| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
7 | Mr Roboto | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 3 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | n |
10 | Liam Elphin | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 5 | 10 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard | -av |
2 | Radcliffe Two Face | Troll Slayer | 4 | 0 | Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull | n |
2 | Maithgemm the Fox | Troll Slayer | 1 | 0 | Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull | -st |
4 | Gilmer 'Devil's Charm' Zeus | Blitzer | 7 | 0 | Block, Thick Skull | -av |
10 | Garteraht "Angelface" Zyney | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 13 | 12 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard | n, d |
9 | Banbrek "The" Hollowmaster | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 1 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull | -ag |
6 | Urg Heavycrusher | Blitzer | 9 | 10 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle | d |
4 | Moltark "Flash" Skeavolick | Runner | 9 | 11 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block | d |
9 | Kiirion "ElfLover" Ravavaris | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 3 | 6 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard | d |
7 | Nicolaas van der Hulshh | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 34 | 15 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Stand Firm | m |
11 | Nahuel "Tetazz" Chaparrouu | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 35 | 20 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow | m, m |
5 | Gerwulf 'Backstabber' Oxworth | Blitzer | 31 | 48 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Guard, Stand Firm | |
7 | Stijn van der Meer | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 8 | 6 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard | -av, m, n |
2 | Caerwyn Tanner | Troll Slayer | 36 | 41 | Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm | |
3 | Finn Quanan | Runner | 36 | 45 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block, Tackle, Fend, Pro | -pa |
8 | Asher Cuparun | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 37 | 30 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm | n |
5 | Emiliano "Spock Ears" | Blitzer | 7 | 0 | Block, Thick Skull | d |
3 | Remington Razzia | Runner | 1 | 0 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull | -ag |
2 | Aiden Runnik | Troll Slayer | 2 | 0 | Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull | d |
4 | Nacho Baldezz | Blitzer | 29 | 30 | Block, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow, Tackle, Guard | -pa |
13 | Korneel van der Burger | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 36 | 46 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Grab | m, -ag |
6 | Zacarias Blanco | Runner | 39 | 81 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block, Tackle, Dodge, Fend, On the Ball | |
12 | Roberto 'BigTen' Wranbila | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 16 | 4 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Dodge | m |
11 | Pascal 'Gunner' Naddaud | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 18 | 6 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, +MA, Guard | n |
10 | Hudson Card | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 36 | 22 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow | n |
9 | Andy 'BowLegged' Mazurczak | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 27 | 34 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Grab | -ma |
8 | Vern 'Oil' Hobban | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 10 | 9 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, +MA | |
7 | Kike 'Condor' Alonso | Dwarf Blocker Lineman | 11 | 0 | Block, Tackle, Thick Skull, Guard, Stand Firm | -ma, n, d |
5 | Bictor 'Snake' Oliba | Runner | 9 | 7 | Sure Hands, Thick Skull, Block, Tackle | -pa |
4 | Wakanoho 'Sumo' Toshinori | Blitzer | 8 | 2 | Block, Thick Skull, Tackle, Guard | n, d |
3 | Gonzalo 'Thor' Ponzz | Blitzer | 9 | 17 | Block, Thick Skull, +AG, Tackle, +MA, +MA | m |
2 | Lorenzo Duvermaay-Tradiff | Troll Slayer | 9 | 27 | Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull, +AG, Mighty Blow, Tackle | n |
1 | Watt 'Bill' Patulsky | Troll Slayer | 27 | 18 | Block, Dauntless, Frenzy, Thick Skull, +MA, Tackle | m |