Past Players of Schlagbad Gatekeepers
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
4 | Bailey Malcuma | Human Lineman | 7 | 4 | Dirty Player | m, d |
16 | Kyler Cune | Human Lineman | 17 | 20 | Pro, Wrestle, Dauntless | r |
11 | Miranda Birinair | Human Lineman | 4 | 0 | | d |
10 | Timothy Darset | Human Lineman | 20 | 10 | Block, Pro | n, d |
5 | Benjamin Omournil | Catcher | 22 | 54 | Catch, Dodge, Side Step, Sure Hands, Leap, Diving Catch, Safe Pair of Hands, Defensive | m, m, m, r |
4 | Haley Laelithra | Thrower | 14 | 13 | Sure Hands, Pass, Cloud Burster, Accurate, Running Pass | m, d |
3 | Jace Madis | Blitzer | 14 | 22 | Block, Frenzy, Pro, Stand Firm | n, d |
1 | Kali Hezak | Ogre | 24 | 35 | Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Bone Head, Loner, Throw Team-mate, Guard, Grab, Pile Driver, Brawler, Break Tackle | m, r |