Past Players of Hashut's Greatest Glory
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
2 | Taur'ruk Abas'son | Bull Centaur Blitzer | 4 | 1 | Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull | d |
13 | Khan Maaqua'sonz | Hobgoblin Lineman | 1 | 0 | | n |
5 | Ghorth the Sorcerer'son | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 5 | 2 | Block, Iron Hard Skin, Thick Skull | m |
11 | Khan Maaqua'son | Hobgoblin Lineman | 7 | 3 | Tackle | n, m, d |
10 | Khan Ardenor Crush'son | Hobgoblin Lineman | 1 | 0 | | -ag |
13 | Khan Yargoth the Breaker | Hobgoblin Lineman | 16 | 13 | Wrestle, Shadowing, Pro | n, n, d |
12 | Khan Maaqua | Hobgoblin Lineman | 7 | 0 | | -ag |
11 | Khan Dror Ragzlin | Hobgoblin Lineman | 7 | 0 | | d |
10 | Khan Ardenor Crush | Hobgoblin Lineman | 2 | 6 | Sure Hands | d |
9 | Rykarth the Unbreakable | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 12 | 6 | Block, Iron Hard Skin, Thick Skull, Guard | m, d |
7 | Drazhoath the Ashen | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 4 | 0 | Block, Iron Hard Skin, Thick Skull | d |
5 | Ghorth the Sorcerer | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 11 | 2 | Block, Iron Hard Skin, Thick Skull | m, -ag |
4 | Astragoth Ironhand | Chaos Dwarf Blocker | 19 | 26 | Block, Iron Hard Skin, Thick Skull, Mighty Blow, Horns, Stand Firm, Dauntless | m, d |
2 | Taur'ruk Abas | Bull Centaur Blitzer | 18 | 53 | Sprint, Sure Feet, Thick Skull, Block, Sure Hands, Juggernaut, Brawler, Dirty Player | m, n, d |