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* * * Did you know? The most casualties in a single match is 21.
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Past Players of Clann Twelvetooth
Team Page
4Ruruk DeadeyeThrower34Sure Hands, Passd
7Huursh BlackfangBlitzer45Blockd
4Muggsla 'ee as da Ball!Goblin68Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Dirty Player-ag
11Thukka GrisshgrasshBlitzer35Blockm, n
13Bokka KneekappaLineman25d
8Krugga Dead-eyeThrower126Sure Hands, Pass, Leader 
13Trekk ThighcarverLineman35d
12Uhrak RedclawBlitzer189Block, Guardd
13Ruglut One-eyeThrower26Pass, Sure Handsd
3Hurggha BlackclawBlack Orc Blocker108Side Stepm, n
1Raugg WhiteearBlack Orc Blocker1118Block, Guardn
7Krauk ElfloverLineman2523Dirty Player, Kick 
16BrugshTroll52Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guym, n
5Ruuk TwelvetoothBlack Orc Blocker1016Block, Guardn
14Bhurg GroinmaulerLineman3426Dirty Player, Diving Tackled
16Mork KneemaulerLineman131-ma, d
1Murgluk RedearBlack Orc Blocker2324Block, Mighty Blowm, n
1Varash the SilentBlack Orc Blocker30d
9Bhurk BloodtongueBlitzer5345Block, Stand Firm, Guard, +ST-av, m
8Grukka da ButchaLineman4036Dirty Player, Kick, Blockd
13Drogk LazyeyeThrower3722Pass, Sure Hands, Dirty Player, Accurate 
4Prigglu Da BlindGoblin4427Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, +MA, Catchm, n
13Grobak da GitLineman70d
16Krok da KneekappaLineman2310Dirty Playern, m, n
12Sarsh WhitefangBlitzer5865Block, Dodge, Guard, Mighty Blow, Tackle-ma, m, n
11Kurka ManeaterBlitzer69129Block, +AG, +MA, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball, Guardn
10Rugluk RedearBlitzer2432Block, Stand Firm, Tackle, +MA-av, m, n, n
4Grokka GreenskinThrower1719Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Block 
1Raugg TwelvetoothBlack Orc Blocker2628Block, Mighty Blow-ma, -av, d
3GorkLineman5646Diving Tackle, Block, Tacklem, n
4Bugga BlastabreenGoblin10Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuffd
3Surgakk StrongarmThrower23Pass, Sure Handsd
16Huurg WhiteearBlitzer913Block, Guardm, -av
6Ghorrk GutripperBlack Orc Blocker5083Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Break Tacklen
14Magga DeathmawBlitzer107Block, Guardd
15Orguh DoomdrinkerLineman93103+AG, Block, +ST, Sure Hands, +ST-ma, n, d
12Burk DeadeyeThrower130Pass, Sure Handsd
14Krag DeathmawBlitzer76Block, Guardn
11Pugglu DeathtrapGoblin1928Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuff, +MA, Catchd
8Bug Da BrainLineman4917Kick, Blockd
5Podhug GrimjawBlack Orc Blocker7581Block, Guard, Mighty Blow, +ST, Stand Firmn, m, n
8Klogga the GreatLineman32m, -ma
6Grish WhitefangBlack Orc Blocker176Blockd
2Ruuk BloodbiteBlack Orc Blocker111101Block, Mighty Blow, Guard, Tackle, Break Tackle-ma
8Brigga "Da Brain of da Clan" BluppGoblin30Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuffd
15Kroog UgglaLineman1318+MA, Blockn
14Barak KrokkLineman95m, n
7Gr'k BonetenderTroll9694Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Block, Guard, Multiple Block, Break Tackle, Juggernaut 
10Warash BlackfangBlitzer4022Block, Guard, Mighty Blowd
13Morgla ManslayerLineman409+STd
12Murk DeadeyeThrower2528Pass, Sure Hands, +ST, Blockd
12The Great PuggGoblin40Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuffd
11Kalash WhitefangBlitzer2631Block, Stand Firm, Frenzy, Guardn
10Varash WhitefangBlitzer718Block, Stand Firm, Guardn
9Bharak BloodtongueBlitzer76109Block, Stand Firm, Guard, +AG, Mighty Blow, Dodgem, n
8Bligga "The Flooin 'Un"Goblin165Dodge, Stunty, Right Stuffd
7Gurk'haTroll1016Mighty Blow, Regenerate, Really Stupid, Throw Team Mate, Always Hungry, Big Guy, Block, Guardn
6Krakk TGroinsplitterBlack Orc Blocker2127+AG, Blockd
5Brugak BonetearerBlack Orc Blocker2554Frenzy, Stand Firm, Block, Guardn
4Mulrak WhiteearBlitzer43102Block, Guard, +AG, Tackle, Mighty Blow, Strip Ball-ma
3Gobrak GrimfangThrower4356Pass, Sure Hands, Accurate, Safe Throw, Dump-Off, Dirty Player-av, -ma
2Raugg BloodbiteBlack Orc Blocker2215+AGm, -ag
1Ruuk TwelvetoothBlack Orc Blocker5253Stand Firm, Frenzy, +ST, Blockd