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* * * Did you know? The most aggressive player is Taku the Second with 6628 blocks.
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Past Players of Knuckle Dusterz
Team Page
12Uzul ZombiefistGoblin10Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty 
13Snat VampiredevourerOrc Lineman110Animosity-ma
1Yagak GobarmGoblin2015Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Defensive, Catchn
11Durzub DreadeaterOrc Lineman2023Animosity, Block, Dauntlessn, n
9Grogmar DorfwingBlitzer2124Block, Animosity, Tackle, Mighty Blow-ma
5Shargam DreadchopperThrower82Sure Hands, Pass, Animosityd
5Ushug WolfbellyBig Un Blocker2111Animosity, Block-ma
1Shura AmazonstoneBig Un Blocker14Animosityn