Past Players of Call the Midwives
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
2 | Cynthia | Piranha Warrior Catcher | 7 | 8 | Catch, Dodge, Sure Feet | m, -st |
18 | Yorick Vilefire | Tribal Linewoman | 1 | 0 | Dodge | d |
17 | Julius Deepeagle | Tribal Linewoman | 1 | 0 | Dodge | d |
18 | Sean Palefire | Tribal Linewoman | 1 | 0 | Dodge | d |
2 | Sister Mary | Piranha Warrior Catcher | 4 | 1 | Catch, Dodge | d |
11 | Delia Busby | Tribal Linewoman | 7 | 7 | Dodge, Block | d |
10 | Phylis Crane | Tribal Linewoman | 2 | 0 | Dodge | n |
9 | Barbara Gilbert | Tribal Linewoman | 2 | 0 | Dodge | n |
8 | Jane Sutton | Tribal Linewoman | 1 | 0 | Dodge | d |
5 | Sister Julienne | Koka Kalim Blitzer | 4 | 0 | Block, Dodge | -st |
2 | Cynthia Miller | Piranha Warrior Catcher | 1 | 0 | Catch, Dodge | -av |
1 | Jenny Lee | Eagle Warrior Thrower | 12 | 33 | Dodge, Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Sure Feet | m, m, d |