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* * * Did you know? The most touchdowns in a single match is 23.
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Past Players of Athel Loren Guardians
Team Page
1Dalron ThundercallWardancer1237Leap, Block, Dodge, Mighty Blow, Side Step, Dauntlessd
11Dolthan GoldenskyLineman60d
16Oak HighbranchTreeman3121Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Break Tackled
6Antaris GoldenharpCatcher2548Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle-ma, d
8Saladar DawnsongCatcher3754Catch, Dodge, Block, Dauntless, Strip Ball, Side Stepn, d
4Valtonis EaglesoarThrower3853Pass, Block, Accurate, Safe Throw, Kickm, n
14Galdor HawkwingLineman2021Block, Dodged
8Yilgarin MithrilbowCatcher1438Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackled
6Yendar EvergladeCatcher2467Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Nerves of Steel, Dauntlessd
5Yiltharin EverbreezeCatcher210Catch, Dodge, Blockd
6Cendar SilverleafCatcher13Catch, Dodgem, n
14Imrithal RainweaverLineman2350Block, Guard, Dodgem, n
10Faldir SummersongLineman6891Guard, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklen
5Aladir SilverleafCatcher1139Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Nerves of Steeln, d
11Syrandil GoldenskyLineman5955Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklen, n, d
4Araldar SummersongThrower3897Pass, Accurate, Safe Throw, +AG, +ST, Blockn, m, -ma
7Solthon EaglesoarCatcher6073Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Nerves of Steel-ma, d
3Dalthan CloudweaverThrower58128Pass, Block, Dodge, +MA, +MA, Strong Arm, +ST-av, m, n
8Valdarin EaglesoarCatcher2162Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +MA, +AGd
6Halthoran SilverleafCatcher2368Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Tackle, +AGd
7Caladar EaglesoarCatcher754Catch, Dodge, +AG, Block, Side Step, Leapm, n
6Naldor SilverharpCatcher422Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepn, d
11Danthor SummersongLineman1018Block, Guardn
9Teldarin RainweaverLineman3762Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle-ma, -ma, d
16Elm StrongbranchTreeman7876Mighty Blow, Thick Skull, Take Root, Throw Team Mate, Big Guy, Stand Firm, Guard, Break Tackle, Block, Pro, Multiple Blockm, -st, n
5Dalthonis EaglesoarCatcher2575Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Tackle, +AG-ma, m, n
1Dolrathiel StormbringerWardancer100158Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Mighty Blow, Guard, Diving Tackle, +AG-ma, d
2Caldoris ThundercallWardancer110269Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackle, Mighty Blow, +ST, +ST, Prom, n
8Aladar SilverharpCatcher2790Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Shadowingn
1Galthorlan StormbringerWardancer1355Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Guard, Pass Blockn
2Danlarius ThundercallWardancer1050Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Strip Balld
4Gandarius SilverleafThrower49117Pass, Block, Strong Arm, Dodge, Safe Throw, +AGm, n
11Deltharien SilverleafLineman3558Block, Guard, Dauntless, Dodge-st, n
2Vandorian ThundercallWardancer719Leap, Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Stepn
15Nalduris EvenstarLineman12d
6Haldorian GoldfeatherCatcher47116Catch, Dodge, +MA, Block, Side Step, +MA, Shadowingd
10Eldarial SummersongLineman66127Block, Dodge, Tackle, +MA, Side Step, Diving Tacklen
12Danleric StarcatcherLineman125134Block, Guard, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Diving Tackled
3Delthanus FlameweaverThrower3057Pass, Strong Arm, Block, Dodge, Tacklen
7Naldorian StarweaverCatcher59178Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, +AG, Pass Block, Nerves of Steel, Leap, Tacklen, -av
14Velturis HawkwingLineman7264Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tacklen
5Lanforradel EvenstarCatcher55120Catch, Dodge, Block, +MA, +MA, Side Step, Tackled
5Elthanias BrightstarCatcher14Catch, Dodged
7Caldoran EaglesoarCatcher1135Catch, Dodge, Dauntless, Block, +MAn, n
11Galdor SummerbreezeLineman3856+AG, Block, Dodge, Side Stepn, n, -av, d
8Falmallor RaindancerCatcher52108Catch, Dodge, Block, Dauntless, Tackle, Side Step, Shadowingn
9Faranor GoldenskyLineman77179+AG, Block, Dodge, Side Step, Tackle, Leap, Pass Blockn, d
6Gilthor WindcallerCatcher35101Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Pass Block, +ST, Tacklen, -st, d
6Dalthoral MoondancerCatcher323Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Stepn
13Loranthal HawkwingLineman148193Block, Kick, Guard, Dodge, +MA, Tackle, Side Stepd
15Dalthan SilverbowLineman1342Block, Dodge, Tackled
3Salfaradel EverbreezeThrower1628Pass, Block, Dodged
8Syldarril SummersongCatcher2174Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Pass Block, +MAn, n
4Aldoren EaglesoarThrower71112Pass, +MA, Block, Accurate, +AG, +AGn, m, n
7Talfarrel EvenstarCatcher3287Catch, Dodge, Block, Dauntless, Tackle, Side Step, Pass Blockn, d
7Darlon EvenstarCatcher424Catch, Dodge, +MA, Nerves of Steeld
3Thalron HawkeyeThrower1622Pass, Accurate, Blockn, m
6Gilthanor EvenstarCatcher2995Catch, Dodge, Block, +MA, +MA, Dauntless, +AGn, n, n
5Kaldonis StormbladeCatcher55102Catch, Dodge, Block, Side Step, Shadowing, Guard, Tacklen, -av, m, n
2Kelthanus ThundercallWardancer82171Leap, Block, Dodge, Dauntless, +AG, +MA, Tackle, Side Step, Shadowingn, d
3Thorien HawkbladeThrower818Pass, Accurate, Blockd
7Galthan BrightstarLineman77Guardd
1Caladriel StormbringerWardancer104149Leap, Block, Dodge, +AG, Tackle, Pass Block, Side Step, Strip Ball, Shadowingn, n
8Hathdel SilvercloudLineman1728Block, Dodged
9Saldora EvergladeLineman4058Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step-av, m, n
11Taldoris SwiftwindLineman4334Block, Dodge, Kick-av, n, m, n
10Lorfarril SwiftwindLineman81149Block, Dodge, Tackle, Side Step, Pass Block, Guardd
14Saladrius GoldenleafLineman6288+AG, Block, Dodge, Guard, Nerves of Steeln, -av, m, n
13Elloric GoldenleafLineman3044Block, Dodge, Side Stepn, d
12Lothlann EaglewingLineman4875Guard, Block, +ST, Dodged
15Loranil SummersongLineman51m, -ag
16Darius SummersongLineman611Blockm, n