Recent Forum Topics In-Season team build... | Dealing with a massi... | Increasing the max R... |
Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries | |
15 | Shahla Vakili | Halfling Hopeful Lineman | 2 | 0 | Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
12 | Hooman Zareii | Halfling Hopeful Lineman | 1 | 0 | Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty | d |
4 | Ramesh Kolahi | Halfling Catcher | 1 | 3 | Catch, Dodge, Sprint, Right Stuff, Stunty, Sure Feet | d |
1 | Soroush Chor | Altern Forest Treeman | 4 | 9 | Mighty Blow, Stand Firm, Strong Arm, Thick Skull, Take Root, Timmm-ber!, Throw Team-mate, +MA, Block, Grab | d |