Past Players of Blorc! Blorc! Blorc!
| Player | Position | Games | SPPs | Skills | Injuries |
13 | Lagakh Skeletonbrook | Goblin Bruiser Lineman | 2 | 0 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | |
16 | Gonk Treegor | Goblin Bruiser Lineman | 3 | 4 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty | |
3 | Hanz Lizardbrother | Black Orc | 3 | 0 | Brawler, Grab | |
6 | Durgob Norsefist | Black Orc | 7 | 2 | Brawler, Grab | |
6 | Nar Elffire | Black Orc | 2 | 0 | Brawler, Grab | d |
10 | Gorgo Vampiresmasher | Goblin Bruiser Lineman | 9 | 3 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, Safe Pair of Hands | |
1 | Magub Trollslaver | Trained Troll | 13 | 2 | Mighty Blow, Always Hungry, Loner, Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team-mate | |
16 | Larak Zombieshield | Goblin Bruiser Lineman | 11 | 4 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, Diving Tackle | n, d |
15 | Gharol Dreadbrook | Goblin Bruiser Lineman | 7 | 12 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, Wrestle | d |
13 | Rulfim Gobpicker | Goblin Bruiser Lineman | 9 | 6 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, Pro | m, -av |
11 | Uloth Rattooth | Goblin Bruiser Lineman | 14 | 10 | Dodge, Thick Skull, Right Stuff, Stunty, Tackle | n |
6 | Shura Trollchopper | Black Orc | 6 | 0 | Brawler, Grab | -ma |
3 | Ragash Frogfist | Black Orc | 12 | 4 | Brawler, Grab | d |
2 | Dul Ogresnake | Black Orc | 15 | 10 | Brawler, Grab, Block | |