-06-11 21:39:37 elendil79 Started Match (TR 106)
2008-06-11 21:32:05 elendil79 Started Match (TR 106)
2008-06-11 21:28:33 elendil79 Started Match (TR 106)
2008-06-11 21:25:47 elendil79 Started Match (TR 106)
2008-06-11 20:46:06 elendil79 Started Match (TR 106)
2008-06-11 20:43:08 elendil79 Started Match (TR 106)
2008-06-11 19:59:26 elendil79 Started Match (TR 106)
2008-06-08 17:39:41 elendil79 Started Match (TR 106)
2008-06-07 21:01:11 elendil79 Bought Apothecary
2008-06-07 20:59:56 Coco_GSI Match completed against 465380
2008-06-07 19:15:23 elendil79 Started Match (TR 100)
2008-06-07 16:40:44 elendil79 Started Match (TR 100)
2008-06-03 11:28:55 elendil79 Changed Progression
2008-06-03 11:28:51 elendil79 Changed Progression
2008-06-03 11:27:08 elendil79 Team activated